Wednesday, June 11, 2014

National Employee Recognition Day: A Day to Celebrate Employees!

Balloons-aj Clip ArtNational employee recognition day is always observed the first Friday in March. This year employee recognition day is Friday, Mar 7, 2014.  Managers, how do you plan to celebrate your employees? Understandably, companies don’t have the funds in the budget that they once had to honor this event, due to the economic recession.  However, you can still recognize your employees even on a small budget. Although you should take time to recognize your employees regularly, this is a day in which all companies should show their employees how much they value them and appreciate their contributions to the organization.  Remember that your employees are your most valuable assets and you should use extrinsic motivation techniques and incentive rewards to keep them happy.  When employees are recognized and shown appreciation, they are most likely to go above and beyond job expectations, demonstrate loyalty, and experience increased job satisfaction. Hence, managers and supervisors you should mark your calendars for this date. No matter what your budget allowance, you should not think twice about celebrating your employees.  Here are some great suggestions for recognizing your employees on national employee appreciation day.

Employers with smaller budgets

  • Time off with pay- this could be in the form of an extended lunch break, allowing them to leave a couple of hours early, telecommunicate (if possible) for the day, or even work flex hours if not already instituted by your company.
  • Dress down day- permit your employees to come to work in casual attire and/or jeans on that day.  Dressing down doesn’t mean that productivity will decrease.
  • Inexpensive lunch- arrange for a pizza day, or sandwiches and other snacks
  • Pastries and refreshments- provide coffee, tea, doughnuts, and bagels for your employees to enjoy. 
  • Inexpensive gift items- displaying company logo along with an expression of appreciation to your staff. Suggestions: a coffee cup, key chain, tee shirt, writing utensils, or other valuable gifts. When you purchase in bulk you will save tremendously.
  • Personalize thank you cards- present a customized card or certificate to each employee, displaying their name and a message stating how you appreciate and value them.
  • Awards and recognition ceremony- in which to honor and celebrate your employees.

  • Employers with larger budgets

    • Neat gifts- that display the company logo and a thank you message. Use a reputable business where employees can select their own gifts (fixed amount) from the catalog or online.
    • Gift cards- give $10- 15 blockbuster gift card, movie tickets, or other nice perk
    • Say it with money- nothing says it better than money. This could be in the form or a bonus, pay raise, or else allow your staff to take a day off with pay (not at once) in the near future.
    • Breakfast celebration- start with the bagels, pastries, and beverages, and then have breakfast catered in by a reputable eating establishment.
    • Lunch celebration- make plans to have a nice luncheon for your staff.  You can arrange for lunch to be catered into your facility or take your staff out to lunch.
    • Picnic outing- celebrate your employees by sponsoring a picnic or other outdoors event, if the weather permits.
    • Awards and recognition ceremony- for each member of you organization to honor and celebrate their contributions to the company.


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