Wednesday, April 2, 2014

How to Effectively Measure Customer Satisfaction

Customers can either make or break your business. Customer satisfaction measures whether or not your products or services meet or even exceed your customers' expectations. You must keep in mind that the customer is the reason that you are in business. Simply put, without the customer, there would be no business.
There are ways in which you can measure your customers' satisfaction to determine whether or not you meet their needs and wants. Do you realize that the customer dictates the overall success of your business? Listed are feedback mechanisms that will help you measure customer satisfaction and could hopefully save your business from unnecessary net losses due to dissatisfied customers who opted to do business with your competitors.

Step 1

You can use survey forms as a means in which the customers can evaluate your company's products and/or services while they are still on your premises. The customer is asked to give their overall opinion and expectation of your products and/or services that they just received.  Customers will then submit surveys to management or other employee upon completion.

Step 2
It has been said that word of mouth is the fastest way to spread news about your business, whether good or bad. You can find out what is being said about your business, simply by asking your customers.

Step 3
You should provide your company's web address for customers to complete an online survey about their experiences with your business. This is one of the most convenient and efficient way in which customers can take surveys.

Step 4


Although not a as popular as in past years, on occasion you can randomly call your regular customers that you have listed on file to find out their opinion of your products and/or services and their most recent experiences.

In some instances, you will receive calls from your customers to either praise or complain about the products and/or services they received. You should keep track of these calls and include this when measuring customer satisfaction.

You should also provide a number for your customers to reach you. It's a good idea to have a toll free number for your customers, if affordable.

Step 5
Sometimes you might receive letters from your customers, either complaining about the service they received or to praise your business. By all means, keep these letters on file and include when measuring customer satisfaction.

Step 6

You should provide incentives for your customers so that they would be more willing to give their feedback. Incentives could come in the form of a monthly cash drawing, restaurant meal cards, gift card, etc. What ever is most affordable for your company. For you will determine the dollar amount for gifts based upon your budget.

Step 7

The results are a true refection of your customers' satisfaction toward your business.   In this final step, you should choose a time in which to review all feedback from your customers. You should then use this feedback as a means to improve customer satisfaction.

Your overall goal should be to find strategies in which to retain current customers and to also attract new customers based upon these results. Customer loyalty is an essential ingredient of growth and profitability for your business. If your customers are totally satisfied with your products and service they will more than likely remain loyal to you.

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