Monday, June 23, 2014

Best Ways to Save Money on Your College Textbooks

If you don’t know by now, college textbooks are not cheap...especially if you purchase them new.  If you plan to enroll as a full-time student, keep in mind that you can expect to pay approximately $250.00 or more for each book.  And depending upon your major, you can expect to pay even more.  You should also remember that your textbook expenses will continue every semester…and will subsequently add up over time. However, there are some practical ways in which you can reduce the cost of your textbooks if you are willing to take the time to do so. Considering all of your other educational expenses, cutting the cost of your textbooks will be less of a financial burden on you.  Listed below some of the best ways for saving money on your college textbooks.  Though…bear in mind that you will need to get a jump-start on these tips early.  Once you have learned what classes you will be taking, you should find out which textbooks you will need for each class then move forward in making your purchase from your college bookstore, online, or from other students. Or better yet…you can also rent, borrow, exchange, or sell them back.

Purchase gently or moderately used books

Consider purchasing gently to moderately used books in an effort to save on your textbook expenses.  These books are generally used by maybe one other person and may have slight markings and highlights on some of the pages.  And some gently used books will be in good shape because the previous owner(s) rarely used them or was careful not to ruin them.  Nevertheless, you will not have to pay full price for these books.

Purchase books in bad or overly used condition

Consider purchasing books that are visibly in bad condition. These books are generally used by more than one individual and are badly damaged in one way or another or have excessive markings and highlights on several pages. As long as you are able to clearly read the print you should be okay. You can expect to save immensely on these books. 

Purchase your books online

A good way to save money on your textbooks is to purchase them online from Amazon, Ebay, Barnes and These sites sell new and used books and they are usually far less expensive than the bookstore. This method has become quite popular among many students who want to save money on textbooks. There is also a plethora of online sites in which to choose from where you can purchase your books as well.  Just make sure that you have the correct title, author, edition, and ISBN number before you make your purchases.

Sell your old books back for cash

If you are sure that you will no longer need specific books, you can sell them back to your school.  Use the money that you make from the book sells to purchase your new books.  Now if you feel that some books are of value and that you will need to refer back to these books later, then you should keep them.

Rent your books

You might also consider renting your books only for when you need them. Check with your college’s bookstore to see if they do this.  If they don’t, you can also go online to or to rent your books.  Many students find this to be a good way to save on book expenses.

Exchange books with other students

You can always exchange books with other students when either of you no longer needs certain books for the same classes.  Some students may lend them temporarily and others may give them away at no cost to the receiver.

Borrow your book(s)

You might consider checking out specific books from your college library if available at the time you need them.  The only draw back is that you will not be able to make any marking in them because they are library property.  You will also need to recheck book(s) out when the  checkout time expires if you still need it for the semester. Keep in mind that many students have this same idea in mind, so you will need to get on this early on.

Trade your books

And finally, you can always trade your paper back books at

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