Tuesday, April 1, 2014

How to Create Child-Friendly Easter Baskets For Cheap

You can create your very own child-friendly Easter baskets without spending a fortune. Keep in mind that you can purchase the basket, the Easter grass, cellophane, and many of the items that go in the basket from any dollar store. Nevertheless, this will not take away from the beauty of the finished product.  Children will jump for joy when they receive their baskets. Just follow these step by step instructions for creating beautiful child-friendly Easter baskets. 


Things you will need: basket(s), cellophane, Easter grass, bows, safe and age appropriate child-friendly toys for boys and girls, coloring books, non-toxic crayons, McDonald’s happy meal gift certificate, healthy snacks, medium size stuffed animal

Step 1

Select a colorful Easter scheme for each basket.  Example; matching colorful grass, colorful cellophane, and colorful bows.

Step 2
 Line each a basket with Easter grass, distribute evenly. 

Step 3
Place items directly on top of grass in an upright position, making sure that each item is within full view.

Step 4
Place cellophane underneath basket and pull ends upward.  Twist ends and secure with a small piece of tape.  Tie bow to twist. 

*Feel free to add other child-friendly items to list
*Make sure toys are age appropriate for each child
*Make sure food items are fresh and safe for children to eat
*Make sure toys are safe

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