Monday, June 23, 2014

Essential Guidelines for College Students on Campus Safety

College life can be an exciting era for meeting new friends, learning new things, and joining various social clubs. In general, one may not take time to ponder how things have changed over the years. There was a time when you could feel safe on college campuses without having to fear for your safety. You would rarely heard of theft, (with the exception of petty theft), brutal physical assault, or other gruesome crimes on college campuses.  But that has changed.  More and more crimes have been reported on college campuses and the immediate surroundings. Some fellow students unfortunately are guilty of the minority of the incidents and the others are accomplished by outside perpetrators who case the area looking for the right opportunity to steal, commit murder, or physically assault innocent victims.  They are watching to catch individuals off guard and oblivious of their surroundings.  We should also keep in mind that nowadays people have more valuable possessions such as laptops, iPhones, and other high-tech electronic devices that often catch the eye of would-be offenders who wish to confiscate these items from the original owners.  Prospective offenders will also seek to do harm to individuals if they feel they can get away with it. will need to take extra precautions about where you go and whom you allow into your personal space. 
Here are some important guidelines on how you can be safe while away at college and how to safeguard your personal belongings.
  • Employ the buddy system; if possible, never travel alone but always travel with someone, especially during night hours
  • Safeguard your valuables, keep them within reach and never leave your possessions unattended…even while on campus
  • Leave expensive jewelry and other fine valuables at home, you don’t need them at school
  • If you bike to school, securely lock your bike within the campus grounds
  • Never travel with excessive amount of cash
  • If you ever misplace or if someone steals your credit card(s), report it to the appropriate credit card(s) company immediately and close the accounts!
  • In an effort to prevent being the victim of a crime, you should always be Totally Aware of your Surroundings
  • Trust your instincts, report any suspicious activity to campus police immediately
  • Never invite strangers to your dorm or off-campus quarters
  • Never give your room keys to anyone other than your roommate or someone you can trust!
  • Securely lock your doors and windows when you leave and while sleep
  • Let your roommate or someone know when you will be away
  • Never take a ride from a stranger nor offer a stranger a ride in your vehicle
  • Always close your car windows and lock the doors when parked
  • Try to park in an visible areas, avoid parking in secluded areas
  • If possible, try to travel to the store, bank, laundry mat, etc. during the daytime
  • Keep a working cell phone with you always
  • Be cautious about any parties you attend and watch your alcohol consumption
  • Make sure your emergency contact information is up-to-date in your school records
  • Be sure to study your school manual for safety policies and procedures for your campus and the surrounding areas

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