Saturday, February 8, 2014

How to Meet and Beat Work Deadlines

Do you struggle every week and month-end trying to meet your deadlines at work?    Meeting work deadlines successfully will help boost company profits, job efficiency, and overall job enrichment.  It’s important that you meet your deadlines as someone is depending upon you to do so…whether it is internal or external staff, clients, or co-workers. If you properly plan ahead and work effectively you can actually meet and even beat your work deadlines.  Here are some proven techniques that will help you achieve your goals.
Get Clarification
1. First and foremost, you will need to get clarification on the dates and times for submitting your work before the deadlines.  Don’t second guess but contact the right individual(s) who can give you the specifics of when you need to have your work in.  Bear in mind that this information is very important…so make sure you get it right.
Create a schedule
2. After you know when you are required to meet your deadlines, you should create a calendar and visibly mark the dates in which you are expected to complete your work.  You should place your calendar in a place where you can view it every day.
Follow your schedule
3. Next, you will need to make a conscious effort to work toward meeting your deadlines in advance.  Do a routine check to ensure that you are on schedule. Implement a system that works best for you.  For example; if you know you have to meet deadlines every Thursday, you should start early in the week…gathering all of the necessary components to make it happen.
Simplify task
4.  Break down your task to make it easier to complete.  Concentrate on the most urgent and demanding work first- but be sure to complete other less-urgent assignments as well in a timely matter.   Set goals for completing work and meeting deadlines.
Plan and start early
5. You should plan to start early to meet your deadlines.  This means that you might want to come in extra early, stay late, or come in on the weekend for a couple of hours or so- to process and execute job assignments ahead of time  When you start early enough you will more than likely meet your deadlines and in some cases you will beat your deadlines.
Use latest technology
6. Make sure that the equipment that you use to process and complete your work is in good working condition.  You will need to upgrade software and replace equipment that is unreliable and breaks down repeatedly.  Your company should invest in the best and latest technology in order to process work more efficiently and to stay competitive.
Stay abreast
7. You will need to stay abreast as to when changes are made to your normal routine and work schedules.  Stay abreast by checking your e-mail, your voicemail, and by communicating with internal and external staff and clients.
Institute a back-up plan
8. It’s imperative that you have a back-up plan in place in the event of unforeseen circumstances that could hinder or alter your original plans.  You should also train and appoint someone else to do your job when you are out. 
*Seek competent assistance in the event you fall behind schedule
*Notify appropriate individual(s) in the event you are behind schedule

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