Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Start Saving Now for Your Vacation Later!

Establish a Savings plan
 If you are planning for a vacation later on, you should start saving now so that you will be able to pay all of your expenses in cash when that day comes. It's really not hard to do if you just stay consistent with your savings. Just follow these moderately easy steps for how you can save now for your vacation later.

First, you will need to decide where you would like to go for your vacation and how long you want to stay. You should also decide if you are going alone or if you someone else will be traveling with you. If someone else is going along, will you be paying for his or her expenses, too?

Count up the cost
Next, find out how much you will need to spend for your transportation, hotel, food, clothing, entertainment, and other things that you might need and want. Be sure to include expenses for your guest, if you are paying their expenses. 

Open a vacation Savings account
Now you will need to start depositing an estimated amount of funds into your account every week on a consistent basis for your dream vacation. Once you start saving, don't withdraw any money from this account! If you have to borrow some for an emergency, be sure to put it back ASAP! For some accounts, you could be penalized for early withdrawal if you set it up that way. Remember this is your vacation money, don't waste it!

Time for your vacation!
At last that day has come and you have sufficient funds to pay for your entire trip. Saving early for your future vacation really PAID OFF. Enjoy your vacation!

~You can also open a vacation savings account through your credit union Recommend taking extra cash via debit card and traveler's cheques on your vacation.

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