Saturday, March 22, 2014

How to Thoroughly Research Prospective Employers

Job-seekers should always do a thorough research on a prospective employer(s) before interviewing and/or accepting a position with that company.  Just as prospective employers complete comprehensive background checks on job candidates, job-seekers should check out the companies they desire to work for as well.

The consequences of joining a company before doing a thorough research beforehand can be very disappointing.  My advice, know before you go! Listed are ways in which you can research a company before you accept a position or even apply for a job with a potential employer.

~Check out the company website~
1. One of the most convenient and efficient ways to research a prospective employer is to go directly to the company website.  By viewing the website, you can find out just about everything you need to know about the company.  Some company websites even have virtual tours as well. With virtual tours you will be able to get a glimpse of the company and this is a good thing.

~Check out the company blogs~
2. Another way to find out things of interest is to check out the company blogs to find out what others are saying about it.  You will be surprised at the things you can learn from someone who has knowledge and/or some type of direct or indirect contact withcompany.

~Ask someone who knows~
3. Talk with someone who currently works for the company or who use to work with the company to find out the strengths and weaknesses of the company.  Generally, people will give you their honest opinions and their personal experiences with the company.

~Make a personal visit~
4. One of the best ways to find out about the company you desire to work for is to make a personal visit.  You will probably need to stop at the reception desk or security beforehand… to get a pass to enter the company premises. Once you are given the okay to enter the company, you might be directed to the human resources department…and that’s fine.  Just tell the staff that you are interested in working for the company and just wanted to find out more about it.  Someone should be able to assist you…and give you a brief overview of the company and/or give you a company brochure. In the meantime, you should get a feel for the company culture; observe dress code and employee attitude and so on...

~Attend a job fair~
5. In the event you learn that a job fair will be in your area, check out the companies that will be attending.  Perhaps there will be companies attending that you are interested in working for.  You should make it a point to attend so that you can meet with prospective employers firsthand.

~Net work~
6. By networking with other job-seekers you might learn something about a potential employer that can help you determine whether or not this would be someplace you would like to work.  LinkedIn, Facebook, and other professional social networking sites are all great places to network with other job-seekers and current employees.

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