Monday, June 23, 2014

How to Effectively Prepare for a Job Fair- 10 Tips!

Job seekers, it’s imperative that you prepare for a job fair effectively.  Keep in mind that preparation is key to a successful job fair experience. Strategic planning will make it well worth attending the job fair(s) of your interest.  Job fairs are perfect opportunities in which you can meet with potential employers who are seeking to hire within their organizations. This is your moment to showcase your talents and skills to multiple employers that interest you.  Make it your business to create a good first impression! Remember that you will be competing against thousands of other applicants who are looking for job opportunities too…so you should be ready to demonstrate good interpersonal skills when approaching representatives for the companies you are targeting. Your resume should be up-to-date and professional looking.  You should only wear business attire, regardless of your career background…and you should be well groomed from head to toe. This could be the beginning of a promising career opportunity if you plan strategically.  These tips are sure to make your experience a success!
1). Which employers will be participating? ~ First, when you learn that a job fair will be in your area, you should find out which employers will be participating to determine whether or not it would be worth it to attend.  For example, if you are seeking a nursing job and the employers that will be participating is seeking to hire in Information technology, engineering, and construction-this particular job fair may not be beneficial for you to attend.  But on the other hand, if you learn that recruiters from various health care organizations will be participating, then of course, you should attend.
2). Pre-register online ~ After you make the decision to attend a job fair, you should pre-register online, if possible.  The sponsor’s site should direct you to create your profile and submit your resume online before the job fair.  This will give interested employers the option to review your resume beforehand.  If an employer is interested in your credentials, they just might call you …even before the event.
3). Dress for success ~ You should dress to impress employers.  In fact, you should dress as if you were going to an actual job interview.  Never wear gym shoes, flip-flops, jeans, or shorts to a job fair.  You should only wear professional business attire as to make a good first impression. You should also cover any visible body tattoos and abstain from wearing fashion body piercing. This could be a major distraction and is deemed unprofessional by many employers.
4). Bring plenty of resumes ~ Be sure to bring plenty of up-to-date resumes and current business cards. Make sure your material is neat and professional looking. In fact, you should have a career expert look over your resume in advance.
5). Arrive early ~ You should plan to arrive early enough to find a good parking spot if you are driving.  And if you are taking public transportation make sure you leave in enough time to arrive early as well. Because you may have to wait your turn to talk with employers, this will enable you ample time to hopefully meet with those employers you are most interested in pursuing a career with.
6). Target employers who interest you first ~ Once you arrive at the fair, you should seek out those employers that you are most interested in first.  This is important in that you don’t want to spend valuable time with employers that don’t interest you.  You should be given a diagram of all participating employers and their locations when you sign in. Use the map to locate your targeted employers quickly. Should you find a line of other job seekers at a job booth you planned to visit, simply go to another employer you’re interested in- then go back to the other later and so on...  You will eventually work your way around to meet all your targeted employers.  In the event you are not able to meet with everyone, simply leave your resume with the company representative (should be an in-box on the table for resumes) and take a company brochure (company will place some on table).  You can always follow up with the company later on.
7). Network with employers ~ As you meet recruiters from various companies, you should express your sincere interest in pursuing a long-term career with their organizations.  Learn what you can about the company and any job openings that interest you while meeting with employer representatives.
8). Network with other job seekers ~ Make it a point to network with other job seekers that you meet at the job fair.  You should exchange business cards and stay in touch with individuals who share the same career interest as you and even those who have dissimilar careers.  Someone may be able to help you get your foot into the door of a reputable organization and vice versa.
9). Prepare a synopsis about yourself ~ When you approach an employer’s station, be sure to greet the representative of that company with a firm handshake and a smile while making direct eye-contact with them.  You should be able to give a brief summary about yourself, your background and your skills within a short timeframe. You will also need to tell the recruiter which position you are seeking. Therefore make sure you brush up on your presentations skills beforehand. This is the perfect opportunity to present your resume as well. So be prepared to truthfully answer any questions the recruiter may ask you.
10). Send thank you cards or emails ~ And finally, you should send thank you cards or email those employers who took the time to speak with you concerning employment opportunities within their companies. You might also want to express your continued interest in working for the organization in your card or e-mail as well.

More Tips:
*Be sure to put your cell phone(s) on vibrate during the job fair
*Be sure to follow up with employers that interest you

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