Monday, June 23, 2014

10 Signs That Your Job Could Be in Jeopardy

If you suspect that your job may be in jeopardy, don’t wait to get the axe. But instead, you should make provisions to seek suitable work with another company before you are asked to leave.
It’s not unusual to feel uneasy about your job security nowadays- given that so many companies are laying off its workers as a result of an economic downturn. If you suspect that your job may be in jeopardy, don’t wait to get the axe.  But instead, you should seize the opportunity to acquire suitable employment with a different company before you are asked to leave.  Understand that it’s easier to find a job if you are currently employed than it is if you are unemployed.  You should also keep in mind that your manager might not necessarily forewarn you that your job is in jeopardy but you should be able detect the warning signs. You don’t have to live in fear but you should have a plan in place should you feel that your job is danger. Listed are ten pointers that divulge how you could be in danger of losing your job at any time.   
1. If you are suddenly excluded from department meetings- if you are suddenly excluded from meetings that you would normally attend, you have reason to be concerned about the future of your employment with the company.  Your manager might feel that your attendance is no longer necessary because your job is on the chopping block. Are you the only employee who is no longer included in the department meetings? You will need to find out from your manager why you were not notified of changes to your regular routine.  If she/he cannot give you a reasonable should begin a new job search immediately.
2. If some of your duties are being redistributed to your co-workers- if some of your normal workload is being redistributed to your co-workers then you will find that your workload and your day will become increasingly slow.  How will your co-workers feel…that you have free time?  How will you feel…being idle while others are working? Your manager may have already determined that your function is no longer needed and your position will be eventually phased out.

3. If you have several write-ups- no doubt you are aware of the reasons for your write-ups.  Write-ups could signify that you have not performed up to management expectations, insubordination, constant tardiness, or absenteeism. Bear in mind that when companies plan staff reduction individuals with multiple write-ups are usually the first to go.

4. If you constantly receive poor evaluations- poor evaluation ratings is a sure indication that your job performance does not meet employer expectations.  And if you are not performing as expected you could definitely be in danger of losing your job.

5. If your hours have been drastically cut- you should keep your eyes open for other suitable job opportunities elsewhere if your manager has drastically cut your normal work hours. This might be a sign that your job will eventually be phased out.

6. If you are training someone for your current position- if your manager asks that you train another employee for your job but do not give you the opportunity to learn another’s job…you have reason to be concern about your job security.  Unless you are cross training with other workers, you could be in danger of losing your job at anytime. Obviously your manager has already selected a replacement for you.

7. If your position is obsolete- advanced technology is one reason for loss of jobs in the workplace. More positions have been eliminated than created due to high tech computers and robots.  Technology has and will cause many obsolete jobs to be eliminated. If the system you are using to execute your job duties and responsibilities is outdated, you can believe that your job is in jeopardy.

8. If the company is downsizing its workforce- there is no guarantee that your job will remain should your manger decide otherwise. Keep in mind that no one is indispensable in the workplace.  When companies cut back…even the most valuable employees could be in danger of losing their jobs.

9. If your manager suddenly request that you document and report your task daily- this could mean that your manager is keeping tabs on you. When your manager suddenly monitors your performance daily…this is a red flag. Perhaps your manager is scrutinizing your work because he/she is trying to determine how to reassign your work to more competent individual(s). 

10. If your manager dislikes you- she/he may give you unrealistic goals that you are not capable of attaining. He/she knows that this will be the ultimate decision to terminate your employment.  If your manger dislikes you, he/she can make it very difficult for you no matter how competent you are.  If you find yourself in this situation, it’s best that you seek employment elsewhere.

  • Use your vacation days, personal days, and floating holidays to interview for new job opportunities.
  • Don’t let your co-workers or your manager know that you are looking for a new job
  • Give your employer a two week notice in writing before leaving the company
  • Try to leave on good terms
  • Don’t quit your job until you find a better one
  • If you feel that you are a victim of discrimination of any sort, contact your Human Resources department/or seek external legal counsel


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