Saturday, June 7, 2014

Adult Learning: Tips For Going Back to School and Achieving Your Goals

Family obligations, financial insufficiency, procrastination, and fear are reasons why many adults put off going back to school. The good news is, most colleges and other learning institutions accommodate adults who wish to apply to its schools. Nowadays, learning institutions offer online classes, evening classes, and weekend classes to effectively meet the needs of its students...

Are you over the age of 30, have a desire to go back to school but just can’t seem to advance toward your goal?  There are a number of reasons why adults fail to return to school, even though they have a desire to.  Your obstacle could be related to family obligations, financing your education, procrastination, or simply a fear of failing.  It’s no secret that many adults over 30 find it difficult to go back to school and it’s mainly due to the reasons mentioned.  However, there are many adults over 30 who have found the courage to go back to school and are now reaping the benefits of a newfound solid career. These went back to school to either complete unfinished course requirements to earn a degree, made a career change, and some were first time students.

Expressing a desire to go back to school is commendable. However, you must take appropriate steps to make it happen.  With all the resources available today, there is simply no reason why you cannot pursue your ambition.  In fact, most colleges and other learning institutions accommodate adults who wish to apply to its schools. Nowadays, learning institutions offer online classes, evening classes, and weekend classes to effectively meet the needs of its students. Though it might be challenging, it’s very possible to go back to school at any age.  Age in not a factor!

What’s preventing you from pursing your goal?
This is the first question you must ask yourself and be honest with your answer(s).  Everyone’s reason for putting of school varies. For some it’s just one issue, and for others it may be several factors. Once you’ve answered this question you should be able to muster up the courage to move forward because you will possibly conclude that the things you allowed to get in the way of pursing your dream are not valid excuses.

What is your field of interest?
First and foremost, you must decide what it is you’d like to major in. What do you have a passion for?  If you’re in doubt, you should take a career assessment exam to narrow your choices and to discover your talent so that you can move in the right direction.  You will also get an idea of what classes you will have to take when you decide on a major.  Moreover, you will find that pursing your passion will be less difficult to attain, than going after something that you are not suitable for or have a passion for.  Or maybe you have started your education but procrastinated, you should take the necessary steps to complete it.

What school do you plan to attend?
Search thoroughly to find a school that is right for you. You will need to decide on a school that awards a degree or certificate in your desired field.  See my article for selecting a college here: You should also choose a school that is affordable and convenient to travel to.  Keep in mind that most schools give you the option to take classes online.  So if you work full-time you should consider taking online classes.  If you feel you need the traditional classroom configuration you might consider taking some of your classes online and the others in the classroom so that you don’t get stressed out.

How do you plan to finance your education?
The cost of your education is very important and what you can afford to pay out-of-pocket will be a determining factor in which school you should attend---if you don’t qualify for financial aid. Many students take out loans to finance their education, while others prefer to pay cash because of the high interest rates the loans carry.  Some employees have tuition reimbursement benefit at work that helps defray the cost of his/her education. You can find out if you qualify for financial aid or student loans at

Are family obligations preventing you from going back to school? 
Some older adults are caring for elderly parents and/or are guardians to his/her grandchildren and cannot find the time to go back to school.  These should consider taking classes online because one can study at his/her own pace at home.  Also, it would help if the adult student has a reliable family member or friend help with obligations when the student needs a break to attend to studies.  In addition, for those adults who might feel uncomfortable in a traditional classroom setting amongst the younger students, online education is the perfect alternative.

Go for it!
After you have decided on a suitable school and register for your classes, make sure you attend your sessions. Don’t slack off, because you might not get this opportunity again. If your goal is to get your degree in a desired discipline, you should continue until you get it.  If it’s a certificate you want, get your certificate. Bottom line; don’t give up! Your education could open doors for better career opportunities in the future.

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