Monday, June 16, 2014

Beating Work Deadlines Without the Stress

Unquestionably, trying to meet and beat work deadlines successfully can be quite stressful. Nevertheless, it’s imperative that you successfully meet your deadlines. Why?  Because your internal staff, your customers and clients are depending upon you to deliver quality output in a timely fashion. You can be the most competent employee but unless you can meet your deadlines consistently, your company will suffer decreased productivity and financial loss, and your reputation will be negatively affected as

Meeting your deadlines will ultimately increase company profits and customer satisfaction. Bear in mind that some projects require more time to complete than others and should be handled in a time-sensitive manner. It’s simply a matter of managing your time in the most effective and efficient manner. Learn to relax and don’t sweat the small stuff…focus on high-priority work first. Do you struggle every month-end and/or year-end trying to complete your projects and reports before the deadline? If the answer is yes, this article explains the most effective ways to meet and even beat your deadlines stress-free.

Get clarification~ first and foremost, you should be clearly informed as to what projects are due and when they are due so that you can collect required data in advance and aim to deliver on the due date or before.  You should also get an estimate of how much time you will need in a workday to complete your project. This information is crucial so be sure to get the specifics.

Create a calendar~ preparation is key. Once you create your schedule you should follow it religiously. You should highlight important due dates on your calendar to keep track of project deadlines.  Place your calendar where it’s visible at all times. Remember to update your calendar and make changes as needed.

Follow your schedule~ establish a routine that works best for you.  For example, if you know your project is due every Friday morning, plan early in the week to gather all necessary tools and components to make it happen.

Plan ahead and start early~ you can actually beat your deadlines. Simply target an earlier date than the projects are actually due.  For example, if your reports are due on the 15th of every month…target the 14th and so on…  Finishing your projects early will allow you ample time to check your work for imperfections and to make necessary corrections.

Simplify task~ break down your work to make it easier on yourself…and to keep from getting overwhelmed. Budget your time effectively. And be sure to take breaks as needed to refresh your mind and reenergize your body. You might decide to get a bite to eat, take a coffee break, do stretching exercises, or go for a short walk...  The point being, getting away from the work environment for a short time can help reduce stress.
Use the latest technology to execute your work~ your company should invest in the finest up-to-date technological equipment to process its work in order to achieve maximum work results.  Equipment that is obsolete or in poor working condition will only slow down progress and lacks the effectiveness to surpass its competitors. Be sure to upgrade software frequently and replace old equipment when needed.

Orchestrate a back-up system~ There will be times when you are not in a position to deliver on time or may be out of the office.  That’s why it’s necessary to have a back-up plan in place.  This simply means that you will need to train and appoint competent and reliable workers to complete the job when you are unable to.  You are also accountable for notifying the appropriate staff, clients, etc immediately of any delays or alterations to the original schedule…or if you are pressed for time.  Communicate any issues or unforeseen circumstances immediately via phone, e-mail, voice mail, fax, or in person to anyone it might affect.  Also, sometimes flexibility may be an option for meeting your deadlines…and you should take advantage of this break when you are pressed for time.

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