Monday, June 16, 2014

The Art and Skill of Interviewing With Confidence

Congratulations!  Your resume grasped the attention of a company recruiter and now you will have the opportunity to prove that you are the best candidate for the position you will interview for.  You got a job interview…now it’s time to snag the job! Your most difficult challenge is your face-to-face interview. This is your moment to elaborate on your talent and skills with poise.   Even though there will- no doubt be other candidates who will also interview for this particular job, you must convince the interviewer that you are the ideal candidate for the position…if you are sure this is what you want.  It’s natural to be somewhat nervous initially, but you shouldn’t allow anxiety to interfere with your ability to interview with confidence.  Here are valuable tips that will help raise your confidence level before and during your interview.

Your Resume
You should bring a clean copy of your resume with you to the interview. This would be the resume that this specific employer received, (just in case you have more than one style of resume you use when targeting certain jobs). Make sure all information is current and accurate.  Double-check your content for grammatical and typographical errors.  Be prepared to give an explanation for any questions the interviewer may ask you pertaining to the information listed in your resume.

Your Attire
You should dress for success on the day of your interview.  Bottom line, you want to dress to impress your potential employer.  Wear professional business attire, only. Dark colored business suites are most appropriate for both men and women, along with casual business shoes.  Your appearance should be neat and clean overall.  To view related article, click link in this paragraph.

Effective Communication
Keep in mind that the interviewing process begins the moment you walk into the interviewer’s office. At first, you will have an opportunity to greet your interviewer with a firm handshake.  Making direct eye contact with your interviewer as you shake hands will display a high level of self-confidence on your part.  Actually, you should maintain eye contact throughout the course of your interview.  During your interview, listen attentively to the questions being asked by the interviewer and answer each truthfully. Never interrupt the interviewer or try to formulate answers while he/she is talking. Always wait until the interviewer is done speaking before you speak. You could miss something of importance and/or could respond incorrectly if you do this. Furthermore, you should articulate your responses in an intelligible manner when it’s your turn to speak. 

Your body language
Your body language is basically a reflection of how you feel inwardly. Therefore, you should make a conscious effort to exhibit a confident demeanor at all times.  Be sure to sit up straight in your chair…demonstrating good body posture.  You might want to practice sitting correctly in front of a mirror at home before your interview.  Bear in mind that slouching is unprofessional and would inevitably demonstrate a lack of confidence on your part as well. You should also keep in mind that interviewers calculatedly observe the individual’s body language along with their verbal communication.

Your interview
You should have an idea of what the job description entails by now…and should be ready to confidently explain why you feel you are the best person for the job to the interviewer. You should have also prepared relevant questions to ask your interviewer at the appropriate time during the interview process.  Questions pertaining to the company, the job itself, benefits, and the company culture…are just a sample of things you might want to ask.  This in itself will impress your interviewer while boosting your confidence level simultaneously. To see related article click link in this paragraph.

Last, eventually you will find that the more you interview  – you will become more skillful at it, and your confidence level will increase as a result.  You may not get a job offer right away- but the fact that you got an interview in the first place should be motivating enough for you to continue your job search with enthusiasm. Ultimately, your exceptional interviewing skills along with your qualifications will, of course impress the interviewer, but will also help you land a job with the right company as well.

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