Friday, April 18, 2014

Establishing Customer Loyalty: How to Render Exceptional Customer Service

Understandably, customers may not return to an eating establishment or other public business enterprise if they’ve received poor customer service in the past.  Not only will they refuse to return but they can deter others from patronizing your business as well.  In order for your business to grow you will need the support of loyal customers.
Learn how to render exceptional customer service so that you can secure continued customer loyalty. Just follow these practical guidelines to find out how.
Hire a competent staff
1. First and foremost you will need to put the right people in place.  Bear in mind, your employees represent the company and they are an integral component in the success of your business. You should be very particular about who you let work for you. Work closely with your human resources department to ensure that they hire the best employees for your business.
Provide adequate training for employees
2. Next, you will need to make sure that your employees receive adequate training and have the necessary tools needed to perform their task effectively.  Train your employees to treat every customer with respect and to provide exceptional service to the customers consistently.
Open your doors on time
3. It’s imperative that you keep the hours that you say your business opens and closes. For example; if you advertise to the public that your business opens at 8:00 a.m., Monday through Friday…make sure that you are there before 8:00 and be ready to service your customers by 8.00 am.  Habitual lateness is just plain tacky and very unprofessional.
You should also keep your doors open up until the time your business is scheduled to close. The point being…you should never inconvenience your customers.
Get to know your customers
4. You should get to know your customers, especially those who frequent your business regularly.  Let them know that you value them as customers and appreciate their business.  Find out the wants and needs of your customers and make the proper adjustments to fulfill their request.
Go above and beyond
5. Sometimes you will need to go above and beyond the call of duty just to satisfy your customers. After you have properly serviced your customers you should make it a practice to ask them if you could be of further service to them.  The bottom line…you should make every effort to make your customers happy.
Provide prompt and efficient service
6. And finally, you should set reasonable time frames for how long it should take your employees to service your customers. Don’t keep your customers waiting too long but provide prompt and efficient service.  In the event of a delay in servicing your customers promptly, you should at least acknowledge their presence and apologize for the delay. Perhaps a free soda or a customer discount will compensate for their inconvenience. 

More Tips:
*Greet every customer with a smile
*Always thank your customers for supporting your business
*Set goals and standards for you employees to achieve
*Establish a code of conduct for your employees and enforce it
*Meet regularly with your employees to render and receive feedback

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Simple Tips for Being on Time for Your Appointments

If you have a consistent problem with arriving to work on time, being late for appointments, getting to school on time, etc. you will need to change the way you do things.  Here are practical solutions that you can use that demonstrate how you can avoid being late for anything.

1. The first thing you will need to do is find out where you need to be and the exact time in which you are expected to be there.   If you are not familiar with the facility, the location, or the route, you will need to find out beforehand how to best get there and whether or not you will be able to find parking near or if you have to pay for parking.  If you are taking public transportation, you will need to find out the bus route and/or trains that will take you there.  Plan to leave plenty early if you are taking public transportation.  Or if by chance you will need to travel by plane, you will need to make advance preparations and arrive at least 2 hours before your flight.

2. You should plan to leave early enough to make it to your destination before the scheduled time.  This means that you should allow yourself ample time to make it to your destination. Find out approximately how long it will take you to reach your destination, then allow 30 to 45 minutes extra to allow for traffic delays, inclement weather, road construction, etc.  Keep in mind that it’s better to be early than late.

3. It won’t be a bad idea to e-mail yourself the day before as a reminder that you are scheduled to be someplace at a certain time.

4. Use your cell phone or other hand held devices to remind you of your appointments one day beforehand.

5. If you know that you will have to travel for a long period of time, you should get plenty of sleep the day before. Plan to go to bed earlier than your usual time.


6. If you are the type that can wake up automatically without the use of an alarm clock, you should be okay.  But if you think you will need to use an alarm clock to wake you up on time, by all means use one!

7. On the day of your appointment you should avoid responding to and doing things that can wait until you return from your destination.  Instead, stay focused on getting to your destination on time.  If you respond to unnecessary distractions you could be late for your appointment and that’s what you want to avoid!

Ways to Proactively Prevent Crimes in Your Neighborhood

We are living in a time in which we must be watchful of suspicious individuals who lurk around our neighborhoods  with the intentions to kill, steal, rape, or destroy our valuables.  Crime can happen in any neighborhood at any time.  You must be watchful and help prevent crimes in your community.  Here are valuable tips that can help you prevent crimes in your neighborhood.

Step 1

You should watch and be aware of who come and goes in your neighborhood. Note, that this is not the same as being a snooping busy body, but instead you are looking out for the well-being and the safety of your neighbors.  You should take note of strangers who behave suspiciously when lurking around your neighborhood.
You should pay particular attention to what they look like and what they are wearing.  You should also be aware of strange vehicles that constantly come and go as well.  Be sure to write down the license plate number of any strange vehicles and an explicit description of strangers that you observe in your neighborhood and be prepared to give this information to the police so that they can investigate.

Step 2

Make sure that you secure your home at all times to prevent crime suspects from breaking into your home. Make sure that your windows and doors are locked when you are away.  You should also have a neighbor that you trust keep a watchful eye on your home when you know that you will be away.  It would be wise to invest in a good security system if you can.

Step 3
It is imperative that you communicate with your neighbors consistently.  It’s good to know who your neighbors are.  If you have lived in your neighborhood for quite some time, you really should know who lives next door to you.  If you just moved into a new neighborhood you should get acquainted with your new neighbors.  You should also try to attend block club meetings and other community events as often as you can.  This is a good way to get to know your neighbors better.

Step 4

If you ever witness a crime in progress, don’t hesitate to call your local law enforcers or you can call 911 immediately. Don’t be afraid to call for help.  Or, if you suspect that someone is up to no-good you should call your area law enforcement facility.  It’s better to be safe now that sorry later.

Tips and warnings:  never try to confront a criminal alone or take the law into your own hands in any way!

Monday, April 14, 2014

How to Resign From Your Job

Are you ready to leave your current job?  If the answer is yes, you should try to leave on good terms whether you like your current job or dislike it.   You want to make your transition professional and courteous as possible. Be very careful not to burn down any bridges as you may need to get back to obtain help from your previous employer.  Here are steps that demonstrate how you should properly resign from your job.

Step 1
First and foremost, you will need to weigh your pros and cons about leaving your current job.  What are your plans after you leaveyour job?  Did you accept another job offer?  If yes, are you sure it would be a better job opportunity than your current job? Before you officially resign from your job make sure that this is what you really want to do.

Step 2
If you are sure about resigning from your job, you should give your current employer ample notice about your decision to leave the company. You should ask for a face-to-face private meeting with your manager to discuss your plan to resign from your job and the time frame in which you plan to leave.  If your manager makes you a counter-offer, make sure that it’s better than your newjob offer (if you have one) before you accept it.

Step 3

Next, you will need to write a letter of resignation to submit to your manager at least two weeks prior to your departure.  Putting your plan in writing will make it official. Keep your letter brief and professional and get directly to point.  Make sure you submit your letter directly to your manager and you should also forward a copy to your human resources department.  See my article on “How to Write a Good Resignation Letter”, link posted at end of article.

Step 4

And last, your company may have you do an exit interview on your last scheduled work day. Usually, exit interviews are done by human resource personnel.  Be prepared to explain why you decided to resign and how you liked or disliked working for the company.  Be careful, you don’t want to say anything negative about your manager or even your co-workers because you might need to use them as references.  At this point you will also need to return your company ID, company keys, or any property that belongs to the company, if you have not done so already.

*ask your current employer for a reference beforehand
*don’t blab to your co-workers about your desire to leave until you discuss it with your manager first.
*Always try to leave on good terms

How to Make D's Delicious Sweet Potato Pie

Not only is sweet potato a tasty comfort food, it also has great nutritional value. In additional to the two main vitamins A and C, sweet potatoes have iron, copper, manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin E, potassium, dietary fiber, and beta-carotene.
Even though sweet potatoes are more popular around the Thanksgiving holidays, you can purchase them any season. So with the holidays rapidly approaching and if you are looking to try a new dessert recipe, try making this delicious comfort food, my delectable sweet potato pie. Hey, you really can have your pie and eat it too!

Things You'll Need: 2 large sweet potatoes 1/2 cup butter, softened 1/2 cup evaporated milk 1/2 cup white sugar 1/2 cup dark brown sugar 2 large eggs (beaten) 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1-teaspoon vanilla extract 1-teaspoon maple syrup 1 9-inch unbaked pie crust 1 mixer 1 large bowl 1 large mixing spoon

Preheat oven 350

Step 1

Bring sweet potatoes to a boil
Let cool in cold water for 15 minutes
Peel off skin and discard

Step 2

Cut in cubes and mash in large bowl
Add butter and mix well with mixer

 Step 3

Stir in sugars, milk, eggs, nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla extract, and syrup
Beat on medium speed with mixer until smooth 

Step 4

Pour filling in unbaked pie crust
Bake 50-60 minutes
Remove from oven and let cool

Tips: *serve with your favorite toppings
Warning: *Pie will sink once cooled

Sunday, April 13, 2014

How to Select a Health Club that Meets Your Needs

Before making a decision to join a health
club there are things you should consider before you release your signature. You definitely want to make sure that the club you select meets your needs before you pay any funds. Listed are specifics that should help you make a decision on the health club that is right for you.

Step 1
Determine your needs
What do you want? You will need to decide what you are looking for in a health club. Bear in mind, the health club industry is constantly growing because individuals are more health conscious today. However, some heath clubs differ slightly in the services they offer. If you are interested in joining a full service club you can expect to pay more money because in addition to state of the art work out equipment, they offer fitness classes, swimming, rock climbing, personal trainers and much more.

You will also find that these clubs have more locations. Now if you’re just interested in joining a basic gym for weight lifting and cardio exercises only, you are better off selecting a smaller privately owned workout facility in your community, the YMCA, or utilize the gyms on the premises of schools and colleges that are less expensive.

Step 2
Search for a health club
Now that you have decided which type of health club is right for you, it’s time to search for the club that you feel will meet your needs. If you know the club by name it’s just a matter of searching for contact information.

Step 3
Seek club location
Next, you should search for a health club that is most convenient for you to travel to. You don’t want to select a club that is far distance and awkward to get to. Check on-line to find the club of your interest that is nearest to you.

Step 4
Select you club
At this point you know what type of club you are looking for, the name of the club, and the location. So now it’s simply just a matter of calling so that you can obtain more information on the club and how you can become a member.

Step 5
Now all you need to do is make an appointment with the sales manager to join that club. Usually, you can call the club directly or register on-line to make an appointment. You will be given a time and date in which to meet with the sales representative.
Once you go in for your appointment you can ask your sales rep any questions that you have pertaining to the club, the cost of your membership, your payments due dates, contract VS. pay as you go, etc. If you decide on a full service club, joining may be more time-consuming where as the basic gym will take less time to register. Once your registration is complete you are an official member. Someone will give you a tour of the facility before you depart. And now you are on your way to better health and fitness.

* Only agree to pay for days that you want (e.g. 4 days a week or 7 days a week)
* It’s best to pay as you go rather than a two or three year contract

Are You Still Trying to Decide on a College Major?

Understandably when you start college for the first time you may not know what you want to major in. Not to worry…for this is very common for incoming freshmen. Actually, it’s possible that you may not decide on a major until your sophomore or even your junior year in college. Conversely, you may decide on a major early on then change your mind later and that’s okay too. However, keep in mind that the reason for going to college in the first place is to prepare for a solid career and with hopes of landing that dream job upon completion of your education. So whatever you decide make sure that this is something you have a passion for. Listed below are tips that will come in handy when in doubt about your college major.

What are you most passionate about?
Think about what it is that you really like to do. When you find out what it is you like to do then you can move forward in deciding on a major. For example, do you like working with children? Then maybe you should major in education. Or, if you like helping the sick…perhaps you might want to major in the medical field and so on. Bear in mind that it will be to your advantage to get your degree in something you have a passion for in that you will find it less difficult to obtain and more rewarding than something you don’t have a zeal for.

Which subjects do you earn your best grades in?
Another way to decide on a major is to observe which subjects you usually earn your best grades in. You might want to look into pursing your degree in this area. On the contrary, take a good look at the subjects you have the difficult time in…you get the idea.

What would you like to be doing ten years from now?
What do you envision yourself doing ten years from now? If you have some ideas as to where and what and you would like to be doing then you should takes steps towards achieving your dream. Talk with your academic counselors to make sure you take the right courses to obtain the degree in the field of your interest.

Do a thorough research on that field
You should thoroughly research your field of interest beforehand to determine whether or not you really want to pursue a degree in this field. Sometimes you might think you want to major in a particular field but after you learn what it entails you might change your mind and vice versa. You can also obtain information about your major by reading info packets and brochures that should be available in the career services department or specific academic departments at your school.

Volunteer in that field
A good way to help you decided whether or not you might want to major in a particular career is to volunteer in that field. This way you can get a feel for this work by observing the daily operations and taking notes and asking questions on things you need more clarity on. Call the desired company, organization, facility, etc. and inquire about possibly volunteering for them.

Talk with your academic advisors
You should make an appointment to speak with your academic advisors when you need help in deciding on a major. They will give you advice as to what you might want to major in and the class requirements based upon your desired goals.

Don’t allow someone to force you into making a decision
One thing you don’t want is to allow someone to force you into majoring in something that they feel you would be good at and really want you to pursue it. If your parents or other relative always wanted a doctor in the family they might try to convince you that this is your calling. But the question is…is this what you really want to do? Sometimes…trying to compete with others will also misdirect you into deciding on a major. Just because your close colleague is majoring in science doesn’t mean that you should too. Again, what are you most passionate about? This is a decision you will have to make and live with in the future.
Much Success!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Best Ways to Raise Your GPA in College

Keep in mind that your grades are a reflection of how well you’ve applied yourself during the semesters. While it may be difficult for’s not impossible to bring up your GPA to a 4.0, but it will take much effort on your part.  Keep in mind that your grades are a reflection of how well you’ve applied yourself during the semesters.  If you are not satisfied with your current average and want to raise your GPA, just follow these valuable steps.

Attend classes regularly
First and foremost, in order to raise your GPA you will have to attend your classes regularly.   How do you expect to get A’s when you cut classes?  And don’t rely on other student to give you accurate notes because they might inadvertently omit important pieces of information.   Now in the event that you have a legitimate excuse for missing class, make sure you get notes from someone you can trust to take good notes.  Read on…

Take good notes during the lectures
Make sure that you take good notes during the lectures.  Highlight important material, especially information that you will be tested on.  If you have questions about anything pertinent to your assignments, don’t hesitate to ask for clarifications from your instructors immediately. You should also keep abreast of assignments and notes on blackboard.

Do your homework
Make sure that you do all of your homework and turn it in on time.  When you fail to do your homework or even turn it in late, you could lose grade points.

Do extra credit assignments
When your instructors give you the opportunity to do extra credit work, I suggest that you take advantage of this…even though you are not required to do so.  Doing extra credit work will not only increase your grade points but it will help you memorize and understand your assignments better.   So if for some reason you are down some points, extra credit work will help bring your points up.
Study with a group
Group studies are very beneficial because they help to strengthen your overall knowledge of your class subjects and will help you prepare for your quizzes and test more effectively.  When each member of the group gives his or her input you can learn from them and vice versa   make sure that you meet in an area that is conducive for studying.

Study, study, study alone
When you are not available to study with a group, you should study alone.  This will require much discipline on your part.  If you take good notes during the lectures you should study them, along with the reading assignments and other handouts at least 3 to 4 hours a day.  Find an area that is conducive for quite study.

Collaborate with “A” students
Hang out with other students “A” students.  Don’t hang out with students who repeatedly cut classes and have no desire to make good grades…they are a bad influence.

Limit your partying and social network time
It’s OK to party some, but you should limit your parting when you know you need to do some serious studying.  You can party more during the summer break and after your graduation. And you can socialize on Facebook, etc. anytime.

Ask for help when needed
If you are having trouble in certain classes you should ask for help.  Your college should have tutors available that are experts in certain subjects and can help you bring up your GPA.  You will need to make an appointment when you are ready.  Make sure you bring pen and paper to take good notes.

Do well on all quizzes and test
If you take good notes during the lectures, put in good study time, and take advantage of available tutoring, you should do well on your quizzes and test.  When you do well on all of your quizzes and test you can bring up your GPA and this is quite an accomplishment.

Get Hired Permanently by Working Temporary!

If you are currently working on a temporary basis for various companies, you can shift to a permanent status for a company that you desire to work for…should a position become available.
There are many advantages in working for a temporary agency, one being that you can start working as a temporary employee but later become a permanent employee while working on an assignment for a company. Here are six proven strategies that illustrate how you could shift from temp to perm.

Step 1
Which position are you interested in?
As you work temporary for various companies you will find that some job assignments are better than others.  At some point you may discover that you really like working for a particular company and consequently conclude that you would like to establish a career relationship with them permanently.  If you ever find yourself in this position read on to find out how you can acquire a permanent job opportunity by working as a temp.

Step 2
Learn the job well
If you really like a particular job assignment that your agency has arranged for you to work at, you should learn every aspect of the job in a timely manner so that you can meet performance expectations. At some point the manager of the company that you are working for will take notice of how well you learned the job.

Step 3
Do the job well
Once you learn how to adequately perform your job duties you should do an excellent job consistently so that the manager of that department will be impressed with your overall performance and could perceive you to be a valuable asset for the company.  Don’t slack off at any time while working at that company. That means that you should arrive at work on time, come back from breaks and lunch on time, and abide by the company’s rules and regulations.  Keep in mind that this is your opportunity to showcase your talents and good work ethics.

Step 4
Inquire about the position
At some point, (after you have proven yourself) you may want to inquire about the position to find out if the manager is seeking to hire someone permanently.   If so, you should let the manager know that you are interested.  Or, the manager may approach you if he or she is impressed with the job you are doing.  Either way, just be sure that you let them know that you are very much interested in the job.

Step 5
Apply for the position
Next, you will need to find out how and when you can apply for the position so that you can take the appropriate steps toward the application process.  You should also find out if the position is open for other external candidates along with internal employees to apply.  If yes, this will mean more competition for you.  Nevertheless, you should apply for the position if you’re interested and be prepared to interview for the job as well.

Step 6
Contact your agency
Keep in mind that you are still an employee of the Temp agency that placed you on the assignment.  Therefore you will need to refer to the terms of the contract. The manager of the company that you are working temporary for will need to contact the agency to inform them of their desire to hire you permanently.  This is very important in that some agencies charge a fee if the company hires you before a certain time, usually before six months to a year.  If you are a good temp worker, your agency may be reluctant initially because they will lose money.  However, you are not obligated to continue working for them…especially if you are offered a better job opportunity .  But be sure to read your contract thoroughly.  I would further suggest that you remain on good terms with your agency just in case you need to use them again in the future.

Conclusion, job searching has become more challenging nowadays because there is enormous competition due to a slow- down in the economy.  If you are looking for a permanent job, you might want to consider using a temp agency.   You may start out temping but could end up working permanently!

Just joined a Health club... Do You Need a Personal Fitness Trainer?

If you recently joined a health club you may be wondering whether or not you will need a personal fitness trainer to help you achieve your goals.  Bear in mind, that the cost of a personal trainer is separate from your membership fees and dues.  Nevertheless, you may need a personal trainer to help get you on the right track in the beginning.  Listed are basics that will help you determine whether or not you need a personal trainer.

Do you exercise regularly?
If you have never done moderate to vigorous exercise, you may need a personal trainer to show you how to exercise properly and how to utilize the cardio machines.  Your trainer will work with you to ensure that you get the maximum workout results.  Your trainer might also suggest foods that are good for you as well.

How long have you been working out?
If you have been working out for over two years, you may not need a trainer.  But if you feel you are not achieving your goals that you have set for yourself, you may want to consider using a personal trainer to help you.

How long have you had your club membership?
If you just joined a health club, chances are you may need some coaching on how to properly exercise.  However, if you were ever a member of another health club before joining a new club, you may feel that you are knowledgeable about exercising and are comfortable working out on your own.

Do you have fitness goals that you want to achieve?
Maybe you have been a member for some years now but you need someone to help give you that extra push than you need.  A fitness trainer can help you work towards achieving your goals. You and your trainer will keep a record of your fitness accomplishments each week. You will need to determine how many days a week and how long you will need a trainer to work with you.  You should see good progress during and after your training session has ended.

Are you comfortable with using the cardio machines and weights?
 If you are a new member you will definitely need help in determining how to properly use the equipment.  It’s not always best to ask other members because you don’t want to inconvenience anyone or they may not show you correctly.  You want to make sure that you use the machines and weights properly in order to achieve maximum work out results and to also prevent injuries.  A fitness trainer can show you how to properly use each piece of equipment and educated you on the purpose of using them, and the positive effect it will have on your body parts.

Can you use some motivation from an experienced trainer?
Perhaps you have a membership but you lack the motivation to go regularly.  You will be glad to know that a fitness trainer can help inspire you to utilize your membership consistently and keep you on track.

Concluding, at this point you should know whether or not you will need a personal trainer to help you achieve your goals.  You can request for the assistance of a personal trainer by contacting your health club by phone, or by speaking with an administrative staff while you are on the premises, or you can approach a personal trainer that you happen to see while you are at the club.  The administrative staff will set up a date and time that you can meet with a trainer so that you can arrange for your fitness training.

Happy training!

How to Make a Hearty Hawaiian Salad

This hearty Hawaiian salad is one of the easiest salad recipes that I have ever made, but yet it taste so incredibly delicious. Once you've tasted this salad you would not believe the minimal preparation time it takes to prepare this delightful dessert. It is also very inexpensive to make and one of the most beautifully colorful salads to look at.
You can make it during any season, but I particularly like to make it during the summer seasons. The truth's good anytime!!! Hey, if you can't afford to take a trip to Hawaii, why not bring Hawaii home. So what are you waiting for? Check out my instructions and get started!

Things You'll Need: 1/2 pint sour cream, 1/2 jar sweet cherries drained, 2 11 oz. cans Mandarin oranges, drained 1 medium can pineapple tidbits, drained, 1 1/2 cups coconut, 1 1/2 cups miniature marshmallows, 1/2 cup chopped walnuts, 1 large mixing bowl, 1 large mixing spoon

Step 1
First, wipe off tops of cans of fruit and drain excess juice.
Step 2
Next, pour fruit into large mixing bowl.
Step 3
Mix fruit in bowl then add in coconut, marshmallows, walnuts, and sour cream and mix well.
Step 4
Remove salad from mixing bowl and place in an attractive dessert dish, and let chill.Makes an excellent party favorite.

TIPS: you can substitute sour cream for cool whip or other whip cream

* Return all uneaten salad to refrigerator until ready to serve again.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

How to Avoid Getting Over Your Head in Debt

Not to sound confusing…but the way out of debt is to avoid getting into debt in the first place.  Yes, you can regulate your cash flow sensibly and avoid financial hardship later.  Of course it sounds easy but the temptation to spend more than you make is hard to resist.  But with some determination and self-discipline you can certainly avoid getting over your head in debt.  Follow these challenging but practical steps to learn how.

Budget your income
1. You should budget your money each time you get paid.  Set aside enough funds to pay your expenses first… then put some away.  Don’t spend any money on luxury items until you pay your bills first and save some.  Try not to deviate from your budget, but stick to it.

Put money away
2. You should make it a point to subtract money from your pay every payday and put it in your savings account, 401K, money market fund, retirement account, credit union, purchase CDs savings bonds, and any other savings account that you might have.  Once you start saving don’t make it a habit of withdrawing funds to purchase unnecessary items.

Pay your bills on time

 3. Make sure you pay your bills on time.  Don’t wait two days before your payment is due to put your check in the mail.  If you insist on paying your bills by mail you should mail them out at least one week prior to the due date to ensure that they are received before the due date.   Keep in mind that you will be required to pay late fees when your payments are late.  Too many late payments will increase your monthly payments and lower your credit scores. You might want to look into paying your bills on-line to avoid late payments for reasons such as the mail delivery was slow or your check was lost in the mail.

Pay your bills before the due date

4. You should make an effort to pay your bills before the due date, this way you will be sure to avoid late fees.  For example if your bill is due on the 24th, you should pay it by the 22nd or the 23rd.  Your consistency in paying your bills before the due date will help drive up your credit scores.

Spend money on necessities first
5. Your basic necessities are your food, clothing, shelter, and medical expenses.  You should always pay your mortgage or rent on time to avoid foreclosure or eviction.  Of course you should by food to eat and clothing to wear.  If you are on medication and need your prescriptions filled regularly, this is a necessity as well.

Limit your spending
6. When you find that you have to live paycheck to paycheck to pay your bills you may be spending money that you don’t really have.  Once you take care of your basic needs and make your savings deposit, it is OK to buy some luxury items and treat yourself, just don’t over do it!

Keep your charges to a limit/or avoid charging
7. One credit card is good to have if you know how to use it wisely.  You should never charge to the limit and you should keep your payments current.  However, if you find that you cannot resist charging everything in sight…it will be best that you refrain from charging anything.  You should use a secured debit card or pay with cash instead.

If you have credit cards that you have maxed out, you should cut them up immediately and work towards paying them off.  Excessive credit card use will only drive up your monthly payments and will land you in debt fast.

Stay employed
8. If you are currently working you should continue to work until your retirement or until you are financially able to quit.  A steady flow of dependable income is necessary in that it pays your bills.  If you don’t like your current job, don’t quit your job prematurely but wait until you have another job lined up.

Pay with cash

9. And finally, when making your purchases you should use cash so that you won’t have that burden of paying for it later along with those outrageous monthly interest fees.  If you find that you are unable to pay cash upfront then perhaps you don’t need it now.
If it’s something you really want just wait until you have saved up enough cash…then purchase it later.  You should keep track of your expenses so that you will know exactly how much you are spending. Your expenses should never exceed your income.

*shop for and purchase only affordable housing, attire, and motor vehicles
*If you must use credit cards for travel, or in emergency situations, etc., use them responsibly
*carefully scrutinize the monthly interest rates and other fees for credit cards before you start charging
*avoid payday loans

Use the Right Keywords in Your Resume to Get Noticed by Employers!

Bear in mind that you must use the right keywords in your resume if you want to grab an employer’s attention.  Conversely, resumes that lack the right keywords will get overlook.  In the past employers would manually sift through resumes to find the ones that grabbed their attention.
Nowadays, employers happily rely on software that can electronically scan and identify resumes that contain keywords that relates to the skills, job knowledge, and qualifications for a position(s) they are seeking to fill.  If you place the right keywords in your resume you could ultimately be selected for an interview.
So…you want to make sure that you place keywords and phrases somewhere in the text of your resume that highlight your core competencies and identify the position in which you are applying for.  Learn how to use the right keywords in your resume by following these steps.

Step 1
Make a list of keywords for similar jobs
First, check the job ad (keywords will be included in ad) and other similar jobs to identify which keywords are most frequently used in the job(s) that interest you (including job title and the job description).  Make a list of those words so that you can include them in your resume.

Step 2
Make a list of your skills and accomplishments
Next, make a list of your skills and accomplishments (summary of qualifications) and compare the keywords used in the employer’s ad and other similar job postings with the terms that you have listed.  Note the employer’s choice of words; this should give you some idea ofkeywords that you should insert in your resume.  It’s imperative that you use these terms in your resume so that the resume electronic scanner can identify relevant keywords in your resume when searching for resumes. I’ll break it down further, read on.

Step 3
List your hard skills
List your hard skills, they are tangible; these are keywords (nouns) that the hiring managers look for in your resume. Examples of hard skills are industry-specific keywords such as: administrative and technical job titles, accounts payable rep, accounts receivable rep, word processor, financial analyst, machine operator, computer operator, software, hardware, degrees, certifications, professional affiliations, schools, employers, etc.

Step 4
List your soft skills
List your soft skills, they are intangible; these are general keywords that correlate with your hard skills. Examples of soft skills are leader, motivator, communicator, decision maker, conflict resolution skills, organizational skills, and critical thinking skills.

Step 5
Use Action verbs
Use high-power action words to describe your accomplishments and experiences and to strengthen your resume also.  Keep in mind that these terms are scanned as well and will help bring your resume to the top of the pile.

Some sample action words are: managed, balanced, supervised, hired, assigned, coached, trained, organized, executed, and increased.
The action words should precede your skills and accomplishments. Examples: balanced-budget, supervised- staff of eight, trained-new hires, managed-work flow, assigned-work to employees, coached- trainees, increased-sales by 15 percent, etc.
However, if you are currently working at a job, you should list action words in the present tense to describe your duties and responsibilities.  Examples: supervise staff of eight, manage-work flow.

Step 6
Insert pertinent keywords in your resume

Now that you know which keywords you should place in your resume (don’t exaggerate) you should take the time to carefully insert those keywords in your resume before submitting to a potential employer(s).  Caution:  it won’t do you much good to place the right keywords into a poorly written resume.  You want to make sure your resume is well written along with inserting pertinent keywords. Be sure to check for typographical and grammatical errors as well.  Have someone proofread your resume before you submit it to an employer.  Hopefully you will be contacted by a potential employer for a job interview after following these steps.
Much success!

*Don’t waste an employer’s time by adding keywords in your resume that you don’t possess
*Use action verbs to make your resume even more visible to the hiring manager
*Include at least 10 to 15 pertinent keywords in your resume
*Don’t forget to use keywords in your cover letter that relates to the job you are applying for also

How to Justify Gaps in Your Employment History

Keep in mind that you will need to be able to explain any employment gaps on your resume to a potential employer at some point during the interview process.  Although you may have good reasons for them, employers will still need to know that you are a responsible candidate for the job opportunities that they are seeking to fill.
So you should be prepared to give account for the periods that you were unemployed.  Face it, gaps in your employment history can be deemed questionable by a hiring manager.  Read further for some possible reasons for employment gaps and how you can justify them.

1. If you took time off from your career to return to school this is certainly justifiable.  In fact, this is a good thing, especially if you received a degree in a certain discipline.  Your degree will be proof that you were in school.  Be sure that you display the dates that you were in school on your resume.

2. If you took time off from your career to become a full-time parent you can explain this to the hiring manager.  Companies nowadays are more understanding and tolerant of parents (male or female) who need to take time off from work to spend with their children.   Keep in mind that FMLA allows 12 weeks for family and medical leave.

3. If you took time off from work to change your career, not to worry.  Perhaps you stayed with your parents, spouse, relatives, etc. while you went back to school or studied on-line to complete your schooling in another field.  So now you have your degree or certificate for the job in which you are applying for.  Good for you!  Explain this to the hiring manager.

4. And certainly there is no shame in taking time off from your career to care for a sick loved one. You will just need to explain this to the hiring manager without getting to personal.

5. If you worked temporary off and on...or if you volunteered for any length of time, you will need to verify the dates with the hiring manager.  Perhaps your lifestyle prevented you from working on a consistent basis and temping worked best for you; just explain this to the hiring manager. Or, maybe you volunteered for a period of time after you graduated from college because you wanted to gain experience…that’s fine, you would need to explain this as well.

6. Well, maybe you have not experienced any of the above reasons for gap(s) in your employment history, but you did take some time off from your career due to personal issues.  You don’t have to go into detail about what your issues were, but you can briefly acknowledge that you did take time off (give dates) but have moved forward since then.

7. And finally, perhaps you have been actively looking for work but have not been successful in landing a job yet.  Keep in mind that nowadays it’s not uncommon for job seekers to be unemployed for an extend period of time due to the enormous competition in the job market.  You will need to explain to potential employers of your diligence and consistency in looking for work.

Concluding, so you can justify gaps in your employment for when you were in school, volunteered, and worked temporary by clearly listing the starting dates and ending dates for when you were unemployed on your resume followed by…what you were doing. You can list this on your resume but be prepared to explain it to potential employers as well.  Or you may want to use a functional resume style instead of a chronological style…but you may still need to explain reasons for gaps in your job history.

*If possible, bring any documentation supporting your reasons for employment gaps with you to your interview(s).
*If you have a criminal record or have been convicted of other misdemeanor crime it’s imperative that you let the hiring manager know beforehand.  Be honest…keep in mind that this information will surface when they do a background check on you.

How to Get a Jump Start on Your Spring Cleaning

It’s almost that time of a year again for cleaning and de-cluttering your home.  It’s amazing how time flies.  Yes, spring is just around the corner and you know what that’s time to do some serious spring cleaning!
Hey, instead of waiting until you get yourspring vacation break, why not start now?   If you can spare just two hour per week you can do this. Here are some great tips for getting a jump start on your spring cleaning.
Things you will need:  two hours per week, plastic bins, cleaning supplies, paint, helper

1. The first thing you should do is to go through your home and dispose of any items that you no longer need and are not worth keeping.  Now, don’t pretend that you don’t have these things in your house…just go through and collect them up and discard of them immediately.

2. Next, go through your closet and remove your fall and winter clothing that will just be taking up space in your closet during the spring and summer.  Fold them neatly, place them in plastic bins and store them away.

3. You should go through your home and set aside items that you no longer wear or things you no longer need and donate them to goodwill, thrift stores, churches, or who ever will take them.  Just make sure that the things you give away are in good condition.

4. Take some time to clean out your garage. This is something you have been longing to do for quite some time now.  Start by tossing out things you don’t need and are just taking up space.  Then organize the things you need to keep in a neat and orderly fashion. Be sure to wipe down cabinets and shelves.


5. If there is a particular room in your home that needs painting, you should take the time to get it done before your spring vacation.  Start by deciding on a color and then go make your purchase.  Make sure you have other painting items…brush, roller, etc. also.

6. Ask a family member or friend to help you clean out your garage and paint a room.  Be sure to give them advance notice so that they can keep that date open.
Concluding, by getting a jump start on your spring cleaning you will be able to use your spring vacation to relax and have fun because most of your work will be done. Happy spring!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Tips for Choosing a Good Study Buddy

A study buddy is different than a study group in that you will basically study with one student consistently throughout the semester instead of four or more.  Some choose to study with a single buddy because; for one, some find it more difficult to study in a group setting; two, maybe he or she was not invited to join a study group; three, meeting times for a study group might conflict with an individual’s schedule; and four, you will have more flexibility in working with just one individual.
Therefore you can choose to study with one individual who shares similar academic interest and who is serious about his or her academic success; or you can choose to study with a tutor.  Here are some tips for choosing a good study buddy.

Tip 1
**Get the word out**
First and foremost, you will need to get the word out to your classmates and other campus students that you are looking for someone to study with.  Post fliers (if allowed in your school) in places that will be notably visible to other students…such as the cafeteria, study rooms, library, etc.  Or you could post a note on your school’s intranet or in the school newspaper.

Tip 2
**Connect with Student**

You should choose a student who shares the same academic interest as yourself.  Observe students in your classes, the lunch room, study rooms, etc.  Who do feel will make a good study buddy?   If you don’t already know them personally, you should introduce yourself and ask them if they would like to get together to study from time to time. Or…connect with student(s) who responded to your ad for a study buddy to find out who would be the best pick.

Tip 3
**Select a good study location(s)**

Choose a location that is convenient for both parties to meet.  Both students should bring relevant books, study guides, and exchange class notes during your meetings. Thoroughly cover all class material and you should try to correctly answer all the chapter questions in your course book(s) to prepare for your quizzes and exams.

Tip 4
**Mutually agree on time schedules**
Both individuals should take studying serious. Make sure that you meet at the time that you agree to.  If someone is running late or needs to reschedule for a later date, communicate by text, phone, or e-mail to inform the other.

Tip 5
**Study with a tutor**
You can also choose to study with a tutor consistently as well.  Tutors are very knowledgeable in their areas of expertise and can help you acquire a better understanding of yourclass subjects. You should have tutors available on your school campus; if not…seek tutors off campus.

*Don’t choose someone who is notorious for goofing off
*Don’t waste time elaborating on personal issues or trivial matters during your study sessions
* Don’t refuse a student who wishes to join you and your buddy for a study lesson