Saturday, March 22, 2014

How to Foster a Good Team Environment in the Workplace

team environmentTEAM

Promoting a good team environment can improve employee morale, increase their loyalty to the company and to each other, and significantly increase productivity in the workplace. When employees can work harmoniously together to accomplish shared goals and objectives it can help create pleasant atmosphere for all to enjoy. However, it will take the cooperation of every worker. Listed are valuable steps for fostering a good team environment in the workplace.

Welcome Diversity
In order to work as a team, one must first recognize, appreciate, and except diversity in the workplace. You must keep in mind that each member goes to make up the team and each can offer valuable contributions to the cause. Also, diversity can have a positive impact on the company’s productivity in that it creates space for increased problem-solving ability, creativity, and divergent ideas.

Work Teams
Managers should establish work teams to perform many of the duties and responsibilities that were initially performed by management. This would free up time for managers to do more important task. In turn, each team member should be held collectively accountable for effectively performing all assigned duties and responsibilities in a timely manner.

Team Decision-Making
Managers should involve team members in decision-making in that it will make them feel that they are a valuable part of the company because they are allowed to give their input. They will also feel that you trust them, appreciate them, and value their opinion.

Effective Communication
Effective communication is a very important aspect in fostering a team environment, whether it is face-to-face, via e-mail, or phone. The sender must make sure that the receiver clearly understands the intended message.

Lunch and Learn
Everyone needs to get together at least once a month in the company’s meeting area to have lunch together and learn how to better serve the company and its customer. This would also be a good time to relax and enjoy one another's company away from the work area.

Support Work Life-balance
Managers should allow their workers the flexibility to balance work and life outside of work, in an effort to become more productive. Managers should also cross train their workers so that each will know how to perform the others job functions whenever the need arises.

Managers along with the team members should meet together at least once a month to discuss any problems that might arise during the course of workdays and agree to a plan of action to resolve them.

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