Monday, March 24, 2014

How to Make A Smooth Career Transition

How to Make A Smooth Career Transition

It’s not unusual to feel the need to change careers in today’s society.  If you are contemplating making a career change, you are not alone. Keep in mind that it’s never too late to change careers.  However, you will need to prepare yourself for your career transition. Follow these steps for making a smooth career transition.

Step 1
Decide on a career

First, you will need to decide on a new career.  Have you already decided what you want to do next?  If you are not sure, you should think about what it is you like to do.  After you’ve discovered what you have a passion for, you should move in that direction for you rcareer transition.  For example, if you like to take pictures…you should consider a career in photography.  Or if you like to help the sick…then maybe you should consider going to nursing school and so on.

Step 2
Scrutinize your field of interest
Next, you should do research on your desired field of interest to find out the market demands for that particular job.  You want to make sure you choose a career in which you will have plentiful job opportunities and a promising future.   For example; the medical field, computer technology, and teaching jobs are in high demand career opportunities.

Step 3
Volunteer your services

After you have decided on a career, you should volunteer to work in your desired career field so that you can get a feel for the job along with some experience.  For example, if you want to teach…volunteer to work at school for a few hours.  After you spend time in a classroom you might decide that teaching is not want you want to do.  Or, you might discover this is a career you want to pursue.

Step 4
Enroll in school
Next, you will need to enroll in school so that you can get the proper training and educations in the field of your interest so that you can qualify for the job.  Keep in mind, some jobs will require a degree in a certain discipline where some will only require a certificate or other criteria.   You should also keep in mind that you have an option to go to a classroom setting or you can take classes on-line while working (if still employed).  Take advantage of your tuition reimbursement if you have that benefit at your current job.

Step 5
Update your resume
Before you make your career transition, at some point you will need to update your resume to coincide with your current education, skill set, and experience. Make sure you list all new credentials including degrees, certificates, volunteer, internship, etc.  Have someone proof read your resume for you.

Step 6
Job search

After you have completed your education in the right discipline and updated your resume you can begin your job search.

Step 7
Do an Internship
An internship is an excellent opportunity for you to acquire job experience and to also get job recommendations.  Eventually, you will make your career transition smooth if you follow through with these steps

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