Saturday, January 11, 2014

How to Choose the Right Gear for Exercising

Congratulations, on your wise decision to join a health fitness club.  Now that you are a valid member, you will need to choose the right clothing to exercise in so that you can achieve your maximum workout results regardless of your gender.  Listed are tips for selecting the best outfit to workout in.

When choosing your tops for exercising, you should select tank tops or t-shirts that are somewhat flexible and fit comfortable.  If your top is too large it could get in your way during cardio or the excess material could get caught in the machines.  If your top is too small, it could restrict you from exercising at your best because you may become uncomfortable.

When choosing your bottoms, you should select shorts or pants that are comfortable to exercise in, whether it is cardio or weight lifting. Again, bottoms that are too tight can restrict you from getting your best workout and bottoms to large or baggy could get in your way.

You should choose cotton socks that fit comfortably inside your gym shoes.

You should choose athletic shoes that fit comfortably and are appropriate for indoor physical activity.  Choose gym shoes that support your arch and ankles.  You should never wear sandals or hard street shoes.

More Tips:
*Choose fabrics that breathe
*Choose fabrics that absorb
*Choose fabrics that are suitable for the season
*Make sure your bring your water bottle each time you go
*Pull long hair back to prevent getting it tangled in a machine or interfere with your workout

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