Sunday, February 2, 2014

How to Properly Prepare for a Job Fair


Job fairs are great opportunities in which job seekers can meet with potential employers who are looking to hire within their companies at some point and to also network with other job-seekers.  It is imperative that you properly prepare yourself so that you can make a good first impression.  Remember there will be hundreds of other applicants and you want to make sure that you stand out in a positive way.  Not only should you bring your resume list your hard skills, but you should also be prepared to demonstrate your soft skills (interpersonal skills) as well.  Here are strategies that will help you properly prepare for your job fair.

Step 1
Research to find out which employers will be participating
First of all, you should research to find out which companies will be attending the fair beforehand. Contact the organization that is sponsoring the event to acquire a list of the companies that will be present. You can also obtain information about the companies of your interest by visiting the companies’ websites.

Step 2
Pre-register, if possible
Check to see if you can register for the fair online beforehand.  You will more than likely be instructed to submit your resume during the registration process.  This will allow all interested employers a chance to review your resume before the event.  Be prepared to interview with employers who might be interested in your work credentials.

Step 3
Bring plenty of resumes, a portfolio, and business cards
Make sure you bring plenty of resumes to the event.  Your resumes should be professional looking and free from grammatical errors and spelling typos.  It would be wise to have someone proofread your resume for you. It’s simply more professional looking to carry a portfolio to keep your resumes, business cards, and business references.  You want to present material that is clean, neat, and professional looking.

Step 4
Dress for success
You should only wear appropriate business attire to a job fair.  You should never wear jeans or gym shoes.  Remember you want to make a first good impression, so dress for success.  See my article “how to dress you best for a job interview”, link posted at end of article.

Step 5
Network with employers and other job seekers
Not only should you network with potential employers but you should also try to network with as many other job-applicants as you can.  By doing so, you can find leads to other job opportunities that may interest you as well.  Be sure to exchange business cards with other job seekers that you meet.

Step 6

Brief summarization about yourself
You will need to brush up on your presentation skills so that you will be prepared to give a brief summary of who you are and your career background when you approach a recruiter.   Greet each recruiter with a firm handshake and direct eye contact.  Be courteous at all times.  This is an excellent opportunity to display your soft skills such as your social skills and communication skills.  Keep in mind that these are important aspects in recruitment selection.  Be sure to present your resume at some point during your meeting with recruiters
Step 7
You should seek out those employers that you are interested in
You do realize that recruiters will be busy meeting with hundreds of job-seekers, so it’s important that you arrive early so that you can get a chance to meet with as many recruiters as you can.  In the event you cannot meet with all, you should leave your resume and take company brochures and other relevant information with you and follow up with them later.

Step 8
Send thank you cards
Be sure to send thank you cards to all companies that you had the opportunity to meet and interview with. This is also an opportunity to express your further interest in working for them.

*Plan to arrive early
*Be sure to turn off cell phone and all other electronic devices
*Be prepared to have a brief interview(s) with interested employer(s)
*Approach only companies that you have interest in working for first, for time sake
*Follow up with employers that interest you

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