Tuesday, April 8, 2014

How to Get a Jump Start on Your Spring Cleaning

It’s almost that time of a year again for cleaning and de-cluttering your home.  It’s amazing how time flies.  Yes, spring is just around the corner and you know what that means...it’s time to do some serious spring cleaning!
Hey, instead of waiting until you get yourspring vacation break, why not start now?   If you can spare just two hour per week you can do this. Here are some great tips for getting a jump start on your spring cleaning.
Things you will need:  two hours per week, plastic bins, cleaning supplies, paint, helper

1. The first thing you should do is to go through your home and dispose of any items that you no longer need and are not worth keeping.  Now, don’t pretend that you don’t have these things in your house…just go through and collect them up and discard of them immediately.

2. Next, go through your closet and remove your fall and winter clothing that will just be taking up space in your closet during the spring and summer.  Fold them neatly, place them in plastic bins and store them away.

3. You should go through your home and set aside items that you no longer wear or things you no longer need and donate them to goodwill, thrift stores, churches, or who ever will take them.  Just make sure that the things you give away are in good condition.

4. Take some time to clean out your garage. This is something you have been longing to do for quite some time now.  Start by tossing out things you don’t need and are just taking up space.  Then organize the things you need to keep in a neat and orderly fashion. Be sure to wipe down cabinets and shelves.


5. If there is a particular room in your home that needs painting, you should take the time to get it done before your spring vacation.  Start by deciding on a color and then go make your purchase.  Make sure you have other painting items…brush, roller, etc. also.

6. Ask a family member or friend to help you clean out your garage and paint a room.  Be sure to give them advance notice so that they can keep that date open.
Concluding, by getting a jump start on your spring cleaning you will be able to use your spring vacation to relax and have fun because most of your work will be done. Happy spring!

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