Thursday, April 3, 2014

Facts You Should Know About Online Writing

If you currently write for an online writing site(s) or if you are contemplating on writing online there are some very important truths that you need to be aware of. Many writers start out strong but eventually become discouraged and discontinue writing simply because they are ignorant about the particulars of online writing. Here are some useful tips for potential and current online writers.

Tip 1
~Don’t expect to get rich

First and foremost, don’t expect to get rich overnight or in the weeks to come. In fact, you may never get rich by writing online. The truth is…it will take weeks before you even see and/or obtain earnings for your writings. Even the best writings pieces don’t earn right away. It takes time for your articles to saturate or to even get noticed by viewers. You should also keep in mind that each site differs in how they compensate their writers.

Tip 2
~Money should not be your main motivation for writing

Of course you should be somewhat motivated by money but if money is your main motivation for wanting to write online…I can surely tell you that you will be very disappointed at the earnings you will receive for your work initially. In order to thrive in this business, your passion for writing should prevail over your earnings expectations…

Tip 3
~Earnings can fluctuate

Keep in mind that your earnings can vary from time to time…depending upon several factors. For one, if you have writings online that are seasonal (e.g. Christmas, Halloween, Easter, etc.) you may receive countless views during that particular season but will see a decline in views after the season. Another reason could be that you will not get many views when submitting a new article but hopefully you will see an increase in views over a period of time. And yet another fact is that you will discover that people will find your writings interesting one moment but that could change over night. The point being…more views can ultimately increase your earning potential and fewer views can decrease your earnings.
Tip 4
~Must have a passion for writing

Aforementioned…you must have a passion for writing if you expect to do well. You should continue to write and submit your articles and other content even though you have earned very little or no earnings at all. Be assured that if you continue to write and submit quality content and useful information you will eventually see a significant increase in your earnings over time…

Tip 5
~Must write useful information

You may not get rich in this business but you can increase your earning potential by writing and submitting useful information. Make sure that you write material that will attract the attention of your intended audience. You should also keep in mind that poorly written material will unsurprisingly go unnoticed by those surfing the Internet for useful information.

Tip 6
~Must have a desire to share your knowledge

And last, you should be willing to share your knowledge with those who need it. There are individuals who lack the knowledge that you possess and need your help. Don’t let initial low earnings discourage and deter you from helping someone who seeks what you have to offer. But be swift to share your knowledge and skills with others instead. Happy writing!

Additional Tips:
* Always proof read and critique your work before submitting
* Use titles that will grab the attention of your readers
* Learn SEO and how to incorporate key words into your writings to increase views
* Use social bookmarking to help promote your articles

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