Thursday, April 3, 2014

How to Prepare Fertile Soil for Your Flower bed

If you are contemplating growing outdoor flowers this year, you should keep in mind that soil preparation is the first step to growing healthy flowers.  Your flowers will only be a reflection of the soil they grow in.  If you want your flowers to look beautiful during the spring and summer season you must start by preparing fertile soil for your plants to grow in.  Follow these steps for preparing fertile soil for your flower bed.
Things you will need:  Garden fork, rake, shovel, peat moss, organic matter (compost, manure, etc.), garden gloves

Step 1
Find an area that will be good for growing the flowers that you want.  Be mindful that the flowers you choose must be tolerant of direct sunlight or partial shade.  Some plants require direct sunlight where as some can thrive in partial sunlight.  So make sure that the area you choose has sufficient sunlight for the plants you chose to grow.

Step 2
After you have located a spot, you can begin by using the shovel to dig (at least six inches deep) to remove grass and weeds until this process is completed.  It might be easier to remove some weeds by pulling them up directly by hand to remove the entire root as to discourage unsightly wild plants from growing in your garden later. Use your hand to remove large clumps of rocks and other debris.  Be sure to put on your gloves before you begin.

Step 3

Next, use the shovel to flip and turn top of soil repetitively.  Use the garden fork to break down and loosen large clumps of soil. Use the fork to smooth over top surface. Continue to do this until surface is somewhat smooth.  Tilling the soil will help it to soak up the peat moss and organic matter and you should only need to do this once.

Step 4
Next, add generous amounts of organic matter to the soil and work in thoroughly with the rake.  Use the rake to smooth top soil until smooth. This substance will help feed the soil good nutrients and keep it moist all season.

Step 6
Water the top soil lightly with your garden hose to help absorb substances.

Step 5
Next, add a two inch layer of peat moss over the soil and distribute evenly then smooth over with rake.  Use shovel to turn top layer thoroughly to mix in peat moss.  Use rake to smooth evenly. Add one more layer of organic matter to top soil to ensure richness, distribute evenly.  Wait at least one week before planting your flower to allow substance to settle in soil.

Step 6
PLANT FLOWERS Now it’s time to plant your flowers in fertile soil.  Remember to water them when needed, fertilize soil once a month, pull up weeds that might grow in your garden, and deadhead your flowers to keep them looking beautiful.

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