Friday, April 11, 2014

Best Ways to Raise Your GPA in College

Keep in mind that your grades are a reflection of how well you’ve applied yourself during the semesters. While it may be difficult for’s not impossible to bring up your GPA to a 4.0, but it will take much effort on your part.  Keep in mind that your grades are a reflection of how well you’ve applied yourself during the semesters.  If you are not satisfied with your current average and want to raise your GPA, just follow these valuable steps.

Attend classes regularly
First and foremost, in order to raise your GPA you will have to attend your classes regularly.   How do you expect to get A’s when you cut classes?  And don’t rely on other student to give you accurate notes because they might inadvertently omit important pieces of information.   Now in the event that you have a legitimate excuse for missing class, make sure you get notes from someone you can trust to take good notes.  Read on…

Take good notes during the lectures
Make sure that you take good notes during the lectures.  Highlight important material, especially information that you will be tested on.  If you have questions about anything pertinent to your assignments, don’t hesitate to ask for clarifications from your instructors immediately. You should also keep abreast of assignments and notes on blackboard.

Do your homework
Make sure that you do all of your homework and turn it in on time.  When you fail to do your homework or even turn it in late, you could lose grade points.

Do extra credit assignments
When your instructors give you the opportunity to do extra credit work, I suggest that you take advantage of this…even though you are not required to do so.  Doing extra credit work will not only increase your grade points but it will help you memorize and understand your assignments better.   So if for some reason you are down some points, extra credit work will help bring your points up.
Study with a group
Group studies are very beneficial because they help to strengthen your overall knowledge of your class subjects and will help you prepare for your quizzes and test more effectively.  When each member of the group gives his or her input you can learn from them and vice versa   make sure that you meet in an area that is conducive for studying.

Study, study, study alone
When you are not available to study with a group, you should study alone.  This will require much discipline on your part.  If you take good notes during the lectures you should study them, along with the reading assignments and other handouts at least 3 to 4 hours a day.  Find an area that is conducive for quite study.

Collaborate with “A” students
Hang out with other students “A” students.  Don’t hang out with students who repeatedly cut classes and have no desire to make good grades…they are a bad influence.

Limit your partying and social network time
It’s OK to party some, but you should limit your parting when you know you need to do some serious studying.  You can party more during the summer break and after your graduation. And you can socialize on Facebook, etc. anytime.

Ask for help when needed
If you are having trouble in certain classes you should ask for help.  Your college should have tutors available that are experts in certain subjects and can help you bring up your GPA.  You will need to make an appointment when you are ready.  Make sure you bring pen and paper to take good notes.

Do well on all quizzes and test
If you take good notes during the lectures, put in good study time, and take advantage of available tutoring, you should do well on your quizzes and test.  When you do well on all of your quizzes and test you can bring up your GPA and this is quite an accomplishment.

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