Wednesday, January 8, 2014

5 Cures for Rush Hour Madness!

Seems everyone is rushing to make it to their jobs and other destinations on time. So you think…there has just got to be a better way to deal with rush hour traffic. Well…here are five cures to help ease your rush hour madness.

Lace face it, rush hour can be quite frustrating when you have to deal with it regularly. Some days are better than others but it still doesn’t alleviate your frustrations. Seems everyone is rushing to make it to their jobs and other destinations on time. So you think…there has just got to be a better way to deal with rush hour traffic. Well…here are five cures to help ease your rush hour madness.

~Leave extra early
1. Keep in mind that many people are traveling during rush hour and you will need to leave your quarters extra early (and I emphasize extra) to make it to your destination on time when you drive your own vehicle. It will be to your advantage to arrive at your destination too early rather than late. Make this a regular practice and you will overcome rush hour madness.

~Take public transportation
2. Another alternative to driving your vehicle would be to take public transportation instead. This will certainly help cure your frustrations because you can relax, read, or listen to music while you leave the driving to the conductor. Why drive when you don’t have to?

~Listen to soothing music
3. If you must drive…you should listen to your favorite radio station and/or music tunes while driving to help put you in an upbeat mood. Actually, whether you’re driving alone or taking public transportation you can still bring your favorite tunes to listen to.
4. Car-pooling is another way to alleviate rush hour frustrations. Some states have car pool lanes on its highways that you can take and are usually less crowed than the regular lanes. If you live near a friend, relative, or a co-worker who always travels the same direction as you…get with them and try to work out a car-pool schedule. Relieve your frustrations, save time and money when you car-pool!

~Be patient
5. And yet the most difficult remedy is patience. You will need to exercise patience during this time of day. Yes…it’s easier said than done but it will sure help put your frustrations at ease.

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