Sunday, June 8, 2014

Seven Effective Ways to Improve Job Performance

Effective workplace performance is the key element in the success of an organization.  And the competency of the workers employed will determine just how successful the organization will be.  It’s imperative that companies hire competent staff to perform all job duties and responsibilities.  Furthermore, Human Resources management is the catalyst to organizational success. Why? HR is responsible for recruiting and selecting the best job candidates to fill job vacancies within the company.  However, there are times when the best workers will need to improve his or her job performance.  Human Resource management is also skilled to assist in the implementation of performance management in the organization. Therefore, department managers will need to collaborate with HR staff to ensure a competent staff is in place and how to effectively improve workplace performance.  Effective communication, good organizational skills, good time management skills, adequate education and training, goal settings, and teamwork are crucial in shaping employee competency and improving job performance.  Employee morale is also a factor in poor job performance.  Managers should use incentives to motivate employees and boost employee morale- this would ultimately improve job performance.
1. Effective communication between employees and managers is crucial in that employees will need to know what is expected of them. Managers will need to provide a clear job description for every employee.  Employees should also have immediate access to the necessary tools in which to complete each assignment in a timely manner.  Example: computer, adequate software, workstation, etc.  Employees are responsible for communicating with their managers should they encounter a problem or have question about a particular task. Managers will need to communicate with employees regularly to get feedback and offer suggestions. Regular communication will also prevent confusion about future job assignments.  
2. Good organizational skills are essential to good job performance. Good organizational skills will enhance job productivity and poor organizational skills will hinder and decrease productivity. It’s very difficult for an individual to perform effectively when they are unorganized!  This might mean that the employee arrive at work 15 minutes prior to his or her start time to get organized. Employees should also keep office desk and workstation clean and clutter-free. Management and staff should arrange work so that workers can promptly locate their work and other relevant items as needed.

3. Good time management skills are necessary for improving job performance. Employees’ work should be done effectively and efficiently in a timely manner. This means that the employee will need to arrange his or her work as to complete the most important and pressing task first, then work on other task until all is complete. Things like filing and mail distribution can be done later. Employees have allotted time in which to complete task and should manage time wisely. Aforementioned, the employees will need to communicate with management to learn which task are priority and time-sensitive. This might also mean that an employee work overtime on occasion to complete assigned task.

4. Adequate training and education will help employees perform task more efficiently and effectively.  Sometimes poor performance is due to a lack of training. Human Resource management should collaborate with department mangers to implement suitable training programs for employees that educate them on how to effectively perform their jobs and to enhance job performance overall. Management and HR should teach employees to tap into their hidden potential and to use their skills to help achieve departmental goals and objectives. Management should proactively not reactively respond to the needs of their employees.

5. Managers should set realistic performance goals (measurable and specific) for their employees and reasonable timelines in which to complete them- and follow-up via performance appraisal. Thus employees will know where they are lacking and should work diligently to improve specific areas. Employees will also learn where they have achieved specific goals.  Managers should work with employees in aligning their goals with the goals of the organization.

6. Managers should promote teamwork amongst their workers. When employees work together as a team they will be able to accomplish goals and objectives more effectively in a timely manner.  There will be times when management will need to delegate authority to dependable employees.

7. And finally, employee morale will no doubt influence workplace efficiency. When employee morale is down- job performance will also diminish. Managers should choose rewards that will help inspire workers to attain workplace efficiency. Managers should distribute recognition of achievement awards to those employees who achieve and exceed expectations. Sometimes a simple “thank you” can boost morale.  In short, job Performance will increase when managers along with HR determine what action is needed to improve performance, then immediately take the necessary steps to attain it. 

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