Saturday, June 7, 2014

Methods Employers Use to Find Qualified Job Candidates

Employers are currently using various methods to find the best job candidates. For one, employers are using non-traditional methods to find top talent today. Modern technology allows employers to find job applicants via social media and internet job boards. But in spite of this, employers still look for qualified candidates the traditional way via company in house postings, employee referral, employment agencies, college fairs, and job fairs.

 Are you persistently searching for your ideal job but haven’t had any success yet?  Keep in mind that there are places employers look to find top talent.  Which means you will need to submit your resume for jobs that interest you--- to the places potential employers look for you.  Employers are currently using various methods to find the best job candidates. For one, employers are using non-traditional methods to find top talent today. Modern technology allows employers to find job applicants via social media and internet job boards.  But in spite of this, employers still look for qualified candidates the traditional way via company in house postings, employee referral, employment agencies, college fairs, and job fairs. Overall, employers must first recruit, then interview, and finally---make a selection based upon the final outcome of interview process.

Be aware that due to high the unemployment rate today, we are in an “employers’ market”.  Which means employers are getting hundreds of responses from job applicants for every job that is posted. This is good news for employers in that---they receive more than enough resumes to choose from.  But unfortunately, many of the applicants who are responding to the ads are not qualified. Employers carefully search through the pool of applicants who respond to their job advertisements for candidates whose resumes are most appealing and best match the job that is posted. So make sure that your resume (without exaggerating) effectively targets the job(s) that interest you and that it’s free from spelling typos and grammatical errors before you submit it.

In house posting – Contrary to popular belief, most employers look within the company first to find a good match for a job vacancy before looking externally. Which is most practical, because going this route will save the company thousands of dollars in recruiting, advertising, and orientation expenses. However, some employees will argue that this is not the case in their company. Many claim their managers often play the game of politics, overlooking qualified employees and go outside to find someone  new.  But managers claim when they resort to looking outside the company, it’s because internal employees simply were not qualified.

Employee Referral program- another way employers find top talent is by implementing an employee referral program. Though these are usually larger companies. Employees can refer job candidates to the company and if one is selected for hire, the employee will receive a monetary award. The reward is an incentive to motivate employees to refer good workers like themselves to the company.  However, some companies will not distribute the award until the new employee surpasses his/her probationary period.

Company website- this is by far the most popular method that employers use today to find top talent.  Years ago, searching for candidates on the internet was unheard of. Modern technology has made it possible for one to submit a resume online within seconds.  And the company recruiter uses the applicant tracking system (ATS) that can sort through hundreds of resumes within seconds to locate qualified applicants.

Internet Job boards- in this high tech era, employers can place employment ads on job boards to find qualified job applicants like Career builder,,, Craig’s list and more.  This means you will need to submit your profile and resume on these sites so that potential employers can find it.

Social Media- employers use LinkedIn, Facebook and other social sites, as a means to attract top talent.  LinkedIn in particular, a professional network, post jobs on its site for employers regularly.  If you haven’t already, you should open an account on LinkedIn and keep your eyes open for job postings that interest you. It’s free to join and you can apply to jobs that interest you right on the site.

Colleges and Universities- Companies recruit potential employees at colleges and universities quite frequently. If you are currently enrolled in college and about to graduate, be on the look out for employers who come looking for you right on your campus.  Keep your resume up-to-date and your calendar open for the date’s companies are scheduled to show up at your school.

Job Fairs- this is a very traditional method for finding top talent. Job fairs present a good opportunity for job seekers to connect with company representatives who are looking to hire within their organizations.

Employment agencies- this is another traditional means in which companies find top talent. Many employers use temporary agencies to find qualified job seekers for positions they are seeking to fill.  In many cases, temp jobs have turned into permanent opportunities.

Public advertising- although not quite as popular as the above methods, employers can also publicize open positions within their company via the newspaper, radio, or television.

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