Monday, June 16, 2014

9 Ways to Enhance Your Time Management Skills at Work

Managing your time effectively at work can lead to increased productivity and job satisfaction…and possibly promotions and salary increases.  On the contrary, poor time management skills can decrease work productivity significantly and is the basis for unnecessary conflict between workers. Keep in mind that good time management skills is a key element to the success of any company. Do you have difficulty completing assigned task on time?  Are you always late for meetings? Are you unable to meet work deadlines regularly?  If you find that you are unable to complete assigned task, meet deadlines, and often miss important events and appointments, you will need to find better ways to manage your time more effectively. Because…it’s obvious that current method and strategies are ineffective. Understandably, you can only do so much in a day, but it’s how you manage your time that makes a difference. Listed are nine effective techniques and strategies for improving your time management skills and achieving maximum productivity results in the workplace.
1). Use a daily planner- firstly, you will need to purchase a daily planner that is most suitable for your business or one that is convenient for you to access- whether portable, paper-based, or electronic- use whatever works best for you.  The planner is an excellent tool for prioritizing and organizing things to do. Use your planner to fill in appointments, events, and to organize your task for the day, week, and month.  This way you will know exactly what you need to do and the time it needs to be done.
2). Add information~ date and time in the appropriate slot - you should make it a point to start filling in your tasks, appointments and other events into your planner the moment you receive them.  Use the color-coding system to highlight priority and time-sensitive events, task, and appointments. 

3). Prioritize task- Prioritize task starting with the most time-sensitive and pressing things first, followed by things of least importance.  Refer to color-code entries to determine what to do first and the timeframe needed to complete it. Work on tasks that require more time to complete before tackling task that require less time.  You should delete or cross off things as you complete them.  This makes it easier for you in that it distinguishes your accomplishments from things you have yet to do.

4). Multi-task- in order to make the best use of your time, you should master several duties at once. For example, you can print your daily reports while reviewing time-sensitive documents.  Or typing correspondence while listening to your voicemail and so forth…

5). Set goals- set realistic goals then work efficiently to accomplished each goal as anticipated…even if means working over-time or delegating duties.

6). Seek assistance- there may be times when you will need to seek the assistance of your co-workers should find that you are short of meeting deadlines.  Delegate task to workers you know are competent in this job.  Or at least inform your manager and he/she can appoint someone to help you. This shouldn’t be a problem…especially if everyone is cross-trained.  This will also relieve you from unwanted stress.

7). Don’t procrastinate- Complete your assignments when you have the opportunity to do so.  Never put off work-related business for later when you have the resources and the time to complete them. Procrastination will no doubt cause you to get behind in your work and can cause unnecessary conflict with your co-workers.

8). Avoid distractions- too often employees will spend more time on non-work related things and/or socializing with co-workers rather than focusing on completing goals and objections.  You should avoid any unnecessary distractions that might hinder you from accomplishing goals. This should also include work assignments and/or phone calls that can be handled later.  Focus on meeting deadlines and attending scheduled meetings and events first.

9). Use down time sensibly- it’s okay to takes breaks when needed to refresh your mind and body or to grab a bite to eat. But you can also take advantage of times when you are less busy.  Use this time to review your planner to ensure that you are on target and get a jump-start on your duties and assignments for the next day and so forth.


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