Saturday, March 29, 2014

How to Easily Improve Your Memory Skills Today

Although the brain tissues decline, as we get older, keep in mind that age is not the only contributing factor in memory loss. The fact is, memory loss can affect young and old at some point and time. The good news is that anyone can improve their memory skills and it's really quite simple to achieve. Follow these easy steps for improving your memory skills today.
Step 1

Bear in mind, that sometimes age has nothing to do with your inability to retain information. Sometimes it may be difficult to retain information or recall something because your mind is preoccupied with too much information. You will need to clear your mind with less important information so that you can concentrate on retaining more important things. You will need to make a conscious effort to organize your thoughts so that you can process information more effectively.
Stress can also interfere with your ability to retain information. When you learn to relax and diminish major distractions you can improve your mental acuity. Understandably, stress related issues resulting from death, illness, or other life catastrophes can make it difficult to retain and retrieve information. Not to worry, this will pass in time.
Step 2

Your long-term memory: is used to store meaningful information permanently so that you can retrieve it later, (e.g. phone number, address, ss number). You make a conscious effort to retain it. Your short-term memory: or working memory  stores information temporarily, so you may need to write down, verbally rehearse, draw a visual, or mentally associate it with something familiar, (whatever it is you want to remember) so that you can quickly recall it again.
Step 3
healthy foods - memory
Eating well-balanced meals regularly will help to improve your memory skills significantly. You should start each day with eating a nutritious breakfast, followed by healthy meals through out the day.
Step 4
multi-vitamins - memory
You should take multi-vitamins every day, particularly after eating a nutritious breakfast to help improve your memory skills and concentration level.
Step 5

Sufficient water can restore short-term memory loss by giving you that mental boost and will detoxify your body also. On the contrary, a lack of water can cause severe dehydration and short-term memory loss.
Step 6
exercise - memory
Body exercise can boost your brainpower and sharpen your short-term memory skills significantly. Exercise can also help relieve your mind and body of stress so that you can think more clearly and retain information longer.
Step 7
puzzles - memory
Exercise your mind and rejuvenate your memory by solving crossword puzzles and playing mind-stimulating games. Reading, meditation, and anything that involves using your brainpower will also enhance your mental acuity.
Step 8
sleep - memory
And last, you should get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep every day. This will help to improve your memory in that your mind can relax as your body relaxes.  Upon arising, you should begin exercising your brain again so that you can retain and retrieve information effectively. Remember, if you don't use it, you will lose it!

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