Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Make a Signature Gift Basket Just for Him in 3 Steps

Making a gift basket for that special man in your life can be quite fun when you use your imagination and creativity to design your signature basket just for him. you are sure to leave a lasting impression on him, especially when he learns that this is your creation. And you will save tremendously compared to purchasing it from a store. You should also keep in mind that you can purchase the basket, the shredded tissue paper, the bow, cellophane, and the picture frame from any dollar store, and this will not take away from the beauty and quality of your finished product. But I would suggest that you purchase all other items from a department store, catalog, or via the internet. So now, lets get stared by following these simple steps.


Things You'll Need:
*shredded tissue paper
*bow (optional)
*favorite cologne/body splash
*masculine washcloth/towel set
*gift certificate/his favorite store
*ticket to favorite sports game
*DVD/favorite movie or music
*favorite snack food
*5/7 framed recent picture of you

*His favorite beverage

*Personalized card (card store, dollar store, drug store)


Step 1 

Earth tone colors
First, you will need to choose a color scheme. The color schemes for men gift baskets are usually earth tone. But this is totally up to you. Hopefully, you know what colors he likes and dislikes. Just make sure that you color-coordinate to give it a professional look. And you want his basket to look masculine.

Step 2
Position items in an upright position
Next, generously line the bottom of the basket with shredded tissue, distribute evenly.
Next, place each item in an upright position directly on top of tissue paper, making sure that each item is within full view.

Step 3

Secure bow
Now, place cellophane directly underneath the basket, and pull ends upward, twist and secure with a small piece of tape. Secure bow on twist.

There you have it! You have just created your very own signature gift basket for that special man in your life. This will make a lasting impression because when he looks at your picture that you included in this basket, it will remind him that YOU did this just for him.

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