Tuesday, June 24, 2014

College Life: The Benefits of College Study Groups

There are some great benefits in studying with other college students when preparing for test, quizzes, presentations, and final exams. Study groups are also good for connecting with peers who share similar academic concentrations as you.
Whether you are currently enrolled in college or a prospective student, you should keep in mind that there are some great benefits in studying with other students when preparing for test, quizzes, presentations, and final exams.  Or, if you just need to enhance your overall knowledge and concept of your course lessons. Study groups are also good for connecting with peers who share similar academic concentrations as you. However, in order for the group to be effective, you should be particular about the students that ask to be a part of the group and/or students that you select.  You should connect with students who are serious about study, have good academic standing, and are willing commit themselves for the duration of group study.   Now if a student is struggling in class and would like to become a member, don’t refuse them…for they might do academically better within a smaller group setting. You will also need to collectively decide to meet at a centralized location(s) that is convenient for each member to travel to and that is conducive for study and free from distractions.  Keep in mind that libraries and study rooms are good environments for study. If you have never studied with a group-you should consider it, you will be amazed at the results.  Listed are some awesome benefits of study groups. 

Share Knowledge

One of the nice things about group study is that you can share your intellect with your teammates during your designated study times, and you can learn from your teammates as well.  Everyone will need to come prepared to contribute ideas, knowledge, and to compare classroom notes.

Acquire problem-solving skills

You can learn how to effectively solve class-subject related problems along with your team members and can use this newly acquired skill in everyday life and on the job.

Improve organizational skills

Becoming part of a study group can actually improve your organizational skills.  New responsibilities and making advanced preparations for effective study can aid in improving an individual’s organizational skills.

Improve social skills

You can improve your social skills by interacting with other students regularly. And for those students who are not comfortable with speaking before an audience…use these meetings as an opportunity to improve your presentation skills.  As group members take turns elaborating on various class materials this will increase self-confidence in each.

Improve test scores

When you meet regularly and participate in the group discussions and related activities you will increase your knowledge of your class subjects and subsequently improve your test scores.

Improve Your GPA

Once you learn your course materials well you can improve your test scores that will ultimately improve your GPA.

Learn to work in a team environment

You will learn to work with others effectively and can apply this soft skill on your job or other social arena.  You will learn that as you work together as a team you will accomplish much more than working alone.

Learn goal-setting strategies

You will learn how to set reasonable goals and how to effectively achieve those goals collectively and individually.

Reinforce classroom learning

You will be able to reinforce what you’ve learned in class during your group meeting.  In fact, you might be able to grasp a better concept of your class subjects from your teammates than you could in the classroom and vice versa.

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