Tuesday, June 10, 2014

7 Ways to Improve Poor Customer Satisfaction Ratings

Manager, if you've discovered that your customers rated your business just barely average or below average, you are probably not happy with these results. Obviously, you received poor ratings because you provided poor service and products. However, there are ways that you can improve poor customer service in your establishment if you are ambitious about growing your business. Lets face it…you can’t blame your customers for opting to do business with your competitors if you failed to meet their needs. Take heed that dissatisfied customers could potentially run away your loyal (existing) customers while dissuading new ones from supporting your business if don’t listen to their concerns and offer satisfactory outcomes for bad experiences they’ve encountered.  In order for your business to thrive you will need to maintain customer loyalty. Here are 7 tips for strengthening your customer base while improving customer satisfaction within your business venue.

1). Hire top talent- first and foremost, the company management team will need to collaborate with your Human Resources department to ensure that the right individuals are hired.  Putting competent workers in place is key to boosting customer service ratings. Your employees are a true reflection of your business and play a vital role in customer satisfaction in general.

 2). Greet your customers with a smile- train your staff to demonstrate customer-focused attitude continually. Your employees should be prepared to service each customer with a smile while displaying a professional and courteous demeanor. This will help your customers' feel valued and comfortable while in your facility. However, management should set the example initially. You should also keep in mind that you may have quality products but if the service is poor this is a big turn off to your customers.
3). Provide sufficient training for your employees- in order to provide the best service possible, you should invest in the latest trends and technology to execute job assignments and to service the customers.  Make sure your employees have the proper training and tools needed to effectively perform their jobs and to assist the customers.

4). Open your doors on time- it’s crucial to your customers that you open the doors of your business as advertised. Don’t inconvenience your customers by opening your business late.  If you publicize that your business opens at a particular time, make certain you open at that time.  In fact, you should be on the premises before your business is scheduled to open.  For example, if your business is scheduled to open at 8.00, you or a member of your team should be there by 7:30 to get things organized before your customers make their entrance or call you on the phone.  And your business should also remain open until it’s schedule to close for the day as well.

5). Take time with your customers- as manager, you should get to know your customers… especially those who patronize your business regularly.  Let them know that you appreciate their business and always thank your customers for their support.  Keep survey forms available for your customers to complete or else instruct them to go online to the company website (provide web address) to complete a short survey regarding the service they received during their most recent visit. This will keep you abreast of the customers’ complaints, dissatisfaction, opinions, and suggestions about your business.  You should also give “thank you” incentive rewards to those who take time to complete a survey.

6). Provide efficient and timely service- once your customers enter your business you should begin to service them.  You should never ignore your customers or keep them waiting too long.  If you find that you are busy with other customers and/or short staff when more customers arrive at your business, you should acknowledge their presence and let them know that you will be with them shortly.  When you are finally able to service them…you should apologize to them for having to wait.  And in the event of extensive time waits…you should offer your customers a soda, or a discount on their purchase, or a coupon for their next visit, or other affordable freebies for the inconvenience.  You should set realistic goals for your staff to achieve.  Set realistic timeframes as to how long it should take your staff to service a customer and then monitor the performance of your staff consistently.  Your customers need to know that you value their time and that you appreciate their support before they will remain loyal to you.

7). Enforce company rules and code of conduct- every company should establish a set of rules that its employees should abide by.  But what good does it do to have rules if you don’t enforce them?  For example, if your business is in the restaurant industry your employees might have uniforms that are required to be worn while at work…and so on.  The code of conduct manual should accentuate how employees should behave while at work.  Management should make sure that every employee receives a company handbook that lists this information and the consequences for those who don’t comply.

* Maintain competitive prices
* Meet with your staff regularly regarding business related matters
* Don’t discriminate against any of your customers
* Terminate employees who refuse to comply with the rules or disrespect your customers
* Keep your facility clean and tidy
* Market good quality products that meets the customers wants and needs
* Follow up with customers who submit complaints, promptly
* Bear in mind that your customer is always right, even when they are wrong


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