Monday, June 16, 2014

How to Attract Top Talent to Your Company and Keep Them on Board

Of course, before you can maintain your top talent, you’ve got to attract them to your company and hire them, first.  Putting key people in place will no doubt help prevent employee dissatisfaction, absenteeism, and high turnover. After all, attracting top talent and keeping them on board is a vital aspect to the strength and success of your company overall. Moreover, it will cost the company more to replace and train new workers than it would be to hire the right individuals from the start. Let’s face it; it’s not that simple to find top talent, but when you do get them---you should make every attempt to keep them content. Your ultimate goal should be to keep your top talent satisfied and passionate about working for you. Mangers are you having difficulty finding the right people and keeping them on board? Well…here are the best methods for attracting and retaining top talent. 
Human Resources recruitment and selection process
Human Resources management is the catalyst for strategic recruitment and selection process for the organization. In short, this is where it all begins. Recruitment is the first step in attracting top talent to your company. HR will advertise open positions as to attract numerous candidates to apply to a specific job(s) the company is seeking to fill.  However, HR should not hire individuals solely based upon past job performance and work history verification; and/or who score highly on selection criterion assessment requirement---but should hire individuals who demonstrate integrity and who has proven dependability as well. In other words, just because a candidate possesses outstanding credential, that doesn’t mean that, he/she is the right fit for your company.  You should take into account an individual’s character, as well.  Comprehensive background checks and reference checks are key elements in the selection process, as well. HR should also collaboratively work with the department managers (quality management) when seeking to fill a position. Department managers should have valuable input as to which candidates to hire. When quality management is in place, it will most likely attract quality talent.

Human Resources should endorse the company initially
As the company catalyst, human resource recruiters should depict a positive image of the company as to entice the job prospects they are interested in hiring. And it’s equally important that you do not overrate the company either.  HR should thoroughly explain the company’s mission, values, culture, and goals to the job candidates at some point during the interview process.  The ideal candidate must be willing to support the  company’s mission, values, and goals.

Offer an attractive compensation and benefits package
Money talks!  In these tough economic times, not every job applicant is concerned about being paid a competitive salary but is willing to take the lowest offer. However, top talented individuals still want to receive a competitive salary and above. You should find out what salary your competitors are offering. Offering competitive salary along with excellent benefits is a strategic means in which to attract top talent to your company. Besides the standard benefits such as health, dental, and life insurance, you should offer tuition reimbursement, flex spending, 401 (k), bonuses, employee wellness programs, etc. Bear in mind that these are fringe benefits that many of your competitors use to attract the ideal prospects to their companies.  Your candidates will be more interested in accepting a job offer, once you present the best salary proposal and benefits package to them.


Initiate a positive work environment
Since workers will spend a good amount of time at the company, managers should create a positive and comfortable work environment in which their employees would want to work in.  Promote an atmosphere that is conducive for delivering high productivity and quality work results along with promoting good camaraderie amongst your staff.  

Engage your employees
Once HR puts key people in place, management will need to motivate, coach, and engage them regularly. You should keep your employees knowledgeable and involved in every aspect of the business. Engage your employees in the decision-making process that directly affects their jobs. Make sure work assignments are challenging and meaningful. Maintain an open door policy where they would feel comfortable with approaching you regarding their work assignments, business-related matters and even some personal concerns, too.  This will help to build trust and loyalty with your employees.  Moreover, engaged employees are happier employees and will become more dedicated-plus remain with the company longer.

Offer flex-hours and other perks
Accommodate your employees outside of the workplace by supporting work-life balance. For example, in some instances employees may be able to work at home electronically as opposed to going into the office. Flex-hours are good in that it gives your employees the advantage of selecting hours that best meets their needs. Other work-related perks include; job-sharing, lunch and learn, jean Friday, and casual dress days.  These benefits will help increase employee morale and job satisfaction.

Promote and reward key performers
Mangers should extrinsically reward employees who achieve and exceed work expectations as an incentive for them to continue to deliver quality work in a timely manner. You should also promote employees who have proven work ability when job advancements become available.  This method of promoting from within as oppose to externally, helps to keep talented employees committed to the company.

Concluding, quality starts at the top downward within an organization.  In order to attract top talent to your company you must first provide quality products, quality service, and have quality leadership in place.  


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