Thursday, September 4, 2014

How to Effectively Facilitate a Business Meeting in Seven Steps
As the facilitator, your key role is to demonstrate effective leadership skills while your focal objective is to encourage group participation.  You should initiate a collaborative correlation with your participants where you create a positive environment for learning while allowing participants to give their input as well.  Here are steps for facilitating your next business meeting.

Step 1

First and foremost, you will need to gather materials needed for the meeting beforehand.  Such as handouts, flip charts, technological equipment, and set up seating arrangement.   You should familiarize yourself with the topic and should be prepared to competently facilitate the meeting.

Step 2

You should arrive before your participants.  At the start of the meeting, you will need to introduce yourself and convey the purpose of the meeting and the desired goals and objectives.  You should also use this time to pass out any handouts that will be needed. You can ask someone to pass out the handouts for you. This is a good way to bring about audience participation.  You should also allow time for refreshments, if any.

Step 3

Enunciate your words so that everyone can clearly comprehend your message and be sure to sustain eye contact and good body language. Try to stay on topic and predetermine how much time you will need to spend on each subject matter and try not to go over the time limit. And remember, you want to remain as neutral as possible.  Don’t try to force your opinion.  Ask open-ended questions to allow ideas and suggestions from your participants.  Display a good sense of humor and demonstrate sensitivity to the needs of your participants.   Utilize your visual aids for a more effective facilitation technique.

Step 4

Remember, you want to allow your participants ample time to give their input.  Allow your participants space to express themselves.  You will need to listen attentively to each individual.

Step 5

You want to motivate your audience to participate. Role-play is an excellent way in which to engage your audience.  Try to foster an environment in which everyone will feel comfortable.

Step 6

You should start the meeting on time and try to end at the allotted time frame.  Remember to allow time for a review and feedback.

Step 7

Lastly, review your topic towards the close of your meeting. Ask your participants if they have any questions about anything that was mentioned in the meeting.  Try to answer each question as efficiently as possible.  As the meeting comes to a close, be sure to thank your participants for coming and tell them that they were a great group.

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