Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Boost Your Job Satisfaction and Boost Your Morale: Tips for Disgruntled Employees

So you dread going to work when you’re scheduled to be there because you don’t like your job nor do you like the current circumstances surrounding your job. But do you realize that your adamant dislike for your job can have a negative impact on your performance?  Job dissatisfaction can also affect the way you interact with your co-workers as well as the customers. So what are you unhappy about in the first place?  Is it your boss? Is it your co-workers? Is it your salary? Or is it the job itself? You should keep in mind that you have the power to change the way you feel about your job thus improve your spirit overall.  What changes would you like to see in your current job?  You should also take time to examine yourself.  Don’t wait for everyone else and everything around you to change, but instead you should proactively look for ways to boost your job satisfaction. Because you spend a great deal of time at your job…review these tips to find out how you can boost your job satisfaction starting today.
1. Acquire new job skills- if you are dissatisfied with your current career path you should improve your job skills by making a career transition, or take advantage of your company’s training programs, or sharpen your current skill set by taking pertinent classes on-line or on school site.  When you acquire new skills you will increase your marketability and obtain more opportunities to advance in the workplace.
2. Ask for more challenging work- once you make the move to improve your skills you should inform your manager. Let your manager know of your interest to take on more challenging work assignments. View this as an opportunity to grow.
3. Set Goals for yourself -now it’s time to set goals for yourself.  What would you like to accomplish within the next year or two? How do you plan to accomplish those goals?  Bear in mind that you must proactively pursue desired goals.
4. Focus on your strengths- surely you must have some valuable skills that are needed to help achieve goals and objectives in your company or you would not be there. Even though you have not yet acquired desired new skills, you are still an asset for your company in other ways. Focus on your current skills and utilize them to the fullest extent. When you focus on your strengths and you will boost your esteem.
5. Keep a positive attitude -think about the positive aspects of your job, even if this means, just being grateful that you have a job.  With so many qualified individuals out of work, you should be thankful that you have a job. Do you realize how many unemployed job seekers would love to have your job? Also, what things do you like most about your job?  Try to focus on the things that you like most about your job rather than focusing on the things you dislike about it.
6. Avoid office gossip - you should avoid hanging out with co-workers who love to spread gossip and rumors about other workers and the company overall.  These individuals will only cause you to feel more dissatisfied about the company than you already are.  Don’t allow these pessimistic individuals to influence your feelings about your company, your boss, or your co-workers. Understandably, you will have to interact with these individuals at some point while at work, just make sure that you keep it professional and work-related.
7. De-clutter your work area - remove all unnecessary items from your desk as well as your immediate work area.  Arrange your work in a neat and orderly fashion. Clutter will only cause you to become overwhelmed and more frustrated about your job.  
 8. Keep outside issues outside of the office - sometimes it’s not the job that a person is dissatisfied with but it’s the outside issues that they bring to work.  When you bring negative issues from home or other places to the job- it decreases your morale and you’re not as productive as you could be. Do yourself and others a favor, leave outside issues outside! 
9. Take time away from the job - take your vacation time, PTO time, and floating holiday time when you feel the need to do so.  Make plans to get away, relax, and enjoy your time away from the job.  And don’t bring the pressures and burdens from your job with you while you are away. You should also take your breaks and lunches while at work as much as possible.  Getting away from the job for just a short period of time will rejuvenate your mental and physical state.
Wrapping up, once you improve yourself, your attitude will change for the betterment of your job, the company, and your team members. A happy employee is a productive employee!

Job Requirements: The Importance of Hard Skills and Soft Skills in the Worplace

Both hard and soft skills are equally important criteria in the resume screening process.  Employment recruiters carefully screen resumes for specific job requirements, industry-related keywords, and to basically determine whether or not the interested candidate is the right match for a job. High tech electronic scanners can detect specific key words in a resume in a matter of seconds. It’s imperative that you include the right keywords and the required job skills in your resume as to grab the reader’s attention. Once your resume passes the screening process you could get a call from the hiring manger to move forward.  Only qualified applicants will be considered further for an interview. So you will need to tailor your resume to the employer and the position you are targeting to be considered.  You will need to find out…what specific hard skills are required for the job you are interested in?  What are the soft skill requirements?  Be sure to list these skills in your resume if you meet the job requirements. You might ask…do I need to list both hard skills and soft skills?  That simply depends upon what is listed in the job description and you also want to present an impressive resume displaying all of your skills. So the answer is, yes.

The Importance of Hard Skills

What are hard skills?  Your hard skills are your primary skills (technical, administrative, professional) that are needed to perform a particular job. They are tangible, observable and easily measurable.  Hard skills are acquired through training and education.  What type of training and experience do you have?  What discipline is your college degree in? You will need to compare your hard skills with that of the job you are targeting because there are specific hard skills that the hiring manger looks for when screening resumes. If you find that your hard skills listed in your resume do not match that of the job description then you are not qualified for that particular job. Some examples of hard skills are: customer service, accounts payable, accounts receivable, financial analyst, data entry, library science, scientist, counselor, computer technician, executive, CEO, manager, supervisor, programmer, teacher, nurse, sales forecasting, writer, project management, recruitment, and administrative assistant. Hard skills also include your academic degrees, pertinent licenses, certifications, and computer lingo.  Naturally, there will always be a need for hard skills in the job market.

The Importance of Soft Skills

What are soft skills? Your soft skills include your personality traits or character traits, your interpersonal skills and your social skills. They are intangible, less measurable, and not so easy to observe. However, you can detect soft skills in an individual by observing their behavior, how well they interact with others, and their ability to effectively lead others. Do you have good people skills?  Do you have good leaderships skills?  How about communication skills?  Some examples of soft skills are: communication skills, problem solving skills, analytical skills, facilitation skills, leadership skills, coaching skills, motivation skills, adaptability, articulate, innovative, patient, and competitive spirit.   Hiring managers will specifically list the required soft skills in the job description if determined needed to perform a particular job.

Concluding, you will find that an employer will generally list hard skills in a job description.  Why? Because when a hiring manager is looking to fill a certain job request, they must describe and list the particular skill needed as to grab the attention of interested candidates. However, that does not mean that they don’t require that you have any soft skills. And in other instances an employer may list soft skill requirements in the job description to attract only certain candidates and narrow the search.  Bear in mind that your soft skills are as equally important as your hard skills in the workplace.  No doubt, your hard skills may land you the job but your soft skills will help you attain future advancements and promotions in your chosen profession.  Good people skills are essential in attracting and retaining loyal clientele that will ultimately increase company profitability.

Workplace Communication, The Generation Gap: How to Commuicate Effectively

What is communication?  Communication is the exchanging of information via words, thoughts, writing, and by other forms of modern technology. Communication modes can be formal, informal, verbal or non-verbal.  Nonetheless, in order for communication to be effective, the sender of the message must be able to successfully transfer the information so that the intended message is received.  Effective communication is vitally important to the success of an organization overall. Employees at every level should be able to communicate effectively in the workplace.  When a company lacks effective communication, whether upward, downward, or parallel, it will encounter uncertainty and possibly conflict amongst workers followed by decreased productivity.  Nowadays, companies are made up of baby boomers, generations X’s, and generation Y’s. This gap in itself sometimes causes conflict and poor communication because each generation is distinct and prefers its own mode for communicating.  However, when employees learn to work together as a team, they just might be able to close the communication gap in the workplace.


When communicating face-to-face with someone in the workplace, it’s imperative that the sender of the message convey comprehensive thoughts so that the receiver(s) understands the intended message.  Don’t cause someone to second-guess or form his or her own interpretation of what is being communicated. But instead, make direct eye contact with the receiver(s) and clearly enunciate complete thoughts.

Be a good listener

Communication is a two-way process when done face-to-face.  Therefore, it’s equally important that the receiver(s) of the message pay close attention to what is being articulated.  This means that the sender of the message will need the undivided attention of those who are receiving the message in order for the communication to be effective. The receiver(s) should avoid daydreaming and using selective listening when communicating face-to-face. It’s also crucial that the receiver not talk while the speaker is speaking. Should you have a question about what is being articulated, wait until the person is done speaking, and then ask your question. Understandably this might take a great deal of discipline for some individuals. The truth is, you simply cannot talk while someone else is speaking; first, you won’t fully comprehend what is being spoken and second, it’s plain rude.

In writing

When communicating in writing in the workplace one must know how to express his or her thoughts intellectually and professionally. If you find that you have difficulties expressing yourself in writing you will need to practice your writing skills. Bear in mind that your writings are a reflection of you. Also, when communicating in writing you should proofread your content… check for grammatical and typographical errors.  You should also thoroughly reread your memo, letter, e-mail, correspondence, etc. for proper sentence structure, clarity, and cohesiveness before you send it to those you want read it.  Always use proper e-mail etiquette when communicating via e-mail. Avoid using jargons, slang, and word abbreviations in your e-mails…this is very unprofessional and will only generate confusion for some readers. This is especially true for generation Y who are accustomed to using choppy sentences, acronyms, and text abbreviations in text messages and e-mails.

Solicit Feedback

In order for communication to be effective, the person responsible for delivering the information- should check with the receiver(s) to find out whether or not the intended message was received or if they have relevant questions about the topic. Recommend that you don’t wait too long to obtain feedback.

Get clarification

Don’t hesitate to ask for clarity whenever you’re in doubt about the intended message the sender was attempting to convey.  Whether the communication was done in writing, by phone, email, or face-to-face, you will need to get proper clarification immediately.

Communication technology

The correspondent may choose to use modern technology to transfer a message- such as e-mail, call conference, electronic meeting, voicemail, or via the company intranet.   Just make sure you speak clearly and coherently when using voice technology and should also include important dates and times and other pertinent information when communicating via writing.  Also, it’s important that every employee know how to use modern technology. Companies should provide training for its employees who lack skills or who want to brush up on current skills.  Employees should also consider taking classes outside the company to acquire new technological skills.

The generation gap- build trust and show respect

Two of the most important things in the workplace are to show respect for each other and to build trust. Baby boomers should have more patience with the younger workers who may work differently from them. Some boomers tend to be more resistant to change than the X’ and the Y’s and may not be as technology savvy. The boomers are not as flexible as the X’s and the Y’s and are more likely to stay at a company for several years. The younger workers should also have patience with the older, more experienced workers who are also accustomed to working a certain way. Unlike the boomers, the X’s and the Y’s tend to adapt to change more easily, are more comfortable with modern technology, and most are college graduates. They are less likely to commit to staying at one company for years but seek to change jobs and careers every three to five years. The Y’s, in particular, are most likely to except and work well with racially diverse groups and is least likely to discriminate. Bottom line, some older workers will need to return to school to acquire new skills and learn new technology in order to communicate more effectively in today’s workforce.  Overall, it’s imperative that all find a common ground in which to communicate effectively. 

Meet with staff members regularly

And finally, managers should make it a point to meet regularly with your staff to communicate goals and objectives and articulate reasonable timeframes in which to achieve them. Find out how you can help improve communication in your department and in your company overall. This is also a good time to ask for suggestions and feedback from your subordinates. Managers should also engage their employees in the overall operations of the business. Have an open-door-policy in which your employees will feel comfortable communicating with you should they need help or encounter work-related problems. It’s simply a matter of effectively communicating with your staff to keep them abreast of the business and to also motivate them to work more efficiently and effectively.   Foster a team environment in your department to help promote good camaraderie and trust amongst the group members.

Group Formation: The Five Stages of Group Development

According to Bruce W. Tuckman, there are four developmental stages that most groups and teams go through.  Tuckman describes these stages as forming, storming, norming, and performing. (Tuckman, 1965). In 1977, Tuckman teamed up with Mary Ann Jensen to add an additional stage, adjourning.  Tuckman’s model suggests that when new groups and teams form for the first time, they must successfully go through the first four stages before they can reach the fifth and final stage, adjourning. 

Stage I

Forming: This is the orientation stage. The root word of forming is form.  And that’s exactly what happens during this stage. Individuals get together to form a group.  This is the beginning and the group members are getting acquainted with one another.  Members are going through the honeymoon phase.  People are usually very polite and respectful toward one another because everyone is excited about the group’s future.  This stage is also the security stage because the group members purposely try to avoid conflict. But instead, they are more focused on the positive aspects of the group members and the group overall.

Stage II

Storming: Now this is when things begin to heat up!  Tempers begin to flare up as conflict arises among the group members. The honeymoon is over! The root word for storming is storm.  And this is what takes place during this stage; the members go through a stormy phase.  During this stage members are in disagreement about who should lead the group and the roles of the other team members. Some members become resistant to assertive group members who feel they have leadership ability and are not shy about letting it be known. This stage is also testing time for some members, as some members will opt to leave while some will stay put.  In essence, this is a very critical stage. Why?  Because some new groups never make it pass this stage simply because they cannot come to an agreement about anything.

Stage III

Norming: Whew! At this stage the group members are able to resolve their differences and are ready to move forward.  The root word of norming is, norm. That’s right; things are back to norm.  The group members have survived the storm and things are looking bright for the future. The group has taken on a cohesive structure and the members are committed to team goals.  By now, members have agreed upon who should lead the group, duties are assigned and members are appointed to various responsibilities.  The group has good camaraderie and works toward achieving goals.

Stage IV

Performing: By this time the group’s morale is high and the members are loyal to one another. The root word of performing is, perform. This is the stage where the group reaches its performance expectations. Members are interdependent and feel that they can trust each other at this point. This is also the comfort stage because the members are comfortable with each other, are highly motivated, and are making good progress.  However, the group must successfully make it through the first three stages before they can reach this stage.

Stage V

Adjourning: Lastly, the final stage is adjourning.  Adjourn in this stage means to end.  Roles and responsibilities have been completed and the members have become less dependent.  Members will become disengaged from their teams members, their task, and the group overall. At this point, the group members are mourning because they find it difficult to accept the fact that the group has been or will be dissolved.  Members are sad because they have developed a close relationship with their team members and view the termination of the group a great loss.

Concluding, believe it or not, the five stages of group development are quite normal.  If you’re in doubt, the next time you get together with others to form a new group you should take the time to observe as these five stages manifest.  Or better yet, think about the time(s) when you got together with others to form a new group.  Do you recall going through these stages? What was your role and responsibilities in the group?  Did your group(s) make it past the storming stage?  If yes, did you feel a sense of loss when your group(s) dissolved at the adjourning stage?

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Working for a Temporary Agency

During the recession period, many individuals had lost their jobs due to the tremendous slow down in the economy.  Even though the economy is slowly bouncing back, it's still rather difficult for some to find suitable work due to intense competition in the job market. For this reason, many dislocated and displaced workers have turned to temporary agencies to help them get back into the workforce. Even after signing with several agencies some individuals still remain unemployed- simply because the agencies don’t have the volume of temp jobs they once had.  Why?  Because many companies have outsourced work and downsized and don’t have the need for more workers or the funds to pay a temp agency. And for those who have found work by going through a temp agency are glad to have some income coming in, yet not totally satisfied with working for an agency.  Thus, there are some advantages and some disadvantages in working for a temporary agency. If you have never worked for a temporary agency before there are some things that you should be aware of.  Lets take a look at some advantages and disadvantages in working for a temporary service.


Option to apply online

Nowadays you can conveniently apply online with most temporary services.  You will need to call the agency you’re interested in working for to find out whether or not you can apply online.  They should call you to set up an interview once they have received your application and determine that you are a suitable match for a job(s). By completing the application process online, you could minimize the time that you would spend interviewing.

Temp to perm
One great advantage in working for a temporary agency is that you can start out working temporary but end up working permanently. Keep in mind that you will need to prove your ability to deliver excellent work results before an employer will consider hiring you permanently.

Learn new skills
Another advantage in working for a temp agency is that you will have an opportunity to learn new skills and you can add your newly acquired skills to your resume.

Earn while looking for permanent work
You can still look for a permanent job while you are yet working for the agency and earning wages. Bear in mind that you are working on a temporary basis and you should continue to actively look for a suitable job opportunity while you are in between jobs.

Showcase your talents
Working temporary for various companies will give you the opportunity to showcase your remarkable talents.  You just might have the skills and expertise that is needed to help a company that you are temping for achieve its goals.  The employer might see you as a valuable asset to the company and could offer you a permanent position should an opening become available.

Include work experience on your resume
When you have worked with the temp agency for six months or more you can list this as work experience in your resume as to justify employment gaps in your work history. Be sure to list your major accomplishments and core skills that you acquired while working for the agency.

Networking opportunity
This is an excellent time in which to network with other individuals who share the same career interest as you.  Perhaps they can give you some advice as to how you can land a job with the company they are employed with or advise you of other career opportunities elsewhere.

Can file for unemployment
You can apply for your unemployment benefits once you have worked for a period of time provided that the agency was unable to find you work later on.  However, this can be tricky.  For some agencies will try to block your unemployment…stating, refusal to work on your part. This can cause your claim to be denied. Make sure that you are able to prove your case.

Prefer to work temporary
And finally, some individuals prefer to work on a temporary basis for various reasons and choose not to commit to one company permanently.  These individuals are appeased at knowing they won’t be penalized for choosing to only work when it’s convenient for them to do so. They can notify the agency as to when they are seeking temporary work and when they are not available to work.


Short-term assignments
A major disadvantage in working for a temporary agency is that you cannot predict the length of your job assignments.  You can request long-term assignments but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you will get long-term assignments.  Some companies might request a temp for two days, or two weeks, or one month, or indefinitely…it simply depends upon the need of the company. This can be quite frustrating for individuals who need steady income to meet their expenses, which is most of us.

No work available
Another major disadvantage is…you might call looking for work only to learn that there is no work available at that particular time.  In fact, you might call for several weeks or months only to learn that the agency has no work.  This is so frustrating for most. This is why some job seekers sign up for several agencies in hopes of landing a job through one of them.

No benefits
Unfortunately, some agencies do not offer benefits to their workers.   However, some agencies offer benefits only after you have worked a certain amount of hours but the benefits are limited and can be very costly to you.  You should inquire about the benefits before you register with a temporary agency.

Lower pay
Another disadvantage is that you will not receive the pay that you were accustomed to making when you worked permanently.  The agency charges the companies a certain rate for your services and you will only be paid a percentage of the bill rate.  You will need to negotiate a pay rate before you accept a job assignment. You might also politely ask what percentage of the bill rate you are being paid by the agency.  You should also note that not every assignment pays the same.  It’s up to you whether or not you choose to accept or refuse an assignment.  However, you don’t want to turn down too many assignments, because they might stop calling you and select to call individuals who don’t hesitate to accept job assignments.

Feel like an outcast
When you work for various companies on a temporary basis you might find that some individuals will not embrace you because you are not technically part of the company. You might be excluded from parties, lunch outings, etc. because you are basically an outsider working temporarily. Some employees might also refer to you as "the temp" instead of making a conscious effort to memorize your name...and that's pretty sad.

The blame game
Oftentimes permanent employees want to avoid reprimand from their managers and to cover themselves, will blame the temp(s) (unbeknownst to them) for job errors they’ve caused in the workplace.  They know that the temp will only be there temporarily and may never find out that they’ve been accused for something they did not do.  On the contrary, they may take the credit for work that the temp did as well.

Misleading job assignments
Scenario: You get an offer from your agency to work a particular job and you opt to accept the assignment based upon the job description the recruiter articulated to you.  However, on your first day on the job you discover that the duties are not what you expected.  You were told one thing by the agency but the company gave you something else to do.  For example, the recruiter might tell you that you will be doing strictly accounting work, but you were instructed by the company manger that your duties are to distribute mail and file instead.  How disappointing! Sometimes this is a matter of miscommunication.  And in some instances the agency staff person failed to give you the complete job description or an updated job description.  Nonetheless, you have the option of calling the agency to explain the situation and to request a different job assignment.  These type incidents will inconvenience you, the company, and the agency.

Conclusion, despite the disadvantages in working for an agency, the bottom line is that a temporary agency is a useful service and can be very instrumental in getting the unemployed back into the workforce.

Career Change: Knowing When to Make the Move

Making a decision to change careers requires careful planning, adequate finances, and determination.  When is the best time to make a career transition? Well, that simply depends upon the individual’s current job situation and what they’d like to be doing in the future.  People seek career changes for various reasons.  Changes in technology, changes in family status, and loss of job are all possible reasons that an individual might seek a career change.  Nonetheless, it’s imperative that you don’t let the opportunity slip away when you have time on your side and all the right resources available to you to make it happen. Here are some of the best times as to when you might consider making a career change.

 Laid off from work

If you have been laid off from work for more than six months you might consider changing your current career.  Don’t be afraid to explore all of your options.  Take the time to discover what you are most passionate about.  If you are still unsure about what it is you would like to do, you should take a career assessment test.  After you have discovered your passion you should research your career choice(s) to ensure that these particular job(s) are in demand.

 Low job prospects for current job

Some jobs are in less demand than others because technology is constantly changing and also because some companies have outsourced some of its job functions. If you find it difficult to find work in your current profession because the job prospects are limited -you will need to change your occupation. Effective planning is crucial. Take time to plan how you want to go about changing your career. 

 Bored with current job

If you are bored with your current job and have encountered limited growth opportunities don’t hesitate to pursue a career change.  You will need to take the necessary steps to make your dream job a reality. Aforementioned, you should choose a career that you are most passionate about. 

 Family status has changed

A change in family status is a good reason to make a career transition.  For example, if you were once a two-income family and is now a single income family, you might want to choose a career that pays you more money to help make up for the difference.  Research to find out which jobs pay more and are in high demand before you select your major.

 Have adequate funds to finance your education

If you have been awarded adequate funds to finance your education, whether it be tuition reimbursement, grants, loans, or cash…you should take advantage of the opportunity.  Don’t waste time or money but move with haste to apply to a college of your choice or other learning institution to pursue your new career interest.

 After you have received your college degree

Just because you have received your college degree, don’t let that prevent you from returning to school to earn another degree or certificate in another discipline.  If you find that you need to make a career change…by all means pursue your goals.

Records Management (RM): What Every Business Should Know

Let's first start out by defining what records management is.  Records management is basically responsible for receiving and disposing of records and other important documents in accordance with the companies’ guidelines whether stationed in-house or off-site.  Furthermore, records management is accountable for ensuring that all stored records are kept confidential and in tack when in an active status and could possibly include categorization as well.  Every business should have a records management program in place to manage its personal documents and should take extra precaution as to who should access the material. Simply put, records management is a very important aspect of the business operations.  Some companies may opt to hire an outside records management program to manage its records due to lack of space and/or adequate manpower.  And in other cases, companies may use a warehouse located somewhere near the facility to store its records, while other companies have sufficient space to store its records in-house. 

 Physical records could be in the form of paper, tapes, films, files, books, archives, recordings, or other documents. Examples of records are medical information, employee records, birth certificates, office data, charts, medical x-rays and other important information.  Every record should be stored in such a way as to prevent environmental damage such as moisture and abrasive temperature. When records are no longer needed- the company should properly dispose of them.  Proper disposal would be shredding or burning. Companies should never discard whole or partial records directly in a garbage bin. Doing so would violate client/ customer privacy and confidentiality rights.

There are several good reasons as to why a company should implement a records management system. One good reason is to securely store records as to protect confidential material in order to avoid potential lawsuits.  Companies must stay in compliant with the laws where it concerns the privacy rights of customers, clients, employees, and patients.  By setting a good records management system in place a company can lessen its risk of litigation.  Another reason for a company to use a records management system is to de-clutter the office and maintain the records in an orderly fashion. When records are accurately labeled and categorized this will help simplify the retrieval of records when needed. And yet another reason is preserve active records up until the time of disposal.  Records management should never dispose of any records until given proper authorization by the company. Most companies keep records in storage until a certain period of time.  Records management will need to adhere to the company’s guidelines regarding the disposal of records.

In conclusion, it’s imperative that every company takes the time to put a good records management system in place regardless of the size of the company.  Just think how you would feel if you went to your health care facility to get copies of an x-ray that you had done several years ago, only to learn that the record had been destroyed by moisture or that they could not locate it.  What would your reaction be?  Would you take legal action against the company? 

College Life: The Benefits of College Study Groups

There are some great benefits in studying with other college students when preparing for test, quizzes, presentations, and final exams. Study groups are also good for connecting with peers who share similar academic concentrations as you.
Whether you are currently enrolled in college or a prospective student, you should keep in mind that there are some great benefits in studying with other students when preparing for test, quizzes, presentations, and final exams.  Or, if you just need to enhance your overall knowledge and concept of your course lessons. Study groups are also good for connecting with peers who share similar academic concentrations as you. However, in order for the group to be effective, you should be particular about the students that ask to be a part of the group and/or students that you select.  You should connect with students who are serious about study, have good academic standing, and are willing commit themselves for the duration of group study.   Now if a student is struggling in class and would like to become a member, don’t refuse them…for they might do academically better within a smaller group setting. You will also need to collectively decide to meet at a centralized location(s) that is convenient for each member to travel to and that is conducive for study and free from distractions.  Keep in mind that libraries and study rooms are good environments for study. If you have never studied with a group-you should consider it, you will be amazed at the results.  Listed are some awesome benefits of study groups. 

Share Knowledge

One of the nice things about group study is that you can share your intellect with your teammates during your designated study times, and you can learn from your teammates as well.  Everyone will need to come prepared to contribute ideas, knowledge, and to compare classroom notes.

Acquire problem-solving skills

You can learn how to effectively solve class-subject related problems along with your team members and can use this newly acquired skill in everyday life and on the job.

Improve organizational skills

Becoming part of a study group can actually improve your organizational skills.  New responsibilities and making advanced preparations for effective study can aid in improving an individual’s organizational skills.

Improve social skills

You can improve your social skills by interacting with other students regularly. And for those students who are not comfortable with speaking before an audience…use these meetings as an opportunity to improve your presentation skills.  As group members take turns elaborating on various class materials this will increase self-confidence in each.

Improve test scores

When you meet regularly and participate in the group discussions and related activities you will increase your knowledge of your class subjects and subsequently improve your test scores.

Improve Your GPA

Once you learn your course materials well you can improve your test scores that will ultimately improve your GPA.

Learn to work in a team environment

You will learn to work with others effectively and can apply this soft skill on your job or other social arena.  You will learn that as you work together as a team you will accomplish much more than working alone.

Learn goal-setting strategies

You will learn how to set reasonable goals and how to effectively achieve those goals collectively and individually.

Reinforce classroom learning

You will be able to reinforce what you’ve learned in class during your group meeting.  In fact, you might be able to grasp a better concept of your class subjects from your teammates than you could in the classroom and vice versa.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Adult Learning: Understanding How Adults Learn

Adults learn differently from children, teens, and traditional students. Teaching adults can be quite challenging for some. The best methods for teaching adults (andragogy) involve understanding and supporting how adults learn most effectively.  According to Malcolm Knowles, originator of adult learning, adults move from dependency to self-directed learners. Nowadays, most colleges and other learning institutions have made tremendous advancements in accommodating the adult learner by offering classes and degree programs that meets their needs.  Therefore class instructors and facilitators must also design the curriculum(s) and the classroom structure specifically for adult learners. Malcolm Knowels’ theory of adult learners suggest that:
  • Adults are self -directed learners and need to be actively involved in the learning process
  • Learning must be of value to the adult learner
  • Adults need to connect learning with life experience based upon prior education, work experiences, and family life
  • Adults need to know how they will benefit from the learning outside of the classroom
  • Adults are intrinsically motivated to learning new things
  • Adults are goal-oriented and will select classes that reflect their interest
  • Instructors should show respect to each student
Classroom structure - First and foremost, the instructor must show the students respect from the very beginning of the class and should continue to do so throughout the term. One should keep in mind that adult learners bring their level of knowledge and expertise to class and want to be acknowledged for such. Instructors should allow students to contribute their intellect at some point during the class sessions. Instructors should aim to deliver effective facilitation techniques that engage the students and should construct a comfortable learning environment for all. Therefore, instructors must arrange the classroom seating in such fashion so that each adult is facing one another and not viewing the backs of their cohort’s head.  Instructors should stand or sit facing the class so that each student can make eye contact with the instructor. When the students face each other they can interact with one another more effectively.  Also, students need to feel that they are equal to the instructor and not less intelligent. Most instructors have discovered that both conference style and U-shape style seating arrangements are most effective for lecturing adults rather than the traditional classroom style seating. Of course, instructors must maintain control over the class, but they should allow students the freedom to express themselves when the opportunities arise. Furthermore, instructors should not expect the students to raise their hands to get permission to go to the restroom, or to make a phone call, take a smoke break, etc.  Instructors must also allow for breaks as needed. Bottom line, adults want to be treated as adults. In return, the students must remember to show equal respect to the instructor and to one another.

Designing the Curriculum - Instructors should design a set of courses that relates to adults’ life experiences, knowledge, and skills.  Design courses and class exercises that motivate students to tap into their hidden potential.  Design class activities that instruct students to collaborate with their cohorts and openly elaborate on the class subjects. Allow students the freedom to direct themselves and civilly voice their opinions during class discussions.  Curriculum must clearly explain class expectations and define how the courses will help students obtain their goals.  Use appropriate textbooks, pertinent material, and other forms of modern technology to educate students. Avoid straight lecturing and find ways to actively involve the students in the learning process.
In conclusion, so we understand that it’s not that adults lack the intellectual ability to learn, they just learn differently. Instructors who thrive in teaching adult learners are those who understand how adult’s learn- thus provides a comfortable environment and deliver content that meets their needs. In other words, when the instructor creates a learning environment that is conducive for adult learners, designs the curriculum exclusively for adults, and demonstrates effective facilitation skills, he or she will be very successful in teaching adult learners.

Job Experience Vs. Education: Which is Most Valuable in the Workplace?

Which is most valuable job experience or education? Whereas both are valuable, you are most valuable to an employer when you have education along with some job experience in your chosen profession.

Job seekers, perhaps you are wondering if potential employers value job experience or education more?  Some may argue that employers value education over job experience but this is not true in all cases.  Some employers may value education more (depending upon the job) whereas others value job skills, and some value both.  You must keep in mind that each organization differs in what it requires of potential employees as well as current employees in relation to various jobs.  In essence, it simply depends upon the employers’ needs and the job itself.  Employers will usually specify the job requirements and level of education needed to qualify for an open position in the job description and/or in the classified ads. 

Work experience- your work experience tells potential employers what you are capable of doing, how long you have possessed these skills, and where you received your training.  What are the job specifications for experience for the job you are targeting?  You will need to give particular attention to the job requirements before you apply because you may not meet the criteria for the particular job that you are targeting.  Some employers will narrow the job search by specifying the years of experience required. So if the job description states that you need three to five years of experience for a particular job and you only have only two, then you do not meet the job requirements.  In some cases, employers will consider your work experience in exchange for a college degree because they value your skills in that--they will not have to train you and you can “hit the ground running.”  Aforementioned, employers will generally list the job requirements for positions they are seeking to fill. If you are not certain about the job experience required for a job(s) you are targeting, you will need to contact the company directly or go to the company website to find out.  Also, you will need to modify your resume and cover letter to match the jobs you are targeting. This means that you may end up with two or three resumes that are tailored for individual jobs. 

Education- your education consists of your college degrees, diplomas, and certificates. What are the education requirements for the job you are targeting?  Keep in mind; you will need to have a college degree in a certain discipline in order to be considered for certain jobs.  Actually, you must possess precise knowledge in a specific field in order to perform some jobs effectively, and this can only be acquired by obtaining higher learning from an accredited college or other educational institutions. You should also bear in mind that some employers require education along with some experience for some jobs.  Unfortunately, college graduates who are fresh out of school will not qualify for these type requirements.  Understandably, some companies do not have the manpower, the time, or the resources to train new college graduates.  This is why many college graduates seek to do internships and work on a volunteer basis to acquire selected experience. But on the other hand, some employers target and hire fresh college graduates to work with their companies because they bring in fresh new ideas that will benefit the company overall. And yet, not only do some companies require that you have a college degree, but they are interested in your GPA and where you ranked in relation to your classmates.  Again, the job description will specify the level of education needed to qualify for a particular job.  If the job description states that you will need a bachelor’s degree in accounting but you only have an associate’s degree in liberal Arts, you do not meet the job requirements.

In conclusion, which is most valuable job experience or education? Whereas both are valuable, you are most valuable to an employer when you have education along with some job experience in your chosen profession.

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Community Colleges Vs. Universities

Choosing a community college vs. a university is simply a matter of determining your educational needs and what you expect to accomplish from the school.
Decisions, decisions, decisions… Perhaps you are trying to decide whether a community college or a university is best for you, especially if you are going to be an incoming freshman soon.  Well it’s simply a matter of determining your educational needs, what you expect to accomplish from the school, your SAT or ACT scores, your GPA, and other criterion assessment, depending upon the school.  Let's take a close look at some important facts about community colleges and universities and what each has to offer so that hopefully you will be able to make a smart decision concerning your education.

Community college
Community colleges, also called junior colleges, are two-year schools where you can obtain either your degree in your desired discipline or a certificate. The highest degree you can receive is an Associate in Arts. However, you can transfer these classes over to a university at the completion of your program towards your bachelor's degree, provided that it is an accredited school and that you choose general education courses. Keep in mind that these are the same classes that you would ordinarily take at a university anyway but only at a cheaper cost to you. Community colleges are far less expensive than universities and are therefore more affordable.  The classroom sizes at community colleges are much smaller than those at universities, and you could possibly have a better rapport with your instructors. Community colleges usually do not provide accommodations for on-campus housing (dorms). An important factor in determining whether or not you should attend a community college is how well you scored on your ACT or SAT.  Most universities require that you meet or exceed the minimum admissions score before you can gain acceptance into their college. So if you did not meet the minimum requirement you can reschedule to take the test again…but if you score below the admissions requirement once again, you can apply to a junior college. Of course the community college will not have that university feel, but it will help prepare you for the university level. So if you don’t think that you are psychologically mature enough or academically prepared (low GPA) to attend a university then you will probably be better off attending a community college to start.  Nevertheless, even if you scored high on your test and did exceptionally well academically, you may still opt to attend a community college for various reasons and that’s totally your choice.

A university is a structured four-year institution where you can obtain your bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate degrees.  In the first place, some individuals prefer to go away to college because they believe the experience will help them mature and become more self-sufficient. You will have the option of staying on-campus at a university until you complete your educational requirements to graduate. Some students eventually move off-campus to live in affordable housing close to their school. Aforementioned, you can transfer your classes from a community college to a university.  However, you should verify with the university that the classes you select are transferable to their institution. If you receive an associate’s degree from a community college, you will only have to complete two more years of schooling to receive your bachelor’s degree in your field of interest, provided that you register as a full-time student and pass all of your classes. Whether you decide to stay on campus or not, you will learn that your experiences at the university will be much different than being at a junior college. First of all, you will have interactions with students who are at different levels in their education, from under grads to graduate level and above.  Second, the classroom sizes are usually much larger and are positioned for auditorium style seating.  Third, you will have to learn to navigate your way around an enormous complex. But at this point, you should have reached a higher maturity level and should be able to adjust to the changes at the university level. One thing to remember when seeking a university to attend is that private schools are usually more expensive than state schools.  Now if you are fortunate to receive grants and scholarship awards to finance your education this will certainly help defray the cost of your educational expenses. 

Educational expenses are a huge determining factor in deciding which college is most fitting for you. You should take time to investigate the cost of your educational expenses before you start the application process.  Be sure to take into account your tuition expenses, book expenses, fees, food, transportation, miscellaneous expenses, and room and board, if applicable.  You should keep in mind that staying on-campus would drive up the cost of your educational expenses considerably.  How do you plan to finance your education anyway? How much can you afford to pay with cash?  Are you eligible for financial aid?  Will you receive scholarships and/or grants? Do you plan to apply for student loans?  These are questions that you will need to address beforehand.

Degree you are pursuing
When selecting a school, make sure that it offers the classes and degree program of your interest. Bear in mind that some schools are more reputable for its degree programs than others.  For example, if you decide to major in nursing, you should try to find a school that has an outstanding nursing program.

Quality of education
Keep in mind that the quality of education that you receive from an accredited community college is not necessarily less than that of a university. However, you can contact the department of education accreditation database to find out whether or not the college you’re interested in- is accredited, if you’re in doubt. This association maintains a list of accredited colleges, universities, and online schools. Verifying Accreditation is very important in that you want to make sure that degree you opt to receive is valid. It’s also a good idea to research to find out whether the college has a good reputation for providing quality education. Understandably, some colleges are more elite than others but the bottom line is the quality of education that you receive and being assured that the school you choose is officially recognized- regardless of its status.

*apply for FAFSA online to see if you qualify for financial aid at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/
*apply for your FAFSA in January when there are more funds available

Ten Tips For Making the Transition From Home to Dorm

Making the transition from home to dorm may not be so easy for some students initially. However, overtime you will be able to adjust to your new lifestyle better.  Quite naturally you might become homesick and miss your family and friends during the first few months in school, especially if you’re an incoming freshman.  Not to worry…this is very common for many freshman students. But this will pass once you start to mingle with your peers and make new friends along the way. Here are tips for making your transition from home to dorm a smooth one.

1). Attend your freshmen orientation- once you get enrolled into the college of your choice, it’s imperative that you attend your orientation.  Your school will inform you as to when your school’s orientation will take place…so be sure to keep that date open. During your orientation you will get a chance to meet some future classmates, the school’s faculty and other staff members. You will also get a better feel of the school’s culture. Come prepared to ask questions that you might have about the school’s guidelines or other concerns you might have and take notes for your review later. 

2). Take a tour of the school campus- at some point you should spend a day at your college.  Take time to tour the entire campus. You should familiarize yourself with every aspect of the school until you are comfortable with locating various departments and campus buildings on your first day of school.

3). Familiarize yourself with the neighborhood- while you’re touring your school campus, you should also take the time to learn the area.  Take a drive around town to learn where the nearest grocery stores are, the laundry facilities, hospitals, department stores, eating establishments and more. 

4). Make a list of needed items to bring- you will need to take some of your personal belongings along with other needed items with you to school.  You should make a list of those items so that you will be prepared to have them when the day comes to make your transition from home to dorm.  Some common items are: plastic storage boxes, toiletries, bedding and linens, curtains, small rug, casual clothing, outer wear, sleep wear, foot wear, radio/alarm clock, face and bath towels, lamp, photos, pictures, folding chair, few dressy clothing, non-perishable goods, laptop, cell phone, school supplies, and more.

5). Selecting a roommate(s)- Have you chosen a roommate yet?  If not, then perhaps you may be rooming with someone you don’t know yet. You should find out who your roommate(s) will be beforehand, if possible.  Exchange contact information and hang out before school starts so that you can get to know each other and discuss how to decorate the room, share your interest and dislikes, background, etc.

6). Social networking- modern technology makes it convenient to stay in touch with friends and family by just a click of a mouse.  You can communicate with your family and friends via Facebook, email, texting, and other social networking sites at anytime while away at school. But be sure to take some time to visit you family and friends back home when the time permits.

7). Register for classes and purchase your books- you can register for your classes and purchase your books in advance.  You might want to consider purchasing some used books to help cut down on expenses.  If you want to save time, most schools give you the option of ordering both new and used books on-line.

 8). Budget your money wisely- the cost of education is immeasurably expensive, so be sure to budget your finances sensibly.  You should always put money aside for later (save) and avoid unnecessary spending. You should also avoid applying for credit cards- for these will only drive up your debt and could possibly ruin your credit.  Use debit cards as to avoid spending money you really don’t have to begin with.

9). Deciding whether to join a sorority or a fraternity- once you are situated in school you will discover that there will be various clubs and groups that you will have the option to join or become a part of- one being a sorority or a fraternity (depending upon your gender).  Not all schools permit these types of groups to operate on its campus grounds, but you can still choose to join at another school if your college does not.  Keep in mind that you should take extra precautions about joining any group.  You should do a thorough investigation on the group before your join it.  Bear in mind that hazing is forbidden in all colleges and universities and you should not join any group that promotes such.

10). Stay focused- lastly, keep in mind that the reason for going to college in the first place is to earn your degree in your chosen discipline. Understandably, if this is your first time away from home, you might be tempted to goof off from time to time.  You might also become distracted by the parties, social events, etc. and lose focus of your main purpose for going to school.  Nevertheless, you mustn’t allow these things to prevent you from achieving your goals.
 Happy college life!

The Importance of College Accreditation: Is Your Degree Legit?

Students, take heed, if you are enrolled in an unaccredited school then your degree, once awarded, will not be legitimate and will not be recognized by most, if not all, employers- nor will you be able to transfer your credits to an accredited college should you decide to further your education.
Proper college accreditation is necessary prior to earning your college degree. Unfortunately, not everyone understands the importance of college accreditation. Before you make the decision to apply to any traditional college, university, or online school- you should make sure that the school is accredited first and foremost.  Now don’t just assume that a particular school is accredited nor take someone’s word for it, but instead you should investigate to find out whether or not the school that you’re interested in is indeed accredited by a reputable accreditation agency, if you’re in doubt.  It has been discovered that some online schools are not accredited but are scams. The programs are designed for potential students who want to hastily compete their education and earn a degree quickly.  But unfortunately, the administrators of these school programs are more interested in receiving your money but may not necessarily provide you with a quality education or with a legitimate diploma. Take heed that you may need to verify the legality of some traditional schools as well.   Haste makes waste!  Take your time and choose an accredited school that is most suitable for you.  Certainly, not all online schools are scams but you should find out which ones are legitimate before you apply. For example, an accredited college or university may give students the option of taking some classes online and even completing their degree online.
 What is accreditation?
A college should be able to prove that it meets certain academic standards required by National Education Association and Regional agencies. Basically there is a comprehensive qualification process that every school must go through before they can receive accreditation. Accrediting agencies reviews the learning programs of a school to determine if the curriculum adequately prepares students for a job in their chosen field. Accreditation agencies set high standards in which schools must measure up to.  These organizations accredit public, private, and online schools if they are in compliance with the standard requirements.

Why is accreditation necessary?
It’s imperative that all community colleges, universities, and online schools meet the minimum government-sanctioned standards for higher learning. These governmental agencies require that these schools adequately teach and prepare students for careers in their field of interest.  Accrediting agencies will mainly ensure that students receive a quality education. Employees will be able to receive tuition reimbursements from their employers, and receive financial aid if needed when their school is accredited. Students will be able to transfer credits to other accredited colleges if they desire. Accreditation agencies will ensure that quality instructors are in place as well. Without proper accreditation, students may not receive quality education nor would they be eligible for financial aid, will not be able to transfer credits to another school, and may not receive tuition reimbursement from their employer.  In other words, without proper accreditation a school may not be legitimate. And if the school is not legit then neither is your diploma.  Even if the school insists that they are waiting to become accredited, you should not take any chances.

How to find out if a school is accredited?
To determine whether or not a school is accredited you can verify this with the Institution Accreditation Database or the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Postsecondary Education.  These sites maintain a database that lists all traditional colleges and online schools that have been accredited by reputable organizations. You can also contact National Education Association to obtain a list of accredited community colleges, universities and online schools. You want to also make sure that the accrediting agency is legitimate as well. Yes, there are fraudulent accrediting agencies in existence that support fraudulent schools. Find out if your school’s agency in on the list of legitimate agencies! You can verify if an agency is legit through the Council for Higher Education (CHEA) that maintains a list of legitimate accreditation agencies, or the U.S. Department of Education (USDE). You will also find out those agencies that are counterfeit.

Is your school accredited?
Concluding, if you are enrolled in an unaccredited school then your degree, once awarded, will not be legitimate and will not be recognized by most, if not all, employers- nor will you be able to transfer your credits to an accredited college should you decide to further your education. Keep in mind that degrees awarded via degree mills are not legit! Even if you are able to get a job with a counterfeit degree…once your employer discovers that your degree is not real, you could be terminated immediately. How humiliating! As your degree is merely a worthless piece of paper with absolutely no value whatsoever, you may never find suitable work in your field. Bear in mind that unaccredited schools do not uphold high academic standards, as do accredited schools. So…if you have not enrolled in a college yet, before you waste your time and money, find out if the school is officially accredited by a reputable agency.

*apply for FAFSA online to see if you qualify for financial aid at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/
*apply for your FAFSA in January when there are more funds available

How to Pass Your Academic Exams in College: Helpful Guidelines

You will experience some anxiety when you know that you will be testing and this can be quite stressful, especially when you try to cram for your exams. But when you adequately study to prepare yourself beforehand- you will feel more confident about passing your test. 
College life can be most academically challenging for some students, especially when it comes to taking exams and quizzes. Understand that your final grades display how well you’ve prepared for your test and just how well you have applied yourself overall during the semesters.  While it may be difficult for some students, it’s not impossible to do well on test and quizzes. However, it will take much effort on your part…and you must start on disciplining yourself early in your freshmen year, if you want to achieve and maintain maximum results.  Testing high on your exams will also help to raise your GPA. Understandably, you will experience some anxiety when you know that you will be testing and this can be quite stressful, especially when you try to cram for your exams.  But when you sustain good study habits and effectively prepare yourself beforehand- you will feel more confident about passing your test.  Here are some excellent tips on how to effectively prepare for and pass your academic exams in college.
  • It’s important that you attend your classes regularly and take good notes (and I emphasize good notes) during the class lectures. Come prepared…bring all relevant books, handouts, notebook-for taking notes, pens, pencils, and highlighters.  Stay alert, and pay close attention as your instructors lecture because they will cover pertinent information that will appear on the test. Be sure to highlight these important clues (dates, keywords, main topics) in your notes and in your textbooks. In the event you are not able to attend class for some reason, make sure that you get notes from a classmate who takes some really good notes.
  • Do all of your homework and required reading assignments.  If you are not clear about something you should ask your questions at the appropriate time during your class or you can call or e-mail your instructor to get clarity.  By all means, don’t wait too long to contact your instructors but you should do this immediately so that you will have the correct information in time to complete your assignments. You should complete and turn in all assignments on time. Some instructors will take points away when work is turned in late. Scrutinize your class syllabus. Remember, a great deal of information covered in class and in the homework assignments will more than likely appear on your test. 
  • Do extra credit assignments if your instructors give you the option.  Now…no one is going to twist your arm, but you should take advantage of this.  Doing extra credit work can help reinforce your knowledge of your class subjects and will help bring up your grade point average as well.
  • Study with a group of your classmates. Surely there will be students who seek out other students who wish to study together.  There are many advantages in college study groups.  When each student contributes his or her knowledge it will help broaden each one’s understanding of the class material overall. 
  • Study with a tutor if you feel you need to.  Tutors possess advanced knowledge about certain subjects and they can help you attain a better understanding in the subjects you are having difficulty with.
  • Whenever you decide to study alone make sure that you select an area that is conducive for study such as the library, a reading room, or other quiet area.  You should devote at least two to three hours for study per session.  Bring all pertinent study material. Create flash cards to study from and to help retain important information that will be on the test.
  • Carefully organize your class notes so that you vividly understand everything that was covered during the lectures and use these notes when you study, along with your books and other relevant material.  You should also make note of the dates for your upcoming quizzes and test and prepare for them in advance. 
  • Get sufficient sleep the night before your exams and eat a nutritious meal the day of. On the day of the test be sure to read each question carefully before you answer, don’t waste too much time on one question, complete answers you know first, and never leave any questions blank…always mark or write in the best possible answer. 

Human Resources Employee Relations Specialist: Roles and Responsibilities

The Employees Relations department is one of several major functions of Human Resources and plays a very integral role in employer-employee correlation.  HR Employee Relation Specialist collaborates with management to promote positive working relationships among the employees. Depending upon the size of an organization, Employee Relations deals with several aspects concerning the employees’ well being.  Employee relations endorse effective HR practices that are essential in establishing and maintaining positive employer-employee relationships. Whether it is conducting investigations for sexual harassment claims, discrimination claims, grievances, union issues, advising on performance appraisals, monitoring OSHA statistics, or determining appropriate disciplinary action procedure. These are things that many specialists handle on a day-to-day basis. As an employee relations specialist, an individual’s main focus is to determine the best course of action for employees’ complaints and other issues one may encounter within the company. Simply put, the specialist seeks to align the employees’ needs and rights with the needs of the organization. This dynamic team is the key link between the organization and its employees overall. If an organization seeks to have an excellent employer-employee relationship, it should have an excellent employee-relations team in place. 

If you are considering a career as a Human Resources Employee Relations Specialist, keep in mind that no day will be the same, but will vary. For example, one day you may have to conduct an investigation regarding a sexual harassment complaint.  And the next day you may deal with grievances issues. And another day you may have to investigate a racial or sexual discrimination complaint. Or better yet, you might have to deal with multiple- dissimilar employee issues in one day.  This is why- in addition to great people skills; an individual would need to possess excellent multi-tasking skills, organizational skills and time management skills to be successful in this job.  One must also have good listening skills, problem-solving skills and patience. Bear in mind, this job is very involved and exhilarating as well.  The ideal person will handle highly sensitive material such as employee personal data and must possess the ability to maintain a high level of confidentiality at all times.

The minimal educational requirement for an Employee Relations Specialist is a Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources, Business Administration, or a related discipline.  Some employers also require that you have previous experience as well.  Now if you are considering an upper- management level position as an Employee Relations Counselor or manager, you will need to have your MBA or a Master’s degree with a concentration in Human Resources or Management along with 6 to 8 years of experience. If you are presently employed as an Employee Relations Specialist and desire a management role, advancement should not be difficult -provided you hold a graduate degree in the required discipline.

The job outlooks for Employee Relations specialist are good. According to the U.S. Department of Labor Relations, between 2004 and 2014, Human Resources career opportunities will increase by 24% from 166,100 to 206,200.  The median salary range for an Employee Relations Specialist is 52,300, according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics. Also, see grid for salary percentile, per

Salary Wizard for 2011 below.
10th%                        25th %                            75th%                                  90th%
$37,900                    $ 42,911                         $54,511                              $60,061

Sources:  Salary Wizard,  U. S. Department of Labor Relations, Bureau of Labor and Statistics

Best Ways to Save Money on Your College Textbooks

If you don’t know by now, college textbooks are not cheap...especially if you purchase them new.  If you plan to enroll as a full-time student, keep in mind that you can expect to pay approximately $250.00 or more for each book.  And depending upon your major, you can expect to pay even more.  You should also remember that your textbook expenses will continue every semester…and will subsequently add up over time. However, there are some practical ways in which you can reduce the cost of your textbooks if you are willing to take the time to do so. Considering all of your other educational expenses, cutting the cost of your textbooks will be less of a financial burden on you.  Listed below some of the best ways for saving money on your college textbooks.  Though…bear in mind that you will need to get a jump-start on these tips early.  Once you have learned what classes you will be taking, you should find out which textbooks you will need for each class then move forward in making your purchase from your college bookstore, online, or from other students. Or better yet…you can also rent, borrow, exchange, or sell them back.

Purchase gently or moderately used books

Consider purchasing gently to moderately used books in an effort to save on your textbook expenses.  These books are generally used by maybe one other person and may have slight markings and highlights on some of the pages.  And some gently used books will be in good shape because the previous owner(s) rarely used them or was careful not to ruin them.  Nevertheless, you will not have to pay full price for these books.

Purchase books in bad or overly used condition

Consider purchasing books that are visibly in bad condition. These books are generally used by more than one individual and are badly damaged in one way or another or have excessive markings and highlights on several pages. As long as you are able to clearly read the print you should be okay. You can expect to save immensely on these books. 

Purchase your books online

A good way to save money on your textbooks is to purchase them online from Amazon, Ebay, Barnes and Noble.com. These sites sell new and used books and they are usually far less expensive than the bookstore. This method has become quite popular among many students who want to save money on textbooks. There is also a plethora of online sites in which to choose from where you can purchase your books as well.  Just make sure that you have the correct title, author, edition, and ISBN number before you make your purchases.

Sell your old books back for cash

If you are sure that you will no longer need specific books, you can sell them back to your school.  Use the money that you make from the book sells to purchase your new books.  Now if you feel that some books are of value and that you will need to refer back to these books later, then you should keep them.

Rent your books

You might also consider renting your books only for when you need them. Check with your college’s bookstore to see if they do this.  If they don’t, you can also go online to www.chegg.com or www.bookrenter.com to rent your books.  Many students find this to be a good way to save on book expenses.

Exchange books with other students

You can always exchange books with other students when either of you no longer needs certain books for the same classes.  Some students may lend them temporarily and others may give them away at no cost to the receiver.

Borrow your book(s)

You might consider checking out specific books from your college library if available at the time you need them.  The only draw back is that you will not be able to make any marking in them because they are library property.  You will also need to recheck book(s) out when the  checkout time expires if you still need it for the semester. Keep in mind that many students have this same idea in mind, so you will need to get on this early on.

Trade your books

And finally, you can always trade your paper back books at www.paperbackswap.com

The Vital Roles of Training and Development Managers

Training and Development is one of several functions of Human Resources and is fundamental in the development of the organization’s employees.  The Human Resources Training and Development Team works closely with the organization’s department managers to ensure that employees are given ample opportunities to grow continually by encouraging them to develop new skills and perspectives-and to also provide effective training to enhance current job skills.  Effective training is very important-in that it will prepare workers with the necessary skills needed to perform their jobs more effectively and efficiently.  In short, HR team and management work together to develop talented employees.

First and foremost, managers will need to identify and determine the appropriate training needed for the employees via job analysis. What type of training is needed? How will the training benefit the employee?  How will the training benefit the company in general?  When making decisions for training programs, managers will need to plan strategically, adopting programs that will benefit the employees as well as the company.  Fostering training programs that will engage employees are most valuable. Most managers are approved a budget allowance for training programs by the company’s executives and therefore can predetermine which programs best meets the needs of the employees and the cost of such. 

At the completion of each training program, managers should elicit feedback from the attendees to determine the learning outcome of the training. What did the employees learn?  Is more training needed in a specific area(s)?  What training is needed in other areas? Managers should also award each attendee a certificate of completion, signed and dated.  The certificate will confirm that the individual has attended training in entirety and has acquired specific knowledge that is needed to increase job performance. This in itself should motivate employees to work more effectively to attain organizational goals.

Proper training can also aid in job satisfaction, high morale, and job retention.  When employees know that the company has their best interest in mind, they will more than likely work better and remain loyal to the company. Employee training can be conducted in-house or off site. Employees are also given the opportunity to attend seminars that enhance job understanding as well.  Either way, the training is intended for the betterment of the employees and the company overall.  Excellent training will also have a positive impact on customer satisfaction.

In an effort to stay current with technological trends and changes, Human Resources Training and Development team should collaborate with department managers to motivate employees to tap into their hidden potential to develop new technologies and individual growth. Employees who continue to enhance their skills will achieve greater success than those who fail to do so.  Employees can use their newly acquired skills to take on new job advancements in their company and with other organizations as well.   

Education is also a very important aspect of employee development because when employees choose to further their education, it demonstrates personal achievements and the company benefits as well. Offering tuition reimbursement benefits can serve as an incentive for employees to continue their education and accomplish their goals.
Other training techniques include; on the job training, job shadowing, cross training. and e-learning.

On the job training involves, the training of current or new employee(s) by an employee or manager who has advance job knowledge, skills, and experience about specific jobs and/or office equipment. 

Job shadowing involves, current or new employee observing an experienced employee perform his or her job duties for an extended period of time- in order to learn how to effectively execute that job and/or how to properly use office equipment.

Cross training involves, employees training each other on how to perform each one’s job per the directive of a supervisor or manager. Consequently, employees will be able to perform all work- related tasks effectively and efficiently when called upon to do so.

E-learning, one of the most cost-effective training technique, allows the employees to learn via the internet, intranet, audio, or CD at one's own pace to acquire valuable knowledge and skills.  Employees should be able to apply the knowledge and skills to their current jobs.