Monday, January 27, 2014

How to Get the Most Out of Your Health Club Membership

So you have finally decided that you want to join a health club. Undoubtedly, this is a good decision that you have made. But Keep in mind that joining is good, but you should take advantage of all of the perks and programs that are available for the members in order to get the most out of your membership. Plus the fact that these things are already included in the cost of your membership. Here are ways to maximize your club membership.

Select a Club
First and foremost, you should select a club that meets your needs. For example, decide whether you want to join a full service health club or just a regular gym. With the full service club you will have use of the standard equipment along with joining the classes that are offered and also swimming, tennis, racquet ball, basket ball, rock climbing, sauna, and much more. These clubs are more expensive and some are open 24 hours and have several locations through out for your convenience.

The basic gym facilities usually have just the standard workout equipment and are much cheaper in cost and sometimes you don't need a membership, you just pay as you go. And they don't have as may locations as the more upscale full service clubs and the facilities are much smaller. I suggest that you select a club that is convenient for you to get to and meet your needs.

Be sure to discuss your needs with your sales person when you sign up (e.g. need a personal trainer, only want 3 days a week, etc.). Don't let them pressure you into spending more than you can afford but you should be open to suggestions on how you can pay your membership dues on a monthly basis within your means.

Sign Up for Classes
There are many classes that are offered right on the premises of the full service health clubs. It's to your advantage that you sign up for the classes of your choice in that they are free to all members.

Workout With a Personal Trainer
Your trainer can help motivate you to reach your goals and also help you stay focused. You will have to pay for you training sessions, but it is well worth it. That’s especially, if you have never joined a fitness club before. Your trainer can also give you advice on staying fit by suggesting the right foods to eat and how to exercise properly.

Add Family Members
When you add family members to your membership you will help cut cost for you and your family. The health clubs offer these deals as an incentive to get more people to sign up. Also, you will have someone to inspire you, should you ever lack the motivation to continue. Likewise, you can inspire them as well.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

How to Leave the Pefect Voice Message Everytime!

perfect voicemail

How many times have you attempted to leave a voice mail message for someone and you learn later that the message was incomprehensible, to wordy, or unprofessional?
It's important that you practice good telephone etiquette when attempting to leave a message for someone if you want your phone call returned in a timely manner.  Here are some valuable tips for leaving the perfect voice mail message.

Step 1
Organize your thoughts
First, organize your thoughts before you begin to speak.  You should know the name of the person you are calling and the message you wish to leave.

Step 2
State your name, phone number, and purpose of call
After you hear the beep, state your name and number and the purpose of your call. If you are calling on behalf of someone else, state the name of the person who referred you as well.

Step 3
Leave your message
When you speak it’s important that you enunciate your words clearly and slowly so that receiver of the message can comprehend your message when they play it to listen.  Keep the message brief and get directly to the point.

Step 4
Repeat your name and number
After you leave the message you should repeat your name and phone number to make certain that the receiver will clearly hear the intended contact information.   Say “thank you” and hand up gently.

Tips and warnings:
*It’s improper phone etiquette to chew gum or eat food while leaving a message.
*If should experience a bad connection while trying to leave your message, hang up and try again.
* Make sure you are in an area free from annoying background noises when trying to leave your message.
*Never use derogatory or vulgar language on a voice mail message

Saturday, January 11, 2014

How to Choose the Right Gear for Exercising

Congratulations, on your wise decision to join a health fitness club.  Now that you are a valid member, you will need to choose the right clothing to exercise in so that you can achieve your maximum workout results regardless of your gender.  Listed are tips for selecting the best outfit to workout in.

When choosing your tops for exercising, you should select tank tops or t-shirts that are somewhat flexible and fit comfortable.  If your top is too large it could get in your way during cardio or the excess material could get caught in the machines.  If your top is too small, it could restrict you from exercising at your best because you may become uncomfortable.

When choosing your bottoms, you should select shorts or pants that are comfortable to exercise in, whether it is cardio or weight lifting. Again, bottoms that are too tight can restrict you from getting your best workout and bottoms to large or baggy could get in your way.

You should choose cotton socks that fit comfortably inside your gym shoes.

You should choose athletic shoes that fit comfortably and are appropriate for indoor physical activity.  Choose gym shoes that support your arch and ankles.  You should never wear sandals or hard street shoes.

More Tips:
*Choose fabrics that breathe
*Choose fabrics that absorb
*Choose fabrics that are suitable for the season
*Make sure your bring your water bottle each time you go
*Pull long hair back to prevent getting it tangled in a machine or interfere with your workout

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Facts You Should Know About Online Writing

If you currently write for an online writing site(s) or if you are contemplating on writing online there are some very important truths that you need to be aware of. Many writers start out strong but eventually become discouraged and discontinue writing simply because they are ignorant about the particulars of online writing. Here are some useful tips for potential and current online writers.

Tip 1
Don’t expect to get rich
First and foremost, don’t expect to get rich overnight or in the weeks to come. In fact, you may never get rich by writing online. The truth is…it will take weeks before you even see and/or obtain earnings for your writings. Even the best writings pieces don’t earn right away. It takes time for your articles to saturate or to even get noticed by viewers. You should also keep in mind that each site differs in how they compensate their writers.

Tip 2
Money should not be your main motivation for writing
Of course you should be somewhat motivated by money but if money is your main motivation for wanting to write online…I can surely tell you that you will be very disappointed at the earnings you will receive for your work initially. In order to thrive in this business, your passion for writing should prevail over your earnings expectations…

Tip 3
Earnings can fluctuate
Keep in mind that your earnings can vary from time to time…depending upon several factors. For one, if you have writings online that are seasonal (e.g. Christmas, Halloween, Easter, etc.) you may receive countless views during that particular season but will see a decline in views after the season. Another reason could be that you will not get many views when submitting a new article but hopefully you will see an increase in views over a period of time. And yet another fact is that you will discover that people will find your writings interesting one moment but that could change over night. The point being…more views can ultimately increase your earning potential and fewer views can decrease your earnings.
Tip 4
You Must have a passion for writing
Aforementioned…you must have a passion for writing if you expect to do well. You should continue to write and submit your articles and other content even though you have earned very little or no earnings at all. Be assured that if you continue to write and submit quality content and useful information you will eventually see a significant increase in your earnings over time…

Tip 5
Must write useful information
You may not get rich in this business but you can increase your earning potential by writing and submitting useful information. Make sure that you write material that will attract the attention of your intended audience. You should also keep in mind that poorly written material will unsurprisingly go unnoticed by those surfing the Internet for useful information.

Tip 6
Must have a desire to share your knowledge
And last, you should be willing to share your knowledge with those who need it. There are individuals who lack the knowledge that you possess and need your help. Don’t let initial low earnings discourage and deter you from helping someone who seeks what you have to offer. But be swift to share your knowledge and skills with others instead. Happy writing!

Additional Tips:
* Always proof read and critique your work before submitting
* Use titles that will grab the attention of your readers
* Learn SEO and how to incorporate key words into your writings to increase views
* Use social book marking to help promote your articles

5 Cures for Rush Hour Madness!

Seems everyone is rushing to make it to their jobs and other destinations on time. So you think…there has just got to be a better way to deal with rush hour traffic. Well…here are five cures to help ease your rush hour madness.

Lace face it, rush hour can be quite frustrating when you have to deal with it regularly. Some days are better than others but it still doesn’t alleviate your frustrations. Seems everyone is rushing to make it to their jobs and other destinations on time. So you think…there has just got to be a better way to deal with rush hour traffic. Well…here are five cures to help ease your rush hour madness.

~Leave extra early
1. Keep in mind that many people are traveling during rush hour and you will need to leave your quarters extra early (and I emphasize extra) to make it to your destination on time when you drive your own vehicle. It will be to your advantage to arrive at your destination too early rather than late. Make this a regular practice and you will overcome rush hour madness.

~Take public transportation
2. Another alternative to driving your vehicle would be to take public transportation instead. This will certainly help cure your frustrations because you can relax, read, or listen to music while you leave the driving to the conductor. Why drive when you don’t have to?

~Listen to soothing music
3. If you must drive…you should listen to your favorite radio station and/or music tunes while driving to help put you in an upbeat mood. Actually, whether you’re driving alone or taking public transportation you can still bring your favorite tunes to listen to.
4. Car-pooling is another way to alleviate rush hour frustrations. Some states have car pool lanes on its highways that you can take and are usually less crowed than the regular lanes. If you live near a friend, relative, or a co-worker who always travels the same direction as you…get with them and try to work out a car-pool schedule. Relieve your frustrations, save time and money when you car-pool!

~Be patient
5. And yet the most difficult remedy is patience. You will need to exercise patience during this time of day. Yes…it’s easier said than done but it will sure help put your frustrations at ease.

Minimize Your Risk of Cold and Flu this Season

Cold and flu season is here and you want to make sure that you are well prepared to fight off the germs that so freely linger in the air, on surfaces, and from individuals who carry them. Understandably, cold and flu are contagious and possibly unavoidable for many. However, you can reduce your risk of catching a cold or the flu this season by practicing these simple but vital prevention tips.

~Eat healthy

It’s imperative that you eat healthy everyday. You should start out by eating a healthy low-fat breakfast followed by more healthy meals throughout the day to help boost your immune system. It may be difficult at times but you should try to avoid junk food as often as possible.

~Take multi vitamins

In order to get the maximum benefits…it’s better to take your vitamins after a meal rather than on an empty stomach. Actually, you should take your vitamins daily after you eat a nutritious breakfast.

~Wash hands thoroughly and often

You should always wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap and water before you eat your meal…or if you are preparing a meal for someone else. You should also try to keep your hands away from your face area to help prevent the transferring of germs that you may have unknowingly contacted.

~Dress for the weather

As the temperature gets cooler you should dress so that you are warm and comfortable. In cooler climates where the temperatures can drop below zero…it’s imperative that you wear clothing that is warm enough to withstand the frigid weather. Which means you may need to wear an overcoat along with warm clothes underneath, a warm hat, gloves, scarf, and winter boots for those snowy days.

~Drink plenty of fluids (especially water)
You should try to drink at least six to eight glasses of water through out the day. Water flushes toxins and other germs from your body. You should also drink orange juice (loaded with vitamin C) and other liquids that contain vitamin C.

~Get sufficient sleep
Getting sufficient sleep will help you stay healthy and prevent you from getting sick. Conversely, you may be more susceptible to cold and flu when you lack the adequate sleep.

More tips:
* Go get a flu shot
* Keep hand sanitizer with you to use…in the event you are unable wash hands with soap and water
* Use a straw when drinking beverages from a glass in public eateries or else avoid drinking from glass or cup
* Wash hands thoroughly after coming in contact with someone who has a cold or the flu
*  Wash hands when returning from outdoors
* Wash hands thoroughly after using public restrooms...always use a clean paper towel or tissue to open the door handle upon leaving then discard in waste receptacle immediately.

Job Shortages: 5 Reasons Why It’s So Difficult to Find a Job in America

Job outsourcing, modern technology, more people- fewer jobs, company mergers, and companies going out of business are all contributing factors to the job shortages in America.

Job seekers here in the United States are finding it more and more difficult to acquire suitable work today. In times past, a job seeker would respond to an employer’s job ad - simply by placing his/her resume and cover letter in an envelope and mailing it to the company that placed the ad via newspaper, and could quickly get a response by phone from an interested employer. Or the job seeker could call the number (if listed) in the ad…and could win a face-to-face interview if the recruiter was impressed with the candidate’s verbal expressions. Why is it more difficult to find work nowadays?  Job outsourcing, modern technology, more people- fewer jobs, company mergers, and companies going out of business are all contributing factors to the job shortages in America.
Job outsourcing
1. One of the main reasons for job shortages in America is because many companies have and continue to outsource administrative jobs, customer service jobs, and technical jobs to other countries such as China, India, Mexico, and Taiwan at cheaper labor cost.  That’s right…it’s cheaper for American companies to send jobs overseas than it is to keep them here in America. Workers in other countries get paid much less for doing the same job than workers here in the United States. And don’t forget the numerous manufacturing jobs that were exported into other countries.  Bottom line, it’s simply more cost effective for companies to outsource some of its jobs to other countries- but unfortunately the American workers are feeling the impact of the job shortages here in the United States.  

Modern technology
2. Companies are using sophisticated apparatus to execute its daily workload. Nowadays, it takes less people to carryout job duties and responsibilities than it did years ago.  Where it took 100 workers to complete specific task in the 80’s, companies only need half the manpower to complete the same task because high tech computers and robots are designed to process work faster than humans.
Company downsizing and mergers
3. Company downsizing and mergers also contribute to the shortage of jobs in the U.S.  Whenever a company lays off workers in an effort to maintain the operation, it results in hundreds of individuals looking for new jobs.  Inevitably, many workers’ jobs will be eliminated as a result of company downsizing. And when companies merge with other companies to stay in existence, this too will cause many workers to become jobless.   Top executives who are in control of the merging companies usually try to keep the most valuable employees from each company and the others are dismissed because their jobs will no longer be needed in the newly combined organization.
Companies are folding
4. Unfortunately, many companies have had to close its doors because they didn’t make enough returns to keep the business running. In other words, their expenses were more than the profits.  When a company closes it doors, many individuals will become unemployed. Companies are dependent upon the consumers to patronize their business but many customers don’t have the money to support them the way they use to because so many of them are now unemployed.  In short, job loss results in fewer consumers spending and reduced consumer-spending results in loss of businesses. Corporations and other NAFTA (North America Free Trade Agreement) supporters claim that millions of jobs would be created as a result of the free trade agreement. However, NAFTA opponents suggest that the free trade agreement has reduced the number of jobs in the U. S.  Some American companies are also finding it difficult to compete against the North American Free Trade Agreement and have suffered financial ruin.
More people than jobs
5. So now we know that mergers, companies folding and downsizing, modern technology, and job outsourcing are leading factors in high unemployment in the United States.  So that leaves us with more people looking for jobs than there are jobs available.
Also, some companies have resorted to hiring less-costly illegal immigrant workers here in the U.S. to avoid paying higher wages to more qualified and experienced applicants.  Many individuals have the educational background and the job experience, yet find it difficult to find suitable work in America.  And what about the recent college graduates?  Many college graduates are disheartened because they are not able to find work in his/her discipline.  And many college graduates have not found work at all.
Concluding, Americans clearly do not have the competitive advantage in the job market they once had. How do we rectify this situation?  The American Government must remain proactive in creating more jobs in the United States, while bringing back jobs to this country to ensure that everyone one who wants to work finds a job in his/ her discipline.


Fabulous Valentine's Day Ideas for the Two of You!

Valentine’s Day is rapidly approaching again. Have you thought about what you are going to do for your sweetheart on Valentine’s Day? Now is the time to start planning for that special day. Now if you are in doubt about what to do on Valentine’s Day…here are some fantastic suggestions that are sure to please that special someone.

Romantic getaway
Treat your mate to a romantic getaway. This is something the two of you can enjoy together. Decide what you can afford and where you would like to escape away with your mate for a couple of days. This will be treat you will never forget.

Romantic candlelight dinner
Show your love and affection by preparing a romantic candlelight scrumptious dinner right in the comfort and privacy of your own home. Cover your table with a fancy tablecloth, unique centerpiece, and beautiful candles. Set out your fancy dishes and silver ware…and the wine glasses. Enjoy a romantic evening with your sweetheart.

Personalized jewelry
Express your love by purchasing personalized jewelry for your lover…such as, a heart pendant, bracelet, or friendship ring. For a more personalized touch, have your mate’s name or other affectionate saying engraved somewhere on it.

Personalized gift basket
Reveal how much you adore your mate by designing a unique gift basket for her or him. Include personal items such as, his or her favorite cologne, perfume, bath and body favorites, scented candles, and more.
Beautiful flowers combine with delicious chocolates
Shower her with beautiful flowers along with some delicious chocolate candy. Have them delivered or else you can hand pick and take them personally. Don’t forget to pick a romantic, heartfelt card to go along with the flowers and chocolates.

Movie and dinner
Make dinner reservations in advance at her favorite restaurant then take her to see a really neat movie after dinner.

Full-body massage spa
Show your love! Make reservations for you and your mate to relax and enjoy a full body massage on Valentine’s Day.    Enjoy your day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!