- First and foremost, in order to be a good leader you must be able to relate to people from all walks of life. If you don’t like dealing with all types of people then you would not make a GOOD leader. You will need to have a great personality as to attract people to you. In short, you must display a friendly demeanor and show concern towards all people if you expect them to follow you.
- Next, a good leader must lead by example. If you are going to talk the talk you must be willing to walk the walk. You must set a good example to those who follow you if you want to be an effective leader…and here’s why; proceed to next step.
- Leaders should be honest. A lack of trustworthiness can erode your credibility as a leader. Your followers must be able to trust you before they can follow you. In the event you fall short, learn to take accountability for your actions. In other words, you should apologize when you make a mistake(s).
- A good leader makes plans and set goals and then communicates the vision to the group. It’s imperative that you reveal to your followers any deviations from the original plans. Keep them abreast about the directions in which you are headed. Scheduled meeting, e-mails, phone calls, etc. are ways in which you can communicate effectively with your group.
- As a leader, you will need to be able to “think outside of the box." You should implement fresh new ideas that will help lead your followers to a more successful future.
- A good leader exhibits great passion about their role and can motivate their group members to follow their lead even in the most difficult times.
- A good leader should be empathetic towards their members when they need support. You should be sensitive to their troubled feelings and emotions that they might display. You should take time to actively listen to them if they should encounter difficulty and need your advice.
- A good leader will connect with the group and take interest in their individual talents and successes. You should make them feel appreciated. Good leaders will involve their team members in all aspects of the business and help unleash hidden potential in each.
- A good leader will share responsibility with team members to ensure that you achieve desired goals and objectives in a timely manner. Don’t be afraid to appoint individuals who are capable of performing various tasks, to do so. This will free you up time to do other things.
- And finally, a good leader sets goals and relies on the assistance of the team to help achieve the goals. You must realize that you are part of a team and achieving desired goals will take team effort.