Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Workplace Issues: 25 Things That Really Annoy Your Co-Workers

There are certain things that can surely annoy employees in the workplace at all levels and from every job industry. Everyone has worked with someone who has done something to really get on your nerves at one time or another. And sometimes the annoyers don’t even realize they are annoying. Unfortunately, some of these pet peeves are sure to cause unnecessary conflict, insufficient work results, and avoidance.  After talking with several of my colleagues from various career backgrounds we discovered things that are most annoying in the workplace. Here is a list of 25 things that most employees profess to be the most annoying in the workplace. 

1. Cyber slacking- browsing the net…this is sure to annoy your co-workers, along with spamming and forwarding non-work related messages during working hours.
2. Habitual tardiness- causes a slow down in productivity, creates workplace conflict, and some really angry co-workers…especially when you are job sharing or working flex hours and it directly interferes with your co-worker’s time.
3. Habitual absenteeism- places an additional burden of responsibility on co-workers who already have a full workload.
4. Leave early frequently- excuses, excuses, excuses…never ending reasons for having to leave early.  Guess who has to finish up the work that this worker didn’t complete?

5. Petty gossip- hearsay creates a chaotic work environment and can be quite annoying. Some people love to stir up strife in the workplace. Doesn’t this just get on your nerves?
6. Brown-nosing- nothing more annoying than a co-worker who kisses up to the boss to curry favor.
7. Constant whiner- these individuals are very pessimistic and are always complaining about everything and everybody.
8. Low productivity- lazy co-worker who barely does his/her share of the work and makes excuses as to why they are unable to deliver quality work.
9. Eating at the desk- certainly, there will be times when one may not have time to take lunch and will have to eat at the desk.  However, some foods are quite smelly and will stink up the whole office.  Not to mention the co-worker who smacks loudly, burps, and chews with his/her mouth open.  Talk about annoying! Not only is this annoying…it’s plain rude.
10. Jam/Break the copier or other office equipment- what about the co-worker who breaks the copier then walks away without notifying the right person.  Or uses the last sheet of paper in the copier and/or fax and will not refill it.  This is so annoying and inconsiderate as well.

11. Unpleasant disposition- these individuals can be so difficult to work with because they display a very bad attitude most of the time. These are the co-workers you like to avoid (other than for work related issues) when you can.
12. Overly talkative- these co-workers don’t when to stop talking and can be quite annoying…won’t let you get a word in edgewise.
13. Banging on the keyboard- when your co-worker types so loud that it’s difficult to concentrate on your work.  This is so nerve wrecking!
 14. Bringing unruly children to work- don’t you hate it when employees bring their children to work and let them run through the office, disturbing everyone…while they are supposedly taking care of business on their day off.  Yes, the kids are cute, but… Other than “bring your child to work day”, unruly children don’t belong in the workplace unsupervised.
15. Cracking gum- this is one of the most annoying things to have to put up with in the workplace.  And it’s really a shame when you can hear them cracking 10 feet away from your work area.
16. Talking loudly on the phone- when your workstation is near someone who talks very loudly on the phone. You can hear everything from work related issues to personal problems practically everyday.  How annoying!
17. Borrowing money- the employee who seems to always be a dollar short or forgot to bring money and needs to borrow with a promise to reciprocate “tomorrow”.
18. Radio to loud- this is so annoying and makes it hard to concentrate on your work. Also, may not particularly enjoy listening to the station they like.

19. Leaving microwave dirty- How may times have you gone to warm up your food in the microwave and it was filthy?  Just looking at the inside makes you nauseous. It annoys me that some don’t bother to clean up after themselves.
20. Leaving the kitchen dirty- not only do they leave the microwave dirty, some leave their dirty dishes in the sink, or leave the tabletops nasty for someone else to clean.  It’s so infuriating to have to clean behind someone else.
21. Messy workstation- these workers don’t seem to mind working in a disorganized environment. But is so frustrating for someone else who has to locate work in this terminal when they are out of the office.
22. Coming to work sick and spreading germs- coughing all over the place and don’t bother to cover their mouth, will also use your phone, or want to be the first to stick their hands in the donuts and refreshments provided for the staff. That’s why it’s good to keep hand sanitizer, alcohol rubs, and Lysol spray handy.
23. Excessive socializing during working hours- these individuals spend just as much time socializing as they do working.  This explains why the quality of work is poor and productivity is low.
24. Multiple work errors constantly- so irritating when the same employee constantly makes the same errors time after time.   It’s as if they don’t care…
25. Stealing someone’s lunch from the fridge- and finally, it amazes me at how someone thinks he/she can just help himself / herself to someone’s lunch without asking.  And of course, no one will admit to stealing it after the owner discovers it gone.

Yes, my friends…these are things we found to be the most annoying in the workplace.  Can you think of anymore?  Feel free to add to the list of the most popular workplace annoyances below.

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