Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Tips for Attaining -The Employee of the Month Award

It's an honor to be nominated by your employer to receive the employee-of-the-month award. Employers set the criterion for eligibility into this program in advance. Deciding factors might include employee’s length of employment, being in good stead with the company, employee’s job level, and so on… The decision to award a deserving employee is typically based upon the employee’s accomplishments and overall job performance within a specific timeframe. The objective here is to make it attainable and fair for all employees to participate. Employers often use extrinsic rewards to motivate its employees to work their best as they help the company obtain its goals and objectives. 
 Honoring the chosen Employee(s) is oftentimes demonstrated by awarding a plaque, or a certificate, posting the employee’s picture in the company lobby, a mention in the company newsletter, cash, lunch, and other nice perks. It’s quite engaging when employers allow its employees to make suggestions for the perks they’d like to receive.  By doing so, employees will be more inspired to work effectively towards attaining this award while helping the company achieve success. If you are employed with a company that has an employee awards program in place, here are general tips for becoming the next recipient of this award.
What are the criteria for obtaining this award?
First and foremost an interested individual would need to find out the particulars for obtaining this award.  Each company has its criterion already established for the ideal recipients.  You will need to find out the policies your company has elected to determine eligibility.  This information should be available someplace within your company. Once you’ve learned the basics, you can then
conclude whether or not this is something you’d like to pursue or if you meet the qualifications for such.

What are your manager’s job expectations of you?
When you were hired for your job---you agreed to effectively perform your duties and responsibilities in a timely manner as expected by your manager.  If you’re ever in doubt about what it expected of you, you can always refer back to your job description or simply ask your manager.  Don’t be shy about asking your co-workers for assistance when you need it as well.

Faithfully perform your job duties
Once you know what is expected of you, you should faithfully perform your duties every day you are required to be at your job. Meet your weekly and monthly deadlines. In fact, sometimes you will need to go above and beyond the call of duty.  This could mean coming in a few minutes early or working overtime as needed. Managers take notice of employees who demonstrate loyalty to their job and to the company overall without being hounded.  Furthermore, you should endeavor to ace your performance review. Set realistic goals for yourself and work hard toward achieving those goals.

Maintain an excellent attendance record
Your attendance, of course, will be a determining factor in receiving this award. How can you expect to be nominated if you call in sick often or stroll in late whenever you feel like it?  It will also help if you would not take extended lunch breaks without permission from your supervisor or manager. Be considerate of your co-workers and come back from your breaks on time.  Your presence is needed in your work area and crucial to achieving departmental success.

Demonstrate team player skills
How are your social skills?  Being able to work well with your co-workers plays a vital part in attaining this award.  Help your co-workers complete assignments when you are able to. You should also Support and praise others who receive the award even before you receive it.  Moreover, you should support the company vision and remain loyal to your co-workers, the company, and to the customers.  Display professional demeanor while in the workplace at all times.

Stay positive and pleasant
Lastly, try to keep a good attitude while you’re at work.  Especially when you’re in the presence of customers.   Don’t bad-mouth the company, your manager, or your co-workers to anyone.  If you find that your co-workers insist on behaving negatively and finding fault with everyone, don’t get involved.  Try to avoid unnecessary workplace conflict if possible.  If conflict arises, try to resolve your differences peacefully.  Otherwise, seek the aid of your manager.

Concluding, earning the employee-of-the-month award has its advantages. It proves that your manager (along with other staff members who are instrumental in selecting the nominees) has taken notice of your achievements in the company and thinks highly of you.  However, obtaining this award will require relentless effort on your part. You should also keep in mind that achieving this award could lead to promotions, raises, and possibly job security.
 Much success!


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