Monday, June 23, 2014

Job Experience Vs. Education: Which is Most Valuable in the Workplace?

Which is most valuable job experience or education? Whereas both are valuable, you are most valuable to an employer when you have education along with some job experience in your chosen profession.

Job seekers, perhaps you are wondering if potential employers value job experience or education more?  Some may argue that employers value education over job experience but this is not true in all cases.  Some employers may value education more (depending upon the job) whereas others value job skills, and some value both.  You must keep in mind that each organization differs in what it requires of potential employees as well as current employees in relation to various jobs.  In essence, it simply depends upon the employers’ needs and the job itself.  Employers will usually specify the job requirements and level of education needed to qualify for an open position in the job description and/or in the classified ads. 

Work experience- your work experience tells potential employers what you are capable of doing, how long you have possessed these skills, and where you received your training.  What are the job specifications for experience for the job you are targeting?  You will need to give particular attention to the job requirements before you apply because you may not meet the criteria for the particular job that you are targeting.  Some employers will narrow the job search by specifying the years of experience required. So if the job description states that you need three to five years of experience for a particular job and you only have only two, then you do not meet the job requirements.  In some cases, employers will consider your work experience in exchange for a college degree because they value your skills in that--they will not have to train you and you can “hit the ground running.”  Aforementioned, employers will generally list the job requirements for positions they are seeking to fill. If you are not certain about the job experience required for a job(s) you are targeting, you will need to contact the company directly or go to the company website to find out.  Also, you will need to modify your resume and cover letter to match the jobs you are targeting. This means that you may end up with two or three resumes that are tailored for individual jobs. 

Education- your education consists of your college degrees, diplomas, and certificates. What are the education requirements for the job you are targeting?  Keep in mind; you will need to have a college degree in a certain discipline in order to be considered for certain jobs.  Actually, you must possess precise knowledge in a specific field in order to perform some jobs effectively, and this can only be acquired by obtaining higher learning from an accredited college or other educational institutions. You should also bear in mind that some employers require education along with some experience for some jobs.  Unfortunately, college graduates who are fresh out of school will not qualify for these type requirements.  Understandably, some companies do not have the manpower, the time, or the resources to train new college graduates.  This is why many college graduates seek to do internships and work on a volunteer basis to acquire selected experience. But on the other hand, some employers target and hire fresh college graduates to work with their companies because they bring in fresh new ideas that will benefit the company overall. And yet, not only do some companies require that you have a college degree, but they are interested in your GPA and where you ranked in relation to your classmates.  Again, the job description will specify the level of education needed to qualify for a particular job.  If the job description states that you will need a bachelor’s degree in accounting but you only have an associate’s degree in liberal Arts, you do not meet the job requirements.

In conclusion, which is most valuable job experience or education? Whereas both are valuable, you are most valuable to an employer when you have education along with some job experience in your chosen profession.

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