Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Benefits of Being a Good Team Player at Work

Employees need to realize the importance of working well with their teammates when coming into a new job or an existing one. When employees willing, (that is, make a conscious decision to become a team player) work together as a team to execute work assignments and to accomplish goals, the whole company benefits as a result.  Employees will benefit individually as well. However, management should be the first to foster a team spirit in the workplace, particularly within their departments.  For certain, management sets the tone for workplace harmony and unity.  Managers should aim to establish and maintain a team environment that includes everyone. Employees generally look to their managers for direction and needed support in the first place.  Therefore, management should take full responsibility in making sure that each worker is properly trained for his/her job and emphasize that all work as a team. And should even cross train to ensure that the work assignments are still effectively completed in the event of staff shortages. When employees are treated fairly, given meaningful work assignments, and know what is expected of them, they will more than likely perform competently and help their teammates meet job expectations as well. Overall, a team player is more valuable to the company than an individual who chooses to be uncooperative.  So what are the benefits of one being a good team player?

Increased productivity- teamwork results in increased productivity in the workplace. When employees work together as a team to accomplish goals and objectives, it will conclude in getting work done in a timely manner…and possibly before the expected time. On the contrary, when an employee refuses to work together to complete work assignments and achieve desired goals, it can impede productivity tremendously and even create unnecessary conflict in the workplace.

Collaboration – of course employees are expected to work independently at times. However, there will be times when unforeseen circumstances will arise where an employee will emphatically need the assistance of his/her co-workers.  For example, he/she may encounter difficulty in comprehending and completing an assignment, or meeting a work deadline, or meeting the need of a customer. These are instances where team support is crucial in attaining departmental goals and objectives for the company successfully.

Workplace harmony- teamwork produces harmony and strengthens healthy relationships amongst the workers. Everyone works together to attain a common goal for the benefit of the company.  But keep in mind though that this would require the cooperation of everyone.  One uncooperative employee could destroy good camaraderie and unity in the workplace. Also, no employee is entitled to his/her set of rules but must adhere to the same rules as everyone else.


Job satisfaction- when employees learn to become good team players, it will ultimately increase job satisfaction.  Happy employees are more apt to deliver quality work results and demonstrate loyalty to their co-workers and to the company.

Boost employee morale- teamwork helps in boosting morale.  Working together as a team allows each to gain and transfer knowledge to one another.  Employees can use acquired knowledge to help achieve organizational success. When employee morale is high, workers tend to be more cooperative with one another and productivity is enhanced.

Involved in the decision making process-  a good manager will allow his employees to become involved with any decision that directly affects his/her job. This in itself will help produce good team players and cooperation amongst the workers.  When employees are allowed to make suggestions and give their input concerning their job, it strengthens the team spirit overall.  Employees can bring their creative minds together to complete task and to solve problems more effectively.

Career advancements-  individuals who are good team players oftentimes have excellent interpersonal skills are usually very successful in their careers. Team players make good leaders as well. Team players harvest other benefits such as, promotions, salary increases, and recognition rewards.

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