Thursday, April 3, 2014

Make Plans for a Sensational Mother's Day!

Hey you, start making your plans now for mother's day for your mom and/or anyone who has been a mother to you. Don't wait one week before the day...but you can start now.

There’s nobody like mom!  Show mom how much you love her by making this mother’s day a very special one.  Make sure you get the kids involved in the planning process. Don’t delay but start planning today.  Here are some unique ideas that you can do to help bring about a sensational mother’s day in May.  Happy planning!

Mother’s day brunch

 Treat mom to a sensational mother’s day brunch where the food is very tasty and the hospitality is top notch.  You will need to research to find the best eating establishments that are noted for their superb brunches.  You should also keep in mind that you will need to make reservations in advance as this will be a very busy time for any restaurant. 

Shower her with flowers

Express your love for mom by showering her with flowers.  You can’t go wrong with fresh flowers.  Shop around for the most beautiful bouquet of roses that you can find. Give her roses while she can smell them! 

Gift basket filled with her favorites
Buy her a beautiful gift basket filled with her favorite perfumes, shower jells, body wash, body lotions, and other items that she loves. Or you can make your own basket if you prefer…for a more personalized touch.

Give her the finest chocolates
Who can resist chocolate?  If she’s not fond of chocolate buy her something else sweet and tasty that she would enjoy.

Royal spa treatment

Treat mom to a well-deserved spa treatment where she will receive a full body massage and plenty of pampering. Be sure to give her a gift certificate for a manicure and a pedicure to complete the royal treatment.

Fancy gift wrap

Purchase mom a gift that she would treasure.  What does she need?  What does she want?  Find out what she needs and/or wants and purchase it for her.  She will be so amazed that you gave her something valuable. See related article.

Or simply say it with a card

You should carefully select the most beautiful card that poetically conveys the way you truly feel about her…in addition to other gifts that you give her.  Don’t wait until the last minute on Mother’s day to purchase a card…when they are all picked over; but shop for your card early so that you can take your time.

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