Thursday, January 8, 2015

Are Your Employees Ruining Your Business?

Customer service is a very important component of a successful business.  If you find that your business is not growing, you may want to take a look at your staff you have in place. Your employees could be the reason your business is failing.  Keep in mind that just one dissatisfied customer could hurt your business.  Don’t let the customer break your business.  Follow these guidelines to keep your business on the right track and keep happy customers coming back.

1.       Hire top talent
2.       Provide sufficient training for new employees
3.       Stress the importance of customer satisfaction with your employees continually
4.       Monitor your staff’s work performance regularly
5.       Take customer complaints serious
6.       Respond to customer complaints quickly
7.       Reward good employees
8.       Fire bad employees
9.       Establish employee motivation techniques that increase employee morale and job satisfaction
10.   As the leader, set the example for your employees

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