Saturday, June 7, 2014

Easy Strategies for Maintaining Work-Life Balance

Do you find yourself struggling to manage your career, home life, and social life?   If so, you are not alone, but this is the norm today for many. Observably…many have opted to choose a job or a career that they desire to be successful in while attempting to maintain happiness at home along with sustaining an active social life. Women in particular, seem to find it rather difficult to juggle a career and home life. Sometimes work interferes with home life and this can become very stressful over a period of time.

Though it may be challenging at times, it’s not impossible to maintain a healthy balance between your work life and personal life. That is, having a rewarding career while experiencing enjoyment in your personal life as well. There’s really no need to give up your personal life just because you’ve chosen a job or career that you are loyal to.  You can keep your work and personal life in harmony by scrutinizing your priorities to determine what’s vital and meaningful and what’s not.  Listed are simple strategies for keeping your work and personal life in balance.


Choose a suitable job or career- when you select your occupation not only should it be something you enjoy but one that coincides well with your personal life also.  For example, choose a profession that allows flexibility so that you can take time off to be with your family when you need to.
Prioritize task- Work smart, start the workday by completing priority and time-sensitive task first and set aside task that can wait until later. 

Employ time management- use your time effectively on the job to accomplish goals and meet crucial deadlines.  Don’t waste time on trivial matters or engage in petty office gossip. Nor should you volunteer to take on additional responsibilities if you are unable to deliver effectively and in a timely fashion.

Ask for assistance- whenever you find that you are unable to complete an assignment on time, don’t panic, but ask for help from a co-worker(s) who is competent in your area of work and dependable as well. Resorting to teamwork will enable you to finish your work on time and alleviate unnecessary stress.

Inquire about flex-hours- ask your manager about working flex-hours or job share so that you can attend to personal matters when they arise and meet the needs of your family.  You should also take your scheduled lunch consistently and much needed breaks to avoid work burnout, which could ultimately affect your ability to produce quality work.


Have a reliable back-up plan- there will be times at home when you will need help with your chores and other responsibilities and should delegate some of your chores to a reliable family member or friend when you are overwhelmed with obligations.

Just say no- don’t be shy about telling family, friends, and others “no” when you don’t have the extra time or the energy to take on additional unnecessary burdens.  Some will not like the answer you give them, but you need not feel bad.

Take time to relax and enjoy life- once you leave the job don’t concern yourself with work issues, but instead take time to relax and enjoy your family and friends. Bottom line, divert your attention away from the job and direct it on your personal life.

Reward yourself- do things you enjoy most during your time off. Go to the movies, bowling, skating, get a health club membership, swimming, practice your hobbies, and so on… You should also plan to spend your vacation time with family and friends.  Avoid spending your vacation time and other time off engaging in---or responding to work-related matters.

Higher work productivity
Job satisfaction
Job loyalty
Job rewards and recognition
More time with family
Happy home life
Healthier, mentally and physically

Low work productivity
Declining health


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