Saturday, March 29, 2014

How to Easily Improve Your Memory Skills Today

Although the brain tissues decline, as we get older, keep in mind that age is not the only contributing factor in memory loss. The fact is, memory loss can affect young and old at some point and time. The good news is that anyone can improve their memory skills and it's really quite simple to achieve. Follow these easy steps for improving your memory skills today.
Step 1

Bear in mind, that sometimes age has nothing to do with your inability to retain information. Sometimes it may be difficult to retain information or recall something because your mind is preoccupied with too much information. You will need to clear your mind with less important information so that you can concentrate on retaining more important things. You will need to make a conscious effort to organize your thoughts so that you can process information more effectively.
Stress can also interfere with your ability to retain information. When you learn to relax and diminish major distractions you can improve your mental acuity. Understandably, stress related issues resulting from death, illness, or other life catastrophes can make it difficult to retain and retrieve information. Not to worry, this will pass in time.
Step 2

Your long-term memory: is used to store meaningful information permanently so that you can retrieve it later, (e.g. phone number, address, ss number). You make a conscious effort to retain it. Your short-term memory: or working memory  stores information temporarily, so you may need to write down, verbally rehearse, draw a visual, or mentally associate it with something familiar, (whatever it is you want to remember) so that you can quickly recall it again.
Step 3
healthy foods - memory
Eating well-balanced meals regularly will help to improve your memory skills significantly. You should start each day with eating a nutritious breakfast, followed by healthy meals through out the day.
Step 4
multi-vitamins - memory
You should take multi-vitamins every day, particularly after eating a nutritious breakfast to help improve your memory skills and concentration level.
Step 5

Sufficient water can restore short-term memory loss by giving you that mental boost and will detoxify your body also. On the contrary, a lack of water can cause severe dehydration and short-term memory loss.
Step 6
exercise - memory
Body exercise can boost your brainpower and sharpen your short-term memory skills significantly. Exercise can also help relieve your mind and body of stress so that you can think more clearly and retain information longer.
Step 7
puzzles - memory
Exercise your mind and rejuvenate your memory by solving crossword puzzles and playing mind-stimulating games. Reading, meditation, and anything that involves using your brainpower will also enhance your mental acuity.
Step 8
sleep - memory
And last, you should get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep every day. This will help to improve your memory in that your mind can relax as your body relaxes.  Upon arising, you should begin exercising your brain again so that you can retain and retrieve information effectively. Remember, if you don't use it, you will lose it!

You Can Walk Your Way to Better Health Easily

Want to sign up with a leading health club but can’t afford the expensive fees and costly membership dues? Do you find that you get bored trying to follow along with various exercise DVDs? Not to worry, you can walk your way to better health.
If you can spare at least 30 minutes a day, you can walk your way to a healthier and trimmer body. Not only will you see and feel a notable difference in your physical body but you will feel better mentally and even spiritually so.

Keep in mind that the key element is consistency...that is if you want to achieve maximum results. You will need to select a time and a safe location to walk at least five times a week for about 30 minutes. You might want to start out walking slow then pick up your speed as you continue to walk. If you feel that you need to slow down or take a break at anytime during your walk…by all means do so. You will notice that as you continue to walk consistently you will eventually pick up speed, burn more calories, and enhance your endurance power.

You will also need to sustain a healthy diet if you want to achieve maximum results. You might want to consult your doctor or a food nutritionist to find out the best diet plan and calorie intake that is most suitable for you. You should also take your weight and body measurements before you begin your walking exercises then compare them with your weight and body measurements later on into your routine. If you stay consistent with walking and eat healthy you should notice a remarkable difference in your body weight and overall appearance after a period of time. This alone should inspire you to continue walking your way to better health.

Lastly, make sure that you wear comfortable clothing and good walking shoes. You should also bring a bottle of water to drink when you need to. Stay focused but you should always be aware of your surroundings. Choose a safe walking path, an indoor mall, or you may choose to walk in your neighborhood. Or, you might choose to walk with someone or walk with a group. Whatever you decide just make sure you stick with your program! Happy walking!

Monday, March 24, 2014

How to Make A Smooth Career Transition

How to Make A Smooth Career Transition

It’s not unusual to feel the need to change careers in today’s society.  If you are contemplating making a career change, you are not alone. Keep in mind that it’s never too late to change careers.  However, you will need to prepare yourself for your career transition. Follow these steps for making a smooth career transition.

Step 1
Decide on a career

First, you will need to decide on a new career.  Have you already decided what you want to do next?  If you are not sure, you should think about what it is you like to do.  After you’ve discovered what you have a passion for, you should move in that direction for you rcareer transition.  For example, if you like to take pictures…you should consider a career in photography.  Or if you like to help the sick…then maybe you should consider going to nursing school and so on.

Step 2
Scrutinize your field of interest
Next, you should do research on your desired field of interest to find out the market demands for that particular job.  You want to make sure you choose a career in which you will have plentiful job opportunities and a promising future.   For example; the medical field, computer technology, and teaching jobs are in high demand career opportunities.

Step 3
Volunteer your services

After you have decided on a career, you should volunteer to work in your desired career field so that you can get a feel for the job along with some experience.  For example, if you want to teach…volunteer to work at school for a few hours.  After you spend time in a classroom you might decide that teaching is not want you want to do.  Or, you might discover this is a career you want to pursue.

Step 4
Enroll in school
Next, you will need to enroll in school so that you can get the proper training and educations in the field of your interest so that you can qualify for the job.  Keep in mind, some jobs will require a degree in a certain discipline where some will only require a certificate or other criteria.   You should also keep in mind that you have an option to go to a classroom setting or you can take classes on-line while working (if still employed).  Take advantage of your tuition reimbursement if you have that benefit at your current job.

Step 5
Update your resume
Before you make your career transition, at some point you will need to update your resume to coincide with your current education, skill set, and experience. Make sure you list all new credentials including degrees, certificates, volunteer, internship, etc.  Have someone proof read your resume for you.

Step 6
Job search

After you have completed your education in the right discipline and updated your resume you can begin your job search.

Step 7
Do an Internship
An internship is an excellent opportunity for you to acquire job experience and to also get job recommendations.  Eventually, you will make your career transition smooth if you follow through with these steps

Nine Sure Signs that it's Time to Look for a New Job

How to Determine When it's Time to Look For a New Job?


It’s good to have a job that you can look forward to going to when you are scheduled to be there.  You should count your blessings if you are one of the fortunate ones who are gainfully employed today.  Conversely, there is no guarantee that you will be employed tomorrow should your employer decides otherwise.

However, there is a way in which you can discern whether or not you are in danger of losing your job. Don’t wait to get the axe…but you should begin searching while you are yet employed. Sometimes it’s easier to find work when you are employed than when you are unemployed.  Avoid that long unemployment line and start looking now if you suspect that your job is in danger!  Here are some helpful warning signs for determining if you should start looking for a new job.

Sign 1
If you have been repeatedly passed over for promotions or limited growth opportunities
If you know that you were next in line for a promotion because you meet the criteria for the position but yet you are never given the opportunity to apply for jobs of your interest, you might need to start looking for a new job externally.

Sign 2
If your hours have been drastically cut
If your manager has cut your hours so that you are now making much less than you did five years ago, you should consider looking for a new job if you don’t make enough money to meet your expenses.

Sign 3
If you are training someone for your current job
If your manager suddenly asks that you begin training a co-worker for the job that you currently do, you should find out the reason for it.  Are you training for the purpose of cross-training or job sharing? Will you be learning how to do your co-workers job, as well?  If your manager cannot reasonably explain why you are training your co-worker foryour job, you might want to start looking for a new job.

Sign 4
If you are suddenly excluded from departmental meetings, etc.
If you find that you are not properly notified of meetings that you would normally attend, you will need to find out why you are now being excluded from learning important job information.   Could it be an oversight, or was it purposely done?   Your manager will need to explain the reason behind it.

Sign 5
If your current position is being phased out or company is downsizing
If you hear rumors that your position might be phase out, you should speak with your manager to find out whether or not this is true.  If you find that your position is being phased out due to departmental downsizing or restructuring you should start looking for a new job.

Sign 6
If you have multiple write ups
If you know that you have multiple write ups in your file, you should know the reason for those write ups.   Also, you have more than likely received a verbal warning before the write ups.  Keep in mind, eventually the next step will be a possible suspension or termination.   You should keep your eyes open for new job openings elsewhere.

Sign 7
If you haven’t received a pay raise in a while
If you have not received a pay raise in quite some time, you should discuss this with your manager to find out why and what you can do to receive one.  If your manager fails to give you a satisfactory answer or purposely evade the issue, you may want to start looking for a new job.

Sign 8
If you have been demoted
A demotion is a sure warning sign that your job performance is below your manager’s expectations of you.  Keep in mind that the next step might be termination.  If you have been demoted at you current place of work, you should not hesitate to begin looking for a new job externally.

Sign 9
If your immediate manager dislikes you
And finally, if your manger dislikes you for some unknown reasons, he or she can make it difficult for you to succeed no matter how hard you try to prove yourself.   Even if you try to transfer to another department, they could still find a way to make things difficult for you.   Or, he or she may just decide to terminate you, just because… They don’t necessarily have to give you a good reason. If you are certain that your manager dislikes you, it might be to your advantage to start looking for another job externally before you are suddenly terminated.

More Tips:
*Employment at will is legal
*Sometimes it’s easier to find work when you are employed
*Use your vacation and personal days to interview for jobs
* Give your employer a two week notice if you should find a new job
*Leave on good terms

How to Search For a New Job More Effectively

Job are things that you should consider before you begin your job search: What type of career opportunity are you seeking? What company/job industry would you desire to work for? Location and distance that you are willing to travel, company total rewards program, compensation compatibility, company culture, growth opportunities, and company stability are all important aspects in your job search. You can obtain this information by visiting the company website, virtual tour, call the HR department directly, e-mail company, or go directly to the company. Now, if you are not successful in your job search in the time frame in which you anticipated, don’t get discouraged.... revitalize yourself and continue your job search until you have successfully accomplished your goal. Provided that you meet the requirements for the particular job opportunities in which you are applying for, you will eventually find that suitable job!!!

Things You'll Need: copies of your resume, cover letter (personalize for each particular job), references (at least three), computer/access to the internet, valid e-mail address, two valid forms of personal ID, professional business attire, transportation, self-motivation

Step 1
BEGIN YOUR SEARCH…Places to look for your desired job: Career fairs, professional networking, news papers/ employment section ads, job agencies, job boards, (e.g., Career,, respond to job e-mail notifications, random phone calls, and by visiting the HR department of the company of your interest.

Step 2
Actively and aggressively look for work on a daily basis. Keep in mind that there are fewer jobs and more job seekers.

Step 3
Avoid applying for jobs that you are not qualified for nor have an interest in. Otherwise, if hired, you probably won’t make it pass your probation period.

Step 4
Always be prepared and make yourself available for phone-interviews and face-to-face interviews. For you don’t know when that opportunity will arise!!!

Step 5
And last,
• Present a professional looking resume, free from grammatical errors and spelling typos, use spell check function, have someone proof read it for you.
• Use pertinent key words
• Provide letters of references
• Post your profile on LinkedIn, twitter, and facebook
• Do thorough research on prospective employers beforehand
• Wear only appropriate business attire to an interview
• Interview prospective employer while being interviewed
• Follow-up
• Send thank you letters to everyone that you interview with
• By all means, don’t quit your current job unless you are sure you have a new job!
• Maintain a positive attitude!

Much success!

How to Leverage Your Job Skills And Increase Your Marketability!

job skill 

Once you have acquired your job skills, you should take a proactive approach to broadening your horizon to pursue greater career opportunities when they arise. You can broaden your job prospects by establishing professional interpersonal relationships, by attending job fairs and career workshops regularly, and by enhancing your current skills. Just follow these moderately challenging, but potentially rewarding steps that will teach you how to leverage your skill set and remain employable.

You can establish professional interpersonal relationships by networking with other business professionals who are in the same field as you, and by contacting potential employers, and also by joining various groups that interest you. You should market your skills to demonstrate that you are a valuable asset and are worthy of hire. So you will need to post your resume online, because your resume is a marketing tool in itself. This will enable employers to conveniently view your resume beforehand. There is a plethora of professional social networking sites that you can join that will help you establish professional relationships and could significantly impact your career as well.

You can leverage your skills by attending job fairs where you can personally interact with individuals who possess shared visions and with business professionals who are in managerial positions that can help you get your foot in the door of an organization that might be of interest to you. You will also have an opportunity to market your skills by presenting your resume, which displays your skills, education, and experiences.

By attending career workshops you will learn how to tap into your hidden potential and unleash your creativity. Workshops can also increase your awareness of new and upcoming technologies and consequently prepare you to enhance your current skills.

In addition to your current skills, you should expand your knowledge by taking additional college courses in the evenings or weekends, or online if it’s more convenient. This will ultimately increase your skill set and strengthen your marketability with prospective employers.
In conclusion, with ever changing technology and market demands it’s always a good idea to stay ahead of the game. Don’t react to the change but take a proactive approach to improving and maintaining valuable skills, which could also increase your earning, potential

Saturday, March 22, 2014

How to Cultivate Diversity in Your Workplace

cultivate diversity

Promoting diversity in your company can actually be good for your organization's success. Keep in mind that individuals from diverse backgrounds can in fact help contribute to the growth and success of your company by bringing their unique talents, ideas, and experiences with them to help you achieve organizational goals and objectives. Learn to embrace diversity in your company by implementing these very valuable steps.

You can start by hiring qualified individuals from diverse backgrounds. Comply with affirmative action guidelines and EEOC laws and don't discriminate against someone based upon race, color, gender, ethnicity, age, national origin, religion, or disability. Our society is steadily growing more global and you will need to be prepared to hire a more diverse workforce.

Foster a diverse atmosphere by implementing training programs that will increase awareness of diversity in the workforce. You should also provide training for those individuals of diverse ethnic backgrounds who lack skills needed to effectively perform their task. 

diversity at work

Allow your employees to participate in the celebration of diversity day every November. A day of adventure to learn of diverse culture, music, dress attire, food, tradition, and lifestyle. Encourage your employees to express themselves through music, dance, and art. Sponsoring Diversity day will also help each to understand, appreciate, and respect one another better.

Implement an action plan to put minorities in key leadership roles to ensure that they will have equal opportunities to be involved in decision-makings and job advancements.


You should involve everyone one of your employees to assist in achieving organizational goals and objectives regardless of race, color, gender, ethnicity, age, religion, disability, or national origin. Learn to appreciate the unique differences in all individuals.

Establish an open-door policy with your employees so that they don't feel intimidated to express themselves. Don't withhold valuable information from them but communicate with them openly.

Concluding, understandably, there will be individuals in your company who will initially resist the implementation of a diverse workforce. However, you should make it clear that this is the way it will be from now on and that no discrimination of any kind will be tolerated in your organization. Discriminating against someone simply because they are different from you will only hurt the potential success of your business.

Tips & Warnings
*discrimination of any kind is a violation of the law

How to Foster a Good Team Environment in the Workplace

team environmentTEAM

Promoting a good team environment can improve employee morale, increase their loyalty to the company and to each other, and significantly increase productivity in the workplace. When employees can work harmoniously together to accomplish shared goals and objectives it can help create pleasant atmosphere for all to enjoy. However, it will take the cooperation of every worker. Listed are valuable steps for fostering a good team environment in the workplace.

Welcome Diversity
In order to work as a team, one must first recognize, appreciate, and except diversity in the workplace. You must keep in mind that each member goes to make up the team and each can offer valuable contributions to the cause. Also, diversity can have a positive impact on the company’s productivity in that it creates space for increased problem-solving ability, creativity, and divergent ideas.

Work Teams
Managers should establish work teams to perform many of the duties and responsibilities that were initially performed by management. This would free up time for managers to do more important task. In turn, each team member should be held collectively accountable for effectively performing all assigned duties and responsibilities in a timely manner.

Team Decision-Making
Managers should involve team members in decision-making in that it will make them feel that they are a valuable part of the company because they are allowed to give their input. They will also feel that you trust them, appreciate them, and value their opinion.

Effective Communication
Effective communication is a very important aspect in fostering a team environment, whether it is face-to-face, via e-mail, or phone. The sender must make sure that the receiver clearly understands the intended message.

Lunch and Learn
Everyone needs to get together at least once a month in the company’s meeting area to have lunch together and learn how to better serve the company and its customer. This would also be a good time to relax and enjoy one another's company away from the work area.

Support Work Life-balance
Managers should allow their workers the flexibility to balance work and life outside of work, in an effort to become more productive. Managers should also cross train their workers so that each will know how to perform the others job functions whenever the need arises.

Managers along with the team members should meet together at least once a month to discuss any problems that might arise during the course of workdays and agree to a plan of action to resolve them.